-Ready for the biggest Battle Royale of the century? Except it's ANIME STYLE! Yeah, I gathered tons of Anime character from every corner of the world (and a few non-anime characters) and threw them in a BR. It's crazyness!

-This disclaimer is going to be nuts...so here goes nothing. I don't own Cowboy Bebop, Pokemon, Full Metal Alchemist, Trigun, Death Note, Yu-Gi-Oh, Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts, Zelda, Samus, Rurouni Kenshin, Lord of The Rings, Harry Potter, Star Wars, or Battle Royale.

-I lurv reviews! Not only that, I'm actually trying to become a better writer (who would've thunk it?) so if you guys could tell me anything that's wrong or that could be done better, go for it. I love you guys! Enjoy!

- (edit) I recently rewrote this whole thing. I mean...I started it over a year ago. And over the year I've discovered new animes, and I replaced some characters. It's nothing major to the plot yet, since the characters that have been replaced haven't been written about yet. It's just hard to make fun of Chobits, so I replaced it with Trigun, because I finished the anime recently, and it rocks. Mwhahaha, be prepared.

Where are we?

"Oww…" He rubbed his head. He couldn't remember much of thee past day. He had been trying to capture a beedrill in the woods when Team Rocket came by. What happened to them anyway? He remembered a big explosion, but couldn't think of anything after that. He looked around. He was sitting down, in a chair. Was this a classroom? Yeah, he was defiantly in a classroom, with other people he didn't know. Some of them were older, while others were younger. Some were dressed oddly, wearing nothing modern, that was for sure. He saw a few kids his own age, but he looked like one of the youngest.

He glanced down, and his hand skimmed the yellow electric pokemon that was always with him, in attempt to gain its attention. "Pikachu…where are we?" Ash asked his best friend.

"Chuu?" Pikachu was wide awake, and now that it noticed Ash was awake too it clung to him, as if something awful was going on. This wasn't something Team Rocket had cooked up, was it?

But he soon found out that it couldn't be from Team Rocket as he heard two familiar voices coming from behind him.

"What happened to my hair?!" Ash turned around and saw the face of Jessie, a member of a rival gang. Jessie's hair didn't look any different to Ash, but when you're Jessie from Team Rocket you're hair was always important.

"Nothing!" Came the high pitched voice of her comrade James. He seemed slightly scared by her outburst.

"Then why does it feel like someone ruined it?!" She asked James, violently shaking him, trying to get answers out of the poor boy.

"I didn't touch it!" James escaped her grip. "I bet he did it!" He pointed to Ash, sitting in front of the two.

"Twerp, what did you do to my hair?!" She screamed at him.

"Can you two be any louder?" A teenager asked who had just woken up himself. Ash looked at the boy. He was hansom, with brownish hair, and tall, even though he was sitting down. Or maybe it was just the kid he was sitting next to. A boy about, the same age, dressed in baggy jeans and a loose white t-shirt, was slouched over, biting the end of his thumb as if he was analyzing the situation. The weirdest thing about these two was that they were chained together by handcuffs.

Ash's eyes were stuck on the kid with the baggy jeans and white t-shirt. He couldn't exactly say why, but it seemed that Ash had met this kid before. The boy was giving Ash an odd look, as if he was trying to read into his mind. "Chuu." Said pikachu, looking up at Ash.

"Don't worry!" Ash said confidently. "We'll get out of this weird place and back to Misty and Brock."

"What's your name?" The boy in the lose jeans asked Ash, butting in on his conversation with his pokemon.

"I'm Ash Ketchum, from Pallet Town." He introduced himself. "Who are you?"

"Just call me L." The boy said. "And this is Raito Yagami." He said pointing at the person he was handcuffed to. "We were in the middle of trying to find someone." L told Ash. He had been pulled away from the Kira case quite suddenly and couldn't figure out why he was here instead.

Ash felt that he had defiantly seen L around somewhere before. But where? "L and Raito?" He asked, looking back and forth. "Who are you looking for?"

"A guy named Kira." Raito was sitting upright, unlike his friend L, and he was glancing from Ash to L, then back to Ash. "You two look alike. Are you secrete brothers or something?" He finally said.

So that was it. L looked just like him! Ash decided that he liked L now. But L's eyes fell on Pikachu. "What is that?" L asked Ash.

"It's my pokemon." Ash said. "Pikachu. He's really tough. Isn't that right?" Ash asked his friend, picking Pikachu up and sitting him in his lap.

"Chuu…" Pikachu was still making a noise that said something was wrong. "What? There's nothing to be scared abou-"

The door burst open. Four soldiers, dressed in camouflage suits, and each holding an automatic rifle burst in the room. This caught the attention of not just Ash, Team Rocket, L and Raito, but everyone in the room as well. Silence fell upon everyone. Two guards stood post at the doorway entrance. The other two were waiting for someone to enter.

A man in a hood was next seen entering the classroom. His feet slowly hit the floor, with the sound of a single foot step bouncing off the wall. He wore a cloak, which seemed to move more than he did. It churned around him, covering his thin body in a protective layer of felt. Just in his presence everyone felt cautious. The man stopped in front of a chalk board, and picked up a piece of chalk. He wrote only two letters on the board, BR.

He turned to face everyone. "Find a seat." He said in a curt voice, as if he was a teacher of some sort.

Some people had not been in seats when they awoke from their sleep. These people who were walking around, wondering what they were doing here found a seat, as told. Except for one.

"Tell me why I'm here." A voice with the same curt tone as the man in the front answered his demand. This man was young, roughly about twenty, and was standing in the back of the room with a brief case in one hand. He was in a trench coat, standing tall and proud. He wasn't scared in the least.

"Ah, you would be Seto Kaiba of Kaiba corp., correct?" The man in the front asked. "I have no time for petty games. Sit down and I will explain it to you." The man removed his hood from his head revealing greasy black hair, matching his dark eyes. His face was old, as if he was fifty or something of that age.

The man named Kaiba sat down, as curiosity intrigued him too much to argue with the old man in the front of the room.

"You will call me Professor Snape." The man in the front of the room said. "You have all been enrolled in the BR act."

"What does BR mean?" The noise came from a younger boy, clad in a red coat with white gloves. His blond hair was tied back in a braid. Ash turned his attention to this boy (one of the few his age) and noticed that right where his sleeve met his glove and there should have been a wrist, there was no skin. Instead, it looked as if his arm was made out of metal. Ash wanted to ask him about it but Snape got to his question first.

"I'm trying to explain it." Snape snapped at the boy. "Battle Royale." He said growing annoyed with these people, only to be cut off again. This time it was a boy, dressed in normal school clothes. Nothing unique about this one.

"Again?" He asked, laughing. "This is a sick joke." Ash could only assume that he knew what a Battle Royale was. The boy continued. "Try to throw me in another one and I'll just destroy you."

"Shinji Mimura, you failed last time you tried to eliminate Sakamochi. Don't overestimate yourself." Snape replied in the same cold tone. Why couldn't they all stop their talking? Snape had enough of this at Hogwarts. "Now shut up."

Shinji stared at Snape, shocked. How did he know? Why wasn't this just a joke? He couldn't get placed in it twice. But no matter what, he was going to succeeded this time. Besides, his uncle would have just said that he was lucky to get another chance at something this rare. Shinji decided that his uncle was right and fell silent at these thoughts.

"Now, if you are all done annoying me I will continue." Snape looked around, waiting for someone to interrupt him again. No one did. "Good. Because the next time someone bothers me I will have to use this." He held up a small wooden stick in his hand, glad that he had something to push them around with. No one was really sure what it was.

Jessie was still fuming about her hair. It was her turn to show her anger. "Are you mocking us? I have unevolved pokemon that can break that thing by blowing on it!" She shouted, standing up.

Professor Snape scowled. "I said do not interrupt me anymore!" He yelled. "Crucio!"

Jessie suddenly jerked where she was standing, as if she was in intense pain. She murmured something that James might have heard if he wasn't too busy screaming.

"Jessie, what's wrong?! What's wrong?!" He asked, dancing on his feet now.

Jessie was trembling, her hands shaking, and her face completely white which contradicted her red hair. She slowly withered to the ground, screaming in pain. She held her head in her pale hands, and closed her eyes, as if trying to chase away the pain but it couldn't be avoided. It kept piling up, as if it was crushing her. It would never end. She felt she was going to die.

Snape flicked his wand and the spell instantly stopped, although Jessie was still in a state of shock. "Now if you'll all sit down and listen to me we can begin." Everyone respectively sat down with the exception of Jessie, but no one dared to get up and help her. Snape ignored her and went on. "Battle Royale is a game." He told everyone sharply. "Something that will make you think twice about each and every decision you make. It will make you wonder who your real friends are, who you can trust, what your limitations are." Raito and L looked at each other. Raito was starting to wonder what would make him doubt L. With the absence of the Death Note, Raito had no memory of being Kira. L was wondering the same thing.

Snape walked up to the front row. Here sat a young man, tall and buff, with an expression on his face that was hard to read. He was clearly thinking, about what Snape didn't know. Not that he cared, so Snape continued with his original idea. The man looked up at Snape as he approached him. "What's your name?" Snape asked.

"I'm Tidus." He said, showing Snape that he had no fear.

"Hmm, and I already don't like you." Snape replied after Tidus's first comment. "Just stand up."

Tidus hesitated for a moment, but then he did so. Snape didn't scare him. Not with his little stick thing. Nope, Tidus was way better than Snape, no doubt about it. Not only that, but he was a blitz ball pro. He could probably beat Snape up easy! The only thing that stopped him from even verbally abusing Snape were those weird guys with guns. But Tidus had his brotherhood sword, so maybe it would be an even match.

"I want all of you to look at this." Snape pointed at Tidus's neck. Everyone glanced at it, and their eyes met a silver choke collar. It was bulky, and seemed quite heavy. A few people in the room had already noticed their own necks, and how they were wrapped up in the same silver collar. "This is on each of you if you know it or not. You all have identical collars. These serve a special function in this game. You see, these are tracking devices, they monitor your pulse, and are your restraining leashes all at the same time. They are a necessary function in the game." Snape turned his attention to Tidus. "Sit." He demanded. Tidus did so, although he liked being the center of attention for that brief moment.

"The objective of the game is for you to kill each other." Snape told them with a delight only someone like Snape could have with such an idea. He was pleased to be the one hosting this Battle Royale, and he thought this job suited him better than the one at Hogwarts. Who needed the Potter boy anyway when you could watch people die, right at your supervision? Snape smiled as the variety of people in the room panicked.