Part 12
Melinda dragged herself from her car to the front door of her shop.
Beginning with the breakdown of the electronic brain of her kitchen
to the traffic on the skyway, Melinda had a bad feeling about the
rest of this Wednesday.
"I should really leave the premonitions to Patti," she sighed
as she
placed her thumb to the access panel. The door popped open as her
antique bell chimed. Dropping off the latest delivery of herbs on her
old wooden countertop she went into the back to disable the alarm and
security system. Not everything in her shop looked 200 years old. On
the panel a red light shined indicating someone in the vicinity of
the backdoor. Activating a switch she saw an unconscious man
collapsed in the alley behind her shop.
"Oh, good God," she exclaimed as the thousandth magical
requiring her healing talents came to her backdoor stoop. She called
for him and he appeared on the table in the backroom. He had a
handsome rugged face and was suffering from multiple stab wounds.
Without his strong physique, he would have not survived the night in
the alley. Melinda placed her hands over his wounds. Both her hands
and his wounds began to glow. Brighter and brighter the white light
became. The blood dried up and the wounds in his abdomen began to
close up though not all the way. Melinda tried twice again, but the
wounds would heal no more. Her charge began to stir as Melinda placed
a cloth over the remaining wounds.
"God. Almost breathed my last that time," he exclaimed
putting his
hand on his head.
Melinda looked at the young man carefully. "What brought you here
my place?"
"Just one of the many supernatural ER's I'm familiar
with. I had a
run in with another evildoer that was determined to do me in. And
thanks for your help, but I'll be going." He said trying to
sit up.
"With those half-healed wounds?" asked Melinda. "That I
"Sorry, madam. I must keep moving. Too many after me!" he
replied. "That's the curse of falling for a witch."
"And who might you be?" asked Melinda.
"Better to leave names out of this," he said shaking his head
to get up.
"First you aren't going anywhere. At least not today. Second,
shall I call you?" she asked.
"Turner. Cole Turner," he said closing his eyes and lying
"No! And your witch friend would be my Aunt Phoebe
Halliwell?" she
asked blinking rapidly.
With his eyes popping open his mind focused on a distance spot after
hearing that name again. "That's it, um!"
"Melinda. My mother is.." started Melinda.
"Piper Marie Halliwell Wyatt. My second biggest fan. Is she
well?" he
asked sincerely interested.
"She is well, retired and living with my sister Patti,"
Melinda looking deeply into his eternal scowl.
"That's good. I mean she always was a good person. Her sister
was the one who never seemed to trust me," he sighed lying back
"You need a place to rest a couple of days. How about the
Manor?" she
asked him.
"Hm. Halliwell Manor. That'll bring back both good and bad
As long as it's OK to have a demon under their roof again,"
"Demon!" Melinda said turning around startled.
"Well, half. Take me there and I'll tell you the whole
story!" he
said with a wink.
Melinda leaned over, put her hand on him and they vanished in a
starry flash of little lights.

"Whoa. They're done now. Pull them out, sweetie," cried
out Piper as
the bell on the oven went off.
"Uh huh, great-grandma," said little Prue. She grabbed the
mitts and
pulled out the apple tarts. "Ohhh. Smells goodolicious!"
Piper smiled and nodded her head. "That's exactly the way
they smell
when they're done. Put the pan down and let them cool."
"Can't I ha' one?" she asked looking up with pleading
blue eyes.
"Soon. Let them cool, little Prue. Come let's go practice
power," Piper said pushing herself up from the table and walking
her cane into the dining room. She sat down in one of the old dining
room table chairs and said, "Now lift me up as high as the
Little Prue pushed her feet together, crossed her hands and looked
carefully at Piper. Her chair wobbled a bit and then slowly rose
still rocking a bit in the air. Piper looked down with pride as her
feet reached the top of the table.
Footsteps could be heard as Patti came down the steps and then around
the corner. Gasping she put her hand on her heart and then quietly
said, "Prue. Please put Granny down," quietly as not startle
"Yes, Grandma," replied little Prue politely as Piper slowly
onto the floor.
Finally catching her breath, Patti told little Prue to run out back
and play. Little Prue smiled, gave both women hugs and ran out
through the kitchen.
"MOTHER! What in the world did you think you were doing? You
have had a nasty fall!" exclaimed Patti whispering to not disturb
"Patti. You never had the benefit of growing up with your powers.
was merely showing my confidence in the abilities of a little seven-
year-old witch. And you're starting to sound a little like me
you were seven!" said Piper with a great deal of love.
"Well, my Mother seems to be going through her second childhood.
That's why I sound like a young mother at my age!" replied
"I just don't get around like I used to. Your father is gone
so much
of the time and your grandchildren are my only real joy in life after
eight-seven years. Now don't you start sounding like the Wicked
Witch, Patti my sweet," cackled Piper as a bright light appeared
the parlor.
"Anyone home?" asked Melinda cradling Cole's head on the
"In here, Melly," called back Patti running in to see her.
"My stars,
what have you brought in here? You know I'm trying to keep the
demon's out of the Manor when the little ones are here."
"I know, sis, but this gentleman is special. And he needs some
time for a couple of days!" Melinda said looking up for some
"Gracious, what is going on here," said Piper hobbling in.
how nice it is to see you and who is our innocent. WHOA!" she
sitting down with a fright.
"Hello, Piper," he said flashing a semi-sinister grin.
"Cole! What are you doing here?" Piper said quite annoyed.
Melinda stood up and approached her Mother. "He showed up at my
magical emergency room. He needs a couple of more days to
"Because his wounds didn't heal all the way," Piper
replied looking
back toward the past.
"Yes, how did you know?" asked Melinda.
"Due to his unique affliction being half-demon. White lighters
only heal half of him. Melly, go find your father. The two of you can
finish the job," said Piper.
"Right away," she said disappearing into little white globes.
"Thank you Piper," said Cole lying back one the couch.
"Those last
two bounty hunters almost finished me off."
"And you're still on the run after all these years?
Amazing!" she
said putting her hand on her chin.
"Yep. The curse of Phoebe Halliwell," he said quietly turning
"Your sister cursed him? That doesn't sound like a good
Mother," said Patti quite contused.
"Oh, she did him in good. First this one tried to kill us and
then he
fell in love with her. He could have been your uncle except
said Piper who did not have the strength to finish the sentence.
"I wish I had been there. If only I'd had not been on then
then.." said Cole looking directly into Piper's eyes with a
deal of pain.
Piper held up her hand dismissing his comment. "Too long ago. One
go crazy fooling around with the "what-if" possibilities.
Cole. You
were very special to my sister, and that makes you special here. But
with demons still after you, the less you're here the better."
"I understand. I had told Melinda that it wasn't a good
replied Cole.
"Um, Patti. Go get volumes two and three of my journal. I might
something that can help him. Go, scoot," she told Piper looking a
little impatient.
"Sure, Mom. It's reminiscing time again," thought Patti
as she went
to fetch part of Piper's diary.
Two young girls ran through the house and the stopped next to Piper.
They stood and stared at Cole.

"Are you a bad man?" asked the little four years old.
"No. Just misunderstood," he said trying to crack a smile.
"Cole. I'd like you to meet Prue and Phoebe. They are
daughter's children. And full witches," Piper said razing one
eyebrow. "She named her daughters after my sisters, something I
had the courage to do. And believe it or not, they have their powers
"Phoebe?" he asked. "You're as pretty as your
great-aunt Phoebe."
"Tink you," she replied.
"Now kids run along. We have business to do," said Patti
handing the
books to her mother. Both of the girls waved and ran off.
"You Halliwell's just can't help from producing witches.
Are they
gifted?" asked Cole.
"Very much so. Even though the prophecy was fulfilled years ago,
may rival the Charmed Ones," said Patti very proudly as Piper
to pour through her journal. After several minutes she looked up
smiling a crinkled grin.
"There. Remember Matthew Salinger? He was the innocent who was
fairy and half-mortal," said Piper.
"Back when I was in college. He kept turning into a raven at
because a curse had been placed on his family. I vaguely remember it,
Mother," she was sorry to admit.
"The curse was on his fairy lineage and not his mortal half. So
split him in two saving his innocent mortal half," replied Piper.
"Split him in two?" said a startled Cole who thought he had
"Care to try it? We can remove your demonic part and get you off
radar or the bounty hunters," explained Piper.
"Peace at last? Did it work with the fairy?" he asked
"Well, his human half was fine. His fairy half turned into a
permanently. Beltazar would probably turn completely evil and might
eventually need to be vanquished. Or he'll be caught by the
hunters," suggested Piper.
"May I sleep on it? The idea of peace is very tempting, but I
have to
consider all of the consequences," he said very thoughtfully.
"Sure. You can use what was Phoebe's room. Patti, help him
said Piper to her daughter.
"Thank-you, Piper. You always had the biggest heart," he said
a bit as Patti helped him to the stairs.
"That I did. And it got me into a mess a trouble too,"
thought Piper.

In the evening after dinner Melinda, Patti, her husband, Leo and
Piper sat around the conservatory watching the three-dimensional
viewing wall presenting a ballet spectacle from Sidney Australia. The
air next to Leo blurred a bit and a chill filled the room as Cole
"Cole, it's been a long time. Welcome," said Leo warmly.
"Yes. I've felt feelers passing through here. The bounty
hunters are
getting closer. IF we're going to do this, then let's get it
with," said Cole flatly.
"There are risks. Mr. Turner," warned Melinda.
Cole shook his head. "The alternative is to keep running. I am
Let's do it!" he said gruffly.
"You also lose your powers and immortality," Leo reminded him.
"Vastly overrated when you're in my shoes," said Cole
shaking his
head. "A more normal life would be preferable."
"Fine let's adjured to the attic," said Piper struggling
to get
herself up.

Surrounding the old witch's caldron, Piper dropped in the
ingredients. "That's the last of our sassafras root. Stop by
Melinda's shop later this week, Patti."
"Yes, Mother. Mr. Turner please set inside the circle of
said Patti pointing to the pentagram. Cole stepped toward it
reluctantly. He had had some bad experiences in the attic before. He
looked up at them raising one eyebrow and stepped-in.
Patti, Piper and Melinda stood outside the circle, sprinkled the
potion inside the circle and began to recite"
"We call upon the spirits,
Free those trapped from within,
Divide this one into two,
So each one's life can begin."
Repeating it several times Cole Turner stared at them with suspicious
eyes. As the potion began to emit a vapor Cole was enveloped by a
violet haze. Letting out a mournful scream, the vapor doubled in size
as another figure formed next to him. Taller and more bulky the black
and red-faced Beltazar appeared. The human half fainted away.
"Puny weakling! I am free at last. Too long you have kept me from
true potential!" he hissed at the witches. Raising his hand a
bolt of
balled lightning formed in his hand.
"Ah, ah, ah! We'll give you one chance to escape or we'll
your ugly face!" shouted Piper. "So off with you now!"
"So be it. Cross my path again and I will kill you!" he
sneered as he
shimmered away.
"Mother, you just let a demon out into the world!" exclaimed
pointing to the spot that he had shimmered from.
"Melinda, check on Cole. And Patti, he had saved us more than
Besides without Cole's cunning, I don't think he'll be
around for
long, sweetie. I have had to play the odds sometimes," explained
Piper looking more knowing than usual.
Melinda reached down and put her hands over Cole. His pale appearance
disappeared and he opened his eyes.

"Well?" he inquired.
"Beltazar has taken to the woods. You're running days are
over Cole,"
said Piper quite perky.
Cole struggled to get up feeling quite weak. "Thank you all
though I
must be going. There's a whole new world out there for me."
"Can't you stay a while?" asked Patti.
"No. Just in case they do come back, I don't want to endanger
any of
you. That's how I can pay you back. Phoebe always tried to save
And the Halliwell's finally have. Farewell," he said looking
like he
was going to leave and then stood there confused.
"The door is downstairs. We'll call you a hover car. You do
have a
lot to learn, Cole," said Piper chuckling a bit.
Several minutes later Cole finally did say good-bye and left as the
family gathered back in the conservatory.
"Quite a intriguing character. I see what our aunt saw in him,
don't worry darling. You're all the demon I want. Do you
think he'll
be OK?" asked Patti.
Piper thought for a moment. "Cole? He'll be fine. Those
beings upstairs always seem to help those that are inherently good.
Especially when you're charmed!"

Part 13
Piper sat along in her room peacefully rocking. The day was dreary
outside, but she was warm and cozy. While her daughter and husband
were away in Hawaii she was having a visit with her great-
granddaughter Phoebe Brewster. Today was a special day to her that
meant little to the other members of the family. They had not been
there, but she was. It was precisely ninety years ago today that her
Mother and Prue had moved in with their grandmother Penelope
Halliwell. It was another dreary day back in the third quarter of the
twentieth century.
Shaking the rain off Patty Halliwell stuck her umbrella in the stand
while Prue and Piper ran through the hallway with their wet rubbers
still on.
"Girls, come back here!" Patty called to her daughters as her
came from the kitchen wiping her hands on her apron.
"Welcome home, Patty," she said opening her arms wide to hug
"Thank you, Mom," replied Patty hugging her tightly.
"Remember this
is only temporary until Victor and I work things out. Prue, take
Piper up to your room and unload your bags."
"Yes, mother. Come on, Piper," Prue said quite grown up.
"O.K. Pooh," replied Piper with a big grin as she took
Prue's hand
and headed up the stairs.
"And yes it will be grand living with you for a while. That old
was too expensive to rent and too much room just for the three of
us," said Patty putting her coat away.
"I'm afraid we scared Victor off one too many times. Mortal
men are
just too undependable. Why my third husband ran from the house the
first time a fear demon attacked us. He never came back," said
shaking her head.
"Mother! He ran out of the house and in front of a truck!"
Patty smirking and looking cockeyed at her mother. "I thought my
father always understood our ways."
Penny sighed thoughtfully. "He was a good man. Stood beside me
through thick and thin. It was that weak heart of his. My poor Evan.
Well, most women do outlive our men, you know."
"Especially you, Mother. Now Allied Moving will be bringing over
rest of our boxes tomorrow. And then I guess I'll get back in the
"Work? I do believe we have enough to keep us.." said Penny a
"Not with two little witches to raise. Piper can be a
handful," said
"All four-year-olds are, dear. As were you. Now let's fix
special for the girls' lunch," said Penny as she put her hand
Patty back and escorted her into the kitchen.

That was many children, births, marriages and deaths ago, thought the
eldest Halliwell. She put away her sewing to take a little rest. It
was late to rise and early to bed now-a-days as Piper pulled herself
up on the bed and crawled under her Mother's afghan. Sleep just a
little sleep was all she needed. She quickly closed her eyes and off
to dreamland she went.
Near dinnertime Phoebe looked in on her. She seemed very peaceful as
she pulled up the afghan. Things looked too quiet. Her great-
grandmother was not breathing having gone on to her last demon
"Oh, Grams," she said braking into silent tears. "Rest in
peace. We
love you a lot." She pulled the afghan all the way over her head
went to call her mother.
Nearby stood Piper watching the scene.
"Death is so quiet," she said. "Don't worry about me
little Phoebe.
Just move on. I am," said Piper as she proceeded toward a great
light. On the other side she found Prue and Phoebe waiting for her.
"Hiya, Pipe," chirped up Phoebe. "Been quite awhile."
"Blessed be," said Prue cocking up one eyebrow.
"We're all back
Piper stood there looking like she did at the time of their last
battle together.
"Whoa. That last trip was weird. First I'm dreaming about the
and now everything is past. Including me," quipped Piper as she
shook the cobwebs from her hair and then embraced her sisters.
it is so good to hold you two again."
"Likewise. Though we have eternity to do that. Now there's
job we have to do," said Prue as Phoebe shook her head in
Piper looked up just slightly confused. "Aren't we beyond the
money-making thingy here?"
"Eternity isn't all angel wings, harps and moral
contemplation. Earth
wise while we've been like major stagnant here, you've been
how can I
say prolific. Two children, three grandchildren and eight great-
grandchildren? Now we have to watch over all of them. Grams and mom
have like retired, so until Patti and Melinda get here, it's our
turn," explained Prue.
"And I suppose you have it all mapped out?" asked Piper
titling her
head to one side.
"Absolutely! And since the Charmed Ones are back together again,
now have the power to keep them safe too. So ladies, if you'll
me," said Prue squinting at her sister off they went into the
Charmed forever.