Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha or Sailor Moon!!!

Chap 4 Yay Kagome's all better or not

A few minutes later Kagome had finished her cookie and milk and was leaning on Inuyasha.

" looks like you're ready for that nap," Inuyasha said softly.

Kagome nodded against his shoulder.

" ok"

Inuyasha picked Kagome up and headed upstairs. When he got to Kagome's room he walked over to the bed and gently lied her down then pulled the comforter over her.

" you want me to rub your back?" Inuyasha asked softly.

" Ok," Kagome said sleepily.

Inuyasha sat on the side of the bed and let Kagome roll on to her stomach before starting to rub her back. Kagome closed her eyes and dozed off.

After Inuyasha was sure Kagome was asleep he stopped rubbing her back and sat down beside the bed.

An hour or so later Kagome woke up. She sat up and noticed Inuyasha sitting beside her bed. She was surprised when he didn't look at her the minute she moved until she noticed he was asleep. She reached out and gently started stroking his head (A/N: like you'd stroke a puppy's head). After a few minutes Inuyasha started to purr. Kagome giggled and kept petting his head.

When she started to get tired again Kagome gently climbed out of bed and crawled into Inuyasha's lap. Inuyasha instinctively wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close. Kagome snuggled close to his chest and drifted off to dreamland.

Just after Kagome fell asleep Mrs. Higurashi came up to check on them and found the adorable scene of Kagome asleep in Inuyasha's arms. She gently closed the door and left them in peace.

When Inuyasha woke up half an hour later he was going to turn around to check on Kagome when he felt something move in his lap (A/N: no not that…mind out of gutter please!!!). He looked down and saw Kagome snuggle closer into his chest. He felt her forehead and smiled when he felt it was still normal, no fever. He reached up and grabbed the blanket off her bed and wrapped it around her.

Kagome awoke to a pair of golden eyes staring at her.

" You feeling better?" Inuyasha asked sweetly.

" Huh?… yeah a lot better," Kagome said still a little dazed from sleep.

" that's good," Inuyasha said smiling one of his rare, though beautiful, smiles.

Kagome, not wanting to get up just yet, snuggled up to Inuyasha again and closed her eyes.

" Kagome…" Inuyasha started.

" Not yet. Just a little longer. Please," she opened her eyes just long enough to give him a puppy look.

" Fine just a little longer. But then we're going down stairs 'cause u need to eat something," Inuyasha said as he wrapped his arms back around her.

" Ok," Kagome said snuggling up to his chest.

10 minutes later Inuyasha went to get Kagome up when he noticed she was asleep. He was going to let her sleep when he remembered she needed to eat something. He gently shook her but she didn't wake up, so he shook her again.

" Come on Kagome it's time to wake up," he said softly.

" No just a few more minutes mom," Kagome mumbled in her sleep.

" No Kagome time to get up now," Inuyasha said shaking her a bit harder.

" Huh?" Kagome asked sleepily as she looked up at Inuyasha.

" It's time to get something to eat," Inuyasha said softly.

" But I wanna sleep," Kagome whined.

" You need to eat something then you can sleep"

" Fine"

Inuyasha gently set Kagome down beside him then stood up and held a hand to Kagome. Kagome took his hand and he pulled her to her feet. Once Kagome was standing she grabbed Inuyasha's arm and they headed downstairs.

They walked into the living room and sat beside Mrs. Higurashi on the couch.

" Mom can you make me some Chicken noodle soup? Please," Kagome asked yawning.

" Sure sweetie," Mrs. Higurashi said smiling, " you feeling better?"

" Yeah but I'm still tired. I would be sleeping but Inuyasha said I had to eat something," Kagome said almost whining.

" Well he's right," Mrs. Higurashi said standing up."

She walked over to Inuyasha and patted his head.

" Good boy!" She said smiling as she walked into the kitchen.

" Stupid dog jokes!" Inuyasha growled under his breath as he scowled and crossed his arms.

" Inuyasha I'm tired," Kagome whined snuggling up to his chest as she sat in his lap.

" Kagome don't fall asleep on me. You can have a nap after you eat your soup," Inuyasha said softly but firmly.

" But I'm tired now," Kagome whined in a high voice.

" No naps until after you eat something," Inuyasha said getting annoyed.

" But I'm tired," Kagome whined even higher.

" Fine just a little nap," Inuyasha said covering his ears to protect them from Kagome's high pitched voice.

Kagome smiled in victory and snuggled into Inuyasha's lap. Inuyasha wrapped his arms around her again and pulled her close.

Mrs. Higurashi came in with Kagome's soup 10 minutes later. She smiled when she saw Kagome sleeping in Inuyasha's lap again. She set the bowl of soup on the coffee table then sat down beside Inuyasha on the couch.

" I'll wake her up she can eat," Inuyasha said softly.

" Why don't you lay her down and let her wake up on her own then maybe she won't be so tired," Mrs. Higurashi said smiling, " you can lay her down on the couch,"

" Ok"

Inuyasha laid her down on the couch and brushed some of her bangs away from her eyes. His fingers brushed her forehead and he was surprised to find it warmer then is should've been.

" Uh… I think Kagome has a fever again," Inuyasha said putting his whole hand on her forehead. He found it hot and started to get worried again.

Mrs. Higurashi walked over and felt Kagome's forehead frowning when she found it hot.

" I think she's relapsing," Mrs. Higurashi said frowning.

" What's relapsing mean?" Inuyasha asked in confusion.

" It means something is doing a thing over again."

" Oh…so she's sick again?"

" Yep."

" Those cookies aren't gonna it very well."

" Probably not."

Just as Mrs. Higurashi finished talking Kagome woke up and looked at Inuyasha.

" I don't feel good anymore," Kagome whimpered.

Inuyasha picked her up then sat down on the couch and held her close. Kagome closed her eyes and snuggled close to his chest.

" Inuyasha my head hurts," Kagome mumbled snuggling closer.

" Why don't you drink some of your soup. Maybe it'll help," Inuyasha said softly.

Kagome shook her head.

" Come on sweetie. Inuyasha's right, it'll help," Mrs. Higurashi said softly.

" Uh-uh. My tummy doesn't feel good. If I have soup it'll upset it," Kagome mumbled trying to curl into Inuyasha.

" Fine. How about some water?" Inuyasha asked hopefully.

" Ok. But only if it's cold," Came Kagome's sound, muffled from being smothered in Inuyasha's chest.

Mrs. Higurashi got up and grabbed one of the water bottles from the fridge. She brought it back for Kagome.

" Here sweetie," Mrs. Higurashi said opening the water bottle and handing it to Kagome.

" Thanx," Kagome mumbled taking a sip of water then setting it on the coffee table and snuggling up to Inuyasha.

" Inuyasha," Kagome mumbled.

" Yeah," Inuyasha said looking down at her.

" My head still hurts."

" Why don't we go upstairs and you can take a nap?"

" Ok"

Inuyasha stood up carefully and headed for Kagome's room. When he got there he walked over to her bed and gently laid her down. He tucked her in and made sure she was comfy then sat down beside the bed.

Kagome tried to sleep but after 5 minutes she sat up and looked at Inuyasha.

" Inuyasha I can't sleep," Kagome mumbled tiredly, " and I'm cold."

" How about you snuggle up in your blanket and you can sit in my lap," Inuyasha said softly.

" My head hurts more when I'm sitting up."

" Well I could get you another blanket then rub your back."

" how about you lay beside me so I can snuggle up to you."

" Um… Won't your mom mind?"

" Please"

" Fine"

Inuyasha got up on the bed and Kagome moved over so there was room for him. He laid down beside Kagome and wrapped his arms around her.(A/N: he's lying on the covers). Kagome snuggled up to his chest and sighed contently. In a few minutes Kagome was fast asleep. Inuyasha thought about moving but decided not to so he didn't wake Kagome.

Mrs. Higurashi came up to check on Kagome 10 minutes later. She found the adorable scene of Kagome snuggled into Inuyasha's chest both sleeping peacefully. Inuyasha woke up when he felt her hand brush his neck. He looked up at her and started to fidget.

" It's ok go back to sleep," Mrs. Higurashi said quietly.

" But…uh," Inuyasha mumbled sleepily.

" I'm fine with it. Just go back to sleep."

Inuyasha stopped fidgeting and closed his eyes. Mrs. Higurashi smiled then walked out of the room closing the door softly behind her.

When Kagome woke up an hour later her tummy wasn't feeling good and the fact that Inuyasha had his arms wrapped tightly around it wasn't helping. She squirmed a bit and Inuyasha opened his eyes.

" Inuyasha my tummy doesn't feel good. You're squeezing it to tight," Kagome mumbled.

" Oh sorry," Inuyasha said softly as he stopped squeezing her tummy and started gently rubbing it, " better?"

" Uh-huh," Kagome mumbled snuggling closer to him.

" Does your tummy feel pukey?"

" No. It just doesn't feel good."

" You sure?"

Kagome nodded.

" You positive?"

Kagome nodded the shook her head and scrambled to the washroom. She bent over the toilet and started puking violently. Inuyasha was by her side immediately. He started gently rubbing her back.

After she was finished Kagome wiped her mouth then snuggled into Inuyasha.

" Inuyasha," Kagome whimpered, " I don't feel good. My tummy doesn't feel good."

" Come on, let's get you back to bed," Inuyasha said softly.

" Ok"

Inuyasha picked her up as he stood up and carried her back to her room. He gently tucked her in then felt her forehead.

" I'll go get some Gravol for your tummy and a cool cloth for your head," Inuyasha said planting a soft kiss on her forehead.

" Ok. Then will you come back and cuddle me?" Kagome asked quietly.

" Ok. Then I'll come back and cuddle you."

Kagome smiled as she snuggled into her covers. Inuyasha planted one more kiss on her forehead before heading downstairs to get Kagome's medicine.

When he got downstairs he walked into the kitchen to find Mrs. Higurashi doing dishes. He walked up beside her and she turned around.

" Oh hello. How was your nap?" Mrs. Higurashi asked smiling.

" It was ok," Inuyasha mumbled blushing.

" Is there something you need?"

Yeah Kagome needs some Gravol."

" Ok I'll get her some."

Mrs. Higurashi walked over to the counter and grabbed the Gravol bottle then took a tablet out and handed it to Inuyasha.

" anything else you need?" Mrs. Higurashi asked sweetly.

" Nope."

" Ok."

Inuyasha headed back up to Kagome. When he got to her room he could hear her sniffling. He walked over to the bed.

" What's wrong?" Inuyasha asked softly.

" My t-tummy hurts," Kagome mumbled clenching her tummy.

" Do you want the hot water bottle?"

" I don't know I just want it to stop."

" How about you take your Gravol and I'll get you a cool cloth the snuggle up beside you and rub your tummy."

" Ok."

Inuyasha handed Kagome the Gravol then helped her sit up. She grabbed the water bottle off her nightstand and opened it then popped the Gravol into her mouth and swallowed it with a sip. Inuyasha helped her lie down again then grabbed the cloth off her nightstand and headed for the washroom. He dampened it then rung it out and brought it back for Kagome.

When he got back to Kagome's room he planted a soft kiss on her forehead then covered it with the cloth and crawled in beside her. Kagome snuggled in to him as Inuyasha wrapped his arms around her and started rubbing her tummy.

" How's that?" He asked softly.

" Perfect," Kagome mumbled sleepily.

" Good. You fall asleep, K"

Kagome nodded before snuggling a little closer and falling asleep.

When Mrs. Higurashi came in to check on them 10 min later Inuyasha had just stopped rubbing Kagome's tummy and was just cuddling her . She smiled at the adorable scene before walking over to feel Kagome's forehead. Inuyasha looked up at her.

" Kagome's fever has gone down a bit," Mrs. Higurashi said softly.

" well at least that's getting better," Inuyasha said looking down at Kagome when she moved, " She's got an upset stomach and cramps again,"

" Aw. I'll heat up the hot water bottle for when she wakes up."

" Ok. I think it's in the bathroom."

" Ok if it isn't I'll come back."

" K"

Mrs. Higurashi headed for the washroom to get the Hot water bottle.

Kagome started to fidget and mumble in her sleep. Inuyasha started rubbing her tummy again and gently kissed her forehead. She immediately calmed down and snuggled into Inuyasha's chest.

When Kagome woke up half an hour later she was feeling better but her cramps were worse.

" Inuyasha my tummy hurts," Kagome mumbled Into Inuyasha's chest.

" I think your mom has the hot water bottle ready downstairs. I'll go get it," Inuyasha said softly sitting up.

" No, I want you to stay,"

" How about you come with me and maybe we can get you something to eat."

" Ok"

Inuyasha got off the bed then gently picked Kagome up and headed for the door.

When they got downstairs they found Mrs. Higurashi in the kitchen with the kettle on. She heard them walk in and turned around.

" Mamma, My tummy hurts," Kagome mumbled leaning toward her.

Inuyasha let Kagome down so he was standing in front of her mom. Mrs. Higurashi wrapped her arms around Kagome and gently rubbed her back.

" It's ok sweetie. The hot water bottle is almost ready," Mrs. Higurashi said softly, " then you can snuggle up with Inuyasha and go back to sleep."

" Ok"

Mrs. Higurashi released her daughter when the kettle started whistling and went to fill the hot water bottle. Inuyasha gently scooped Kagome up and kissed her forehead.

" You wanna go to your room or into the living room?" Inuyasha asked softly.

" I don't know," Kagome mumbled.

" Ok let's go sit on the couch while your mom gets the hot water bottle ready"

" Ok"

Inuyasha carried Kagome into the living room and sat down on the couch. He crossed his legs and gently set Kagome in his lap. She snuggled up to his chest and closed her eyes.

" Inuyasha, my head's starting to hurt," Kagome mumbled sleepily.

" You want something for it?" Inuyasha asked softly.

Kagome shook her head softly.

" Ok then you try to sleep and I'll rub your back,"

" Ok"

Kagome snuggled closer and Inuyasha started gently rubbing her back. Kagome signed contently and snuggled closer.

When Mrs. Higurashi came in 5 minutes later Kagome was asleep. She smiled at her daughter the looked at Inuyasha.

" I'll wake her up," Inuyasha said softly, " She doesn't like having the hot water bottle just put on her stomach, it startles her."

" Ok," Mrs. Higurashi said smiling.

Inuyasha gently moved his arm and Kagome woke up.

" Huh?" Kagome mumbled sleepily.

Mrs. Higurashi handed Inuyasha the hot water bottle.

" Hot water bottle," Inuyasha said softly.

Kagome nodded and snuggled up to his chest. Inuyasha placed the hot water bottle on her stomach then wrapped his arms around her.

" You want something to eat?" Inuyasha asked softly.

" I don't know," Kagome mumbled.

" How about some soup?"

" Sleep,"

Kagome closed her eyes and curled into Inuyasha's chest. Inuyasha got the message. He smiled.

" I'm gonna put Kagome to bed and when she wakes up we can try to get her to eat something," Inuyasha said looking at Mrs. Higurashi.

" Ok"

Inuyasha stood up with Kagome in his arms and headed upstairs. When he got to her room he walked over to her bed and gently laid Kagome down on her bed tucking her in.

" Cuddle?" Kagome mumbled.

" Ok"

Inuyasha crawled onto the bed and lied down beside Kagome wrapping his arms around her. Kagome fell asleep almost instantly, snuggled into Inuyasha's chest. Inuyasha ended up falling asleep too.

About an hour later Inuyasha woke up to Kagome's sniffles. He looked at Kagome and noticed she'd wiggled out of his hold. He wrapped his arms around her again and started rubbing her back.

" What's wrong," Inuyasha asked softly.

" My tummy hurts really bad," Kagome sniffled.

" Where's the hot water bottle?"

" I don't know."

Inuyasha looked around and spotted the hot water bottle on the floor.

" I see it," Inuyasha said softly as he got up and grabbed it.

He brought it over to the bed and gently rolled Kagome over then placed it on her stomach.

" Better?"

Kagome nodded.

" You hungry?"

Kagome nodded.

" Want soup?"

Kagome nodded again.

" Ok"

Inuyasha gently scooped Kagome up and headed for the kitchen.

When they got down stairs Mrs. Higurashi was going on a cleaning spree. She heard them come down and stopped her rampage for a second.

" Kagome's hungry," Inuyasha said softly.

Kagome nodded.

" Ok. Inuyasha why don't you go into the living room and Kagome and you can watch a movie,"

" Ok," Inuyasha said heading into the living room.

" Do you wanna watch a movie?" Inuyasha asked sweetly.(A/N: Inuyasha has been around Kagome's time so much he knows what movies are)

" Ok I'll put one on," Kagome mumbled. Inuyasha let her down and she walked over to the T.V. . She grabbed one of her favorite movies and popped it into the VCR then went over to Inuyasha, who was sitting on the couch with his legs crossed, and crawled into his lap.

" What are we watching?" Inuyasha asked softly.

" Sailor Moon R the movie," Kagome mumbled.

" Ok."

They started watching the movie and not more then 5 minutes in Kagome was asleep again. Inuyasha turned the VCR off then laid down with Kagome on the couch. He decided a nap would do him some good and fell asleep cuddled up with Kagome.

When Mrs. Higurashi came in 5 minutes later she found then asleep all snuggled up. She walked over and put the soup she had down before walking over and gently rubbed Inuyasha's ear. He woke up and looked at her.

" Waked Kagome up so she can eat her soup please," Mrs. Higurashi said softly.

" Ok," Inuyasha said gently shaking Kagome.

" Huh?" Kagome mumbled sleepily.

" Soup," Inuyasha said softly.

Inuyasha helped Kagome sit up and she rubbed her eyes and yawned then picked up the bowl of soup sitting on the coffee table and sipped at it a few times. Mrs. Higurashi gently placed a hand on her daughters forehead.

" I think your fever's gone," Mrs. Higurashi said smiling.

" Let's hope it stays gone," Inuyasha said as he watched Kagome finish her soup.

" I'm felling better but I'm still really tired," Kagome mumbled leaning on Inuyasha.

" Your body's just recuperating after fighting what ever you had," Mrs. Higurashi said softly.

" Tired," Kagome mumbled closing her eyes.

" Naptime again?" Inuyasha asked softly.

Kagome nodded.

" Bed or here?"

" Bed"

" Ok," Inuyasha said picking her up as he stood up, " I'm gonna take Kagome up and put her to bed."

" Ok," Mrs. Higurashi said as she picked up Kagome's bowl and turned towards the kitchen.

Inuyasha took Kagome up to her room and laid her in bed then snuggled up beside her to finish their nap.

Inuyasha woke up a while later to Kagome fidgeting and mumbling in her sleep. He wrapped his arms tightly around her and pulled her close. Kagome, feeling Inuyasha's arms around her, calmed down a little. She mumbled tummy and Inuyasha got the picture. He pulled her a little closer then started rubbing her tummy. Kagome clamed right down then snuggled into Inuyasha's chest and fell back into a peaceful sleep.