Disclaimer: For the last time! I don't own TSL!

A/N: This is the final chapter! Yay me! I finally finished it! The chapter may be a little rushed but I think you'll like it. At least I hope you do. It took me forever to write.

The next day, Kurt woke up still sitting in the chair next to Zack's bed. He had fallen asleep unitentionally. He looked over at his son who was still sleeping soundly. Kurt decided to go spend some time with his wife. He realized that he hadn't seen Carey at all since Christmas, and he was suddenly filled with guilt. Carey had almost died and he wouldn't have even seen her for three months. He promised himself he would spend more time with Carey and the boys.

Kurt entered the room Carey was in. She looked so different. Her face was pale, she was wearing no make-up, and the hospital gown was nothing like the clothes she usually wore. In a way, she looked vulnerable, and Kurt was not used to seeing that. He almost broke down and cried, but stopped because he knew he needed to be strong. He pulled up a chair and sat next to Carey's bed.

"Hey, Carey. It's Kurt. I don't know what's going on right now. No one's told me how you and Cody got poisoned or how Zack got shot. You have to wake up. I don't know what I'll do if you don't. Because, let's face reality for a second, I can't take care of two teenage boys! Zack already tried that, and it wasn't working out. I'm on the road all the time. That's no life for a kid. I'm not even sure if it's the life for me anymore. I regret not being with Zack and Cody more."

"Mmmm," Carey moaned.

Kurt sat up a little straighter in in his chair. "Carey?"

Carey slowly opened her eyes. "Kurt?"

"Yeah. How are you feeling? Do you need anything?"

"Where's Zack and Cody?" Carey said suddenly alarmed.

"They're both fine. Zack's doing better than Cody, but they are both going to live."

Carey's expression eased a little now that she knew her boys would be okay. An awkward silence followed before Kurt hesitently asked, "What happened yesterday?"

"It's such a long story, and I'm too tired to tell you right now. If you don't mind, why don't Zack, Cody and I tell you when we all get out of the hospital?"

Kurt couldn't hide his disappointment, but he agreed with Carey. "Okay."

The next week was a blur. Television crews and reporters were constantly waiting outside the hospital for Kurt to come out. Everyone was wondering what happened with Joel. Unfortunatly, Kurt didn't have the slightest clue what happened, and didn't know what to say to the reporters. He mostly just stayed in the hospital.

One day there was an incident where a repoter walked into the hospital acting like a sick patient. She was doing fine until she followed Kurt into Zack's room and began hounding them with questions. When two policemen came to get her, she kept saying she was crazy and that she didn't know what she was talking about. Then policemen started guarding the front door to the hospital to assure privacy to the Martin's.

Finally, Carey, Zack, and Cody were released from the hospital. They were all wheeled out of the hospital by a nurse to an awaiting car driven by Kurt. The reporters were still waiting by the hospital and each member of the Martin family was bombarded with questions. That is, everyone except Kurt who the reporters figured out knew nothing about the ordeal with Joel.

Inm the car, Carey sat up front with Kurt, while Zack and Cody sat in the back. It wasn't long before Cody fell asleep. His body had not taken the poison well, making him tired all the time. He would also get frequent stomach cramps that would make him double over in pain. On top of all of that, he had constant headaches, making it hard for him to concentrate on anything for too long. The doctors gave him some medication that helped with everything, but it didn't work completely.

Carey was mostly okay. She had the cramps and headaches, but not nearly as bad. And she was tired a lot, but not all of time. She could deal with all of those things just fine because she was used to them from raising twin boys. And of course the cramping wasn't unusual, especially during that certain time of the month.

Zack was doing well enough. His stomach hurt a lot, but that would go away eventually. His problem was that he was constantly scared something bad was going to happen to his mom or brother. He had terrible dreams at night of Joel escaping from jail and killing his family. His mental state was far fromhealthy and doctors expected him to need counceling at onepoint or another.

When Kurt finally pulled up to the Tipton Zack woke Cody up and they got out of the car as fast as they could, which was pretty fast considering they just came from a hospital. The Martin family walked into the Tipton through the revolving doors and were greeted with a giant "SUPRISE!" Carey cried, Kurt hugged Carey, Zack hugged Maddie who didn't object this time, and Cody stood, smiling, at Mr. Moesby and wondered if it was him who arranged the suprise/welcome back party.

Carey and the boys told Kurt about everything that happened with Joel andfor the next few weeks, Carey, Zack, and Cody were in court testifying. It took forever, but Joel was finally thrown in jail, with no chance for bail. He was also kept in a solitary cell so there was no chance for escaping again. He was only allowed out if a visitor came and when it was time to go outside for "recess." Even then, he was kept in a seperate area.

Kurt was quilty about not seeing his family enough and decided to quit the band. He moved to Boston a few blocks away from the Tipton. A week later he started singing at the Tipton with Carey. And a month after that he was living in the Tipton. Cody remembered how at Christmas, his mom and dad said they were never going to get remarried. But when they started going on dates again, he begged to differ. Even Zack was getting his hopes up.

"When do you think mom and dad will get married?" Zack and Cody were laying on Zack's bed. Cody's head was leaning against Zack's shoulder and Zack's head was leaning on Cody's.

"Cody, dad hasn't even popped the question yet, I highly doubt it will be anytime soon," said Zack.

"Yeah well, they should hurry up. They know they love each other, we know they love each other, I think it's about time they get married...again," replied Cody.

As if Kurt knew what Cody just said, he asked Carey the question. She cried and jumped up and down. Finally, she said...yes! Zack and Cody could hear everything from their bedroom and fell asleep, dreaming of what their new life with dad would be like.

The End.

So did this fic make Staying Silent's ending seem not so bad? I hope so. Please review and tell me what you thought of Crazy. And I kind of left this ending open ended. You can imagine whatever you want for the life of Zack and Cody after the marriage. Or you don't have to. Either way. Just please review. It would make me happy.And if I'm happy I'll write more fics. Okay. Review!