Disclaimer: I own nothing. Well, I do own Joel. So ha. Jk.

A/N: Well this is a sequel to Staying Silent. I got this idea from FudgeBrownie when she reviewed on my last chapter on what should have happened to the ending of Staying Silent. I thought it was a great idea and I'm making a sequel out of it. So everyone should thank Fudge for that.

Cody was walking down a dark alley. When he reached the end he saw a fat man laying in a pool of blood. Joel was standing near him, holding a gun out in front of him. The gun was pointed at something. Cody turned around to see what it was. It was Zack and Carey! "No!" he screamed. But it was to late. A loud bang filled the air and Cody dropped to his knees crying. Now Zack and Carey were laying in a pool of blood and Joel was laughing. Then Cody was nudged by something. He looked up.

"You had it again didn't you?" asked Zack as he stood over Cody's bed. He had been nudging Cody so he could wake up from his nightmare.

Cody's cheeks were tear-stained. "Yeah."

"You want to talk about it?" Zack offered.

"No. I'm okay," replied Cody and the the boys went back to bed.

It had been almost three months since the whole incident with Joel, and Cody was relaxing a lot more now. He was back to getting in trouble with Zack and he had even entered in another spelling bee. But he would have the dream every few days or so. The dream was always the same. Cody thought he should be used to the dreams by now since he had been having them so often, but he could never get the feeling out of his head that the dream could actually come true. He couldn't help but think, "What if Joel got out of jail?"

At School

"So do you think Sarah would go out with me?" asked Zack nodding his head to a girl with long blonde hair and blue eyes.

"Hmmm. I don't know. Do you like her?"

Zack thought about for a second. "Yeah. I guess so."

"Well maybe you should ask her if she likes you."

"But what if she doesn't?"

"Then I will help you get through your heart break," laughed Cody. He was serious if Zack needed his help, but he laughed because he couldn't see Zack crying over some girl that doesn't like him.

"Why don't you ask her if she like me?"

"Because the last time we tried that, the girl ended up liking me better. And then you got mad and chained me to Mr. Moesby's car with my bike lock. Just ask her yourself. Look. She's coming over here."

"Hey Sarah!" said Zack waving his hand in the air.

"Could you and your brother please stop staring at me? It's really creepy. Okay. Bye."

The smile on Zack's face disappeared in an instant. Now Sarah thought he and Cody were little perferts or something. Great. Cody had stepped a couple feet away when Sarah came to give Zack his privacy, but now he was silently laughing under his breath. "It's not funny. Stop laughing."

"It is funny. And no." After saying that, Cody looked at Zack. Then he darted away while Zack ran after him.

"You said you would help me if she didn't like me back. Not laugh at me," Zack yelled. Cody just kept laughing. Just then, the school bell rang and Zack and Cody made their way back to the school's doors. Cody was the last one to get to the doors. As he started walking through the doors he saw what looked like Joel standing in the bushes outsiode the school out of the corner of his eye. He quickly turned his head, but whatever was in the bush was gone. Cody was creeped out a little and hurried into the school. He knew that it was just his imagination. Or was it?

So how did you like the first chapter! I'm hoping the chapters will get longer than this one is. Review and tell me what you think!