The doctor is in.

Disclaimer. DA does not belong to me it belongs to James Cameron

AN: Okay this is for Norcal because she nagged me.

During a party to celebrate Canada's annexing of Washington State and the liberation of Terminal City Ames White tasered Max in the stomach. Because Max happened to be ovulating at the time this caused her released egg to self divide. Max is pregnant with herself.

And no you the reader don't have to worry about this happening to you during a lighting storm only insects can normally give birth to them selves. Person who personally messaged me to check, you know who you are and I hope you're blushing.

Part one July 4th 2021

"It sucks we can't celebrate this day as a holiday anymore." Max whined to Matt Sung who had come over to Terminal City to give a list of requirements from the Seattle Police(sectors now abolished as being Uncanadian) about Transgenic conduct in Seattle.

"Well hey at least Thanksgiving is going to come early instead." Matt said. How are things here Max?" he asked the leader of Terminal City

Max pushed her hair back. "Oh okay. The big dealio here at present is that we've all been offered great jobs with the Canadian Mounties even the Freaks, health care retirement plan, the works."

"Hey" said Matt "That sounds great Max, sounds like some kind of catch is involved however."

"Yeah!" Max told him frustrated. "We all have to pass a psych test that says we're mentally normal."

"Shit." Matt shook his head. "You're all screwed!"

"No news about Logan's body?" Max asked Matt hopefully before he left.

Matt took her hand. "I'm sorry Max he's still officially missing presumed dead."

July 5th

Alec and Mole as joint seconds in command in Terminal City had volunteered to sit the psych tests first as an example to everyone else.

Alec wasn't sweating it, after all the goons back at Manticore had ensured he wasn't likely to become a serial killer so he could be fit to assassinate people. Alec knew he was mentally balanced.

He sat down confidently on the psychiatrists chair reassured in spite of himself to see no restraining straps or laser torture devices. Instead an attractive Indian Canadian woman who asked him to call her Dr Shanthi sat with a pad was smiling at him.

'Well according to the personality type written tests you have just completed you have a Paranoid, Antisocial, Avoidant Narcissist personality." Dr Shanthi smiled reassuringly. "Now apart from the Narcissist tendencies everything else is just what an isolated Canadian Mountie needs to be."

Alec beamed at the doctor and stroked her wrist as he mouthed at her softly. "Thanks Doc."

Dr Shanthi chuckled. "You've been flirting with me the whole morning Alec. You're a sex addict and we need to nip it in the bud." She brought out a huge bag of rubber bands. "Now you need to snap a band on your wrist whenever you think of having sex with someone apart from your partner. Do you have a permanent partner?"

Alec shook his head. Dr Shanthi wasn't surprised.

"Good I want you to avoid sex for the three months before the final evaluations again." She told him. "We can't have a sex addict in the wilderness wandering round with endangered wild life."

"Um there's this person I want to be my partner." Alec said. "Do I have to snap with her?"

Dr Shanthi shook her head "But no sex for three months Alec."

Mole was lying on the couch explaining why he hated all ordinaries so much. Dr Kim with him was shaking his head. The lizard man needed one on one intense counselling.

And so the mental healing of the transgenics began.

The group intervention sessions with friends for Max

"Okay." Said Dr Shanthi "Well Kendra's got the talking stick here go on Kendra."

"And when we were roomies and I found out you'd been using my grandmothers steak knives to cut yourself Max" Kendra said her voice trembling. "I felt very used you know."

"And Alec" Dr Shanthi went on. "How do you feel about this?"

Alec jumped aware he'd been looking down Kendra's top. He flicked his wrist with his rubber band. "Um I feel upset yeah when I find Max's band aids all over the control room desk and realise she's feeling stressed." He passed the talking stick over to O.C.

"I feel my girl is relying too much on being a fast healing transgenic especially when she keeps recutting over the scars from her heart surgery when she's down about Zack being in love with her." Original Cindy explained. "Boo is just asking for blood poisoning."

"Zack her unit mate right, her brother?" Dr Shanthi commented writing something down excitedly.

The sorting out of Zack's complexes

"So Lydecker was a father figure to you and you wanted to kill him?" Dr Kim asked a relaxed Zack.

"Um yeah I got to torture him once that was good. But Max made me leave so I wouldn't kill him." Zack complained bitterly. "Max is good at making me leave."

"Ah yes Max. Your little sister you refer to her as." Dr Kim said.

"Yeah" Said Zack. "That's right."

"And yet you want to sleep with her."

"Yeah there's something special about her" said Zack. "Hey it's common knowledge Krit and Syl sleep together!"

"I'm having separate and joint counselling with them both too." Dr Kim said. "Now back to you. You felt you alone were responsible for your siblings?"

Max's mother issues

Max crawled underneath the chairs draped with pink sheets. She was recreating the time she was born and was breathing steadily and calmly.

"That's right Max" De Shanthi encouraged. "Feel the charka points in your body as you slide down the birth canal. Your mother isn't restrained as she gives birth, she is here to love you Max."

Max pushed aside a cushion and fell into the arms of her friends breathing deeply. Alec felt Original Cindy's breasts brush against him and flicked his rubber band so hard it snapped.

Joshua's abandonment issues

Dr Kim handed Joshua a box of tissues. "So Max occasionally dropped in to give you food but when she had missions for Logan or a party to attend at Crash she'd leave you hungry?"

"Joshua felt internally in very insecure place." The dog man wept.

"Well yeah Max was a bitch." Dr Kim stating what most people who really got to know Max soon realised. "Treating you like her neglected pet but your true rage all stems from your subliminal anger at Sandeman's original abandonment of you."

"Father good guy" Joshua sobbed in denial.

"Oh wake up Joshua!" Dr Kim yelled at him. "Now I want you to go over that chair over there and pretend its Sandeman and tell it exactly what you think of it."

Joshua lumbered over sobbing to the empty chair.

"Father you made me then left me. You said I was first special and then you got lost in all the people above." Joshua barred his teeth and growled at the chair. "You made Joshua in charge of brother Isaac and Joshua couldn't protect him how could Joshua. Joshua a child!" Joshua stated to scream hysterically at the chair.

Dr Kim took notes approvingly this was a magnificent breakthrough for Joshua.

Joshua started to shake the chair. "Father not a good guy Father a bad guy." Joshua picked up the chair smashed it on the ground again and again until it was splinters. Then Joshua pulled down his trousers and defecated on the ruined chair. "Joshua hate you father!" he yelled.

Dr Kim made a note on his papers. "Good job placement might be in division to repel anti sealing protestors."

Max's suicidal tendencies.

"Often I get to the space needle and feel like jumping, or riding my bike off a bridge. Or slitting my wrists in the bath while listening to real morbid music" Max confessed to Dr Shanthi. "Me not being able to be with Logan was hard. I think I was depressed with out knowing it or maybe it's lack of serotonin in my brain since I came back from Manticore they didn't fix me as well as they thought."

"You think it might be a Manticore thing?" Dr Shanthi asked.

"Well yeah." said Max. "I know all of '09 X5's suffer from depression I know about Alec's as well I'm always coming in on him and his drinking binges. Thank god I don't knock."

Alec's self hatred

"Well yeah I drink a lot from time to time." Alec said. "By the way Doc it's been six weeks with out sex for me do I have to bother about the rest of the time?"

Dr Shanthi just looked at him.

Alec groaned and went on. He had a friction blister on his wrist from flicking the goddamned rubber band all the time.

"I don't try and kill myself or anything I just look at myself in self disgust and punch and break mirrors a lot." Alec explained embarrassed.

"And how's that working for you?" Dr Shanthi asked him.

"Well it's made me lose a lot of hotel room and apartment bond deposits." Alec confessed.

Part two

October 11th Thanksgiving Day

Max passed Joshua the pumpkin pie dish and walked out of the kitchen. She had done her share of washing dishes thank you and needed to be out in the cool autumn air. She put her hand to her back. At five months gestation point her back was a little sore.

Alec joined her outside and took her hand. "Max." he said to her. "We're both more self aware people now thanks to the free therapy the Canadian United Northern Territories provided and as such I'm actually going to tell you how I feel about you."

Max looked at him. "I'm in listening mode Alec and if I'm uncomfortable about what you say I won't put up any immature defence shields of physical violence or running away but ask for clarification."

"Well that's great Max." Alec looked at her and laughed nervously. "Ha I can feel my intimacy fears resurfacing. Yeah. Okay I love you Maxie. I want to be there for you and your baby. I want to embark on a loving physical relationship with you while still respecting each others boundaries as individuals."

"Oh Alec" said Max. "I'm so glad I worked on counselling for my bad heat experiences so now I can have a sexually intimate experience with someone I desire with out wasting time having pasta."

The two transgenics lips met in the most non exploitive, gender balanced emotionally healthy kiss of their lives.

Alec pulled her closer in a firm yet non frantically obsessive way. Max moaned with pleasure enjoying the moment instead of trying to drown her emotional pain in violent sex as she would have done five months ago.

The sound of an SUV pulling up made them pull apart slightly and look at the arriving occupants.

Matt Sung and Asha Barlow helped an emaciated Lydecker and Cale out of the S.U.V.

"Look who I rescued from the Breeding cult!" Matt Sung said triumphantly.

Max used her new self awareness and deep breathing techniques to sum up this new development in her strange little life.

"Oh for fucks sake!" Max whined to the universe. "Can my life suck anymore?"

AN: Do I think people cutting themselves in real life is funny? Of course not!

Do I think people writing about Max cutting herself is funny? I certainly do bloody hilarious.

I especially laugh when I read stories where Alec or Logan come up ten seconds too late to stop Max throwing herself off the space needle.

I'm a New Zealander we're a callous people.