Disclaimer: I do not own Custom Robo. If I did this would have been part of the game

A/N: The hero's name is Rob


Harry's House (At the end of the party)

"I should be getting home" said Marcia

"I should be going too, thank you very much for the dinner" said Rob

"It was a pleasure having you both over, we should do this again" said Mira

Rob walked out of the house and saw Marcia was still there. Rob said "What are you still doing here Marcia?"

"Well I just wanted to say thank you for today" said Marcia

"I didn't do anything, it was all you, I just pushed you in the right direction" said Rob

"Thanks" said Marcia

They slowly got closer to each other than finally hugged each other. They held each other for a few minutes til they brought their heads up and look each other in the eye. Their lips slowly got closer to each other as they closed their eyes until there lips finally met.

Inside the house Mira was walking past the window when she saw Rob and Marcia kissing outside and ran off to get Harry. She dragged him back to the window while he was saying "What is the rush dragging me here"

"Be quiet and look out the window" Mira whispered

Harry looked out the window at the scene of Rob and Marcia kissing trying to yell "WHAT THE" as Mira covered his mouth.

Rob and Marcia finally parted after a few minutes for some much needed air. Rob said "Why don't I walk you home"

"Ok" said Marcia

They walked away still holding each other tight as Mira and Harry watched. After they were out of hearing distance Mira took her hand off Harry mouth with him saying "What the hell was that about"

"I don't know they are your friends" said Mira while thinking "They make a cute couple and Marcia looked happier that she has been in a very long time"

Marcia's House

They arrived at Marcia's front door as Rob let go and started to leave when Marcia shyly said "Would you like to come in"

"Sure" Rob said

They both went into the house and sat down and had a very nice conversation. Later on Rob said "Well its getting late I should be getting home"

"Rob, I was wondering if you would want to stay here tonight because I don't want to be alone" said Marcia with a pleading look on her face

"I love too" said Rob with a caring look in his eyes

They both walked off towards Marcia's bedroom. They both got changed for bed and got into bed as Marcia snuggled up close to Rob and fell asleep while thinking about tonight's events.

How did a simple thank you lead to this? I waited for Rob to leave the house then walked up to him and said "Thank you" and he said that I was the one that did it; he just pushed me along the right path. Then I just started getting closer and closer til we finally hugged and I felt at peace. Then I lifted my head up and looked into his eyes and saw nothing but compassion and caring. My head just moved on its own as it got closer with his as my eyes closed and our lips met, That was the happiest I ever felt. Then as we parted he offered to walk me home and I accepted. When we got to my front door and I saw him starting to leave, it just came out asking him to come in. Then when he started to leave again it just came out asking him stay the night with me. So now here I am snuggled up to him as close as I can like my life depended on it. But why is that? Is it because I love him? But how…


"One day you will find someone who will truly understand you" said her brother

"Marcia are you all right?" said Rob

"She will be alright its just that the Half-Dive takes a lot out of her" said Harry

"Marcia are you alright?" asked Rob

"You will pay for what you did to Marcia" said Rob

"Rob, Marcia are you two alright?" asked Harry

"We are, thanks to Rob" said Marcia

"One of the lackeys dropped his Robo Cube" said Harry

"Let me see it, I'll do a Half-Dive" said Marcia

"Marcia you can't, you are still injured from that last fight" said Rob

"Rob, you put up a brave front and fought that woman knowing you would probably not win and now it is my turn to do the same" said Marcia

End Flashback

I do love him, I just been blinded by my shyness

With that though Marcia snuggled closer to Rob and fell asleep with a smile on her face.

Rob got into bed with Marcia as she snuggled up close to him and fell asleep. As he looked down at her, his thoughts went to the girl that was sleeping next to him.

Wow, she looks so beautiful and peaceful sleeping there. She looks the happiest I have ever seen her and that is all I really wanted. I truly love her and would do anything to make her happy.

With that he fell asleep.

Next Day

Rob and Marcia both got and got dressed and went and had breakfast. As Rob was walking towards the door, Marcia said "Rob wait"

"What is Marcia?" Rob asked as he turned around

"It's now or never" she thought

"Rob, I love you and I was wondering if you wanted to move in with me because I don't want to be alone anymore" Marcia said as tears were starting to form in her eyes

Rob stood there as he digested those words and started slowly walking towards her and wrapped her in a gentle hug saying "I love you too Marcia. I loved you since the first moment I met you, but I was afraid to tell you because I was worried about how you would react. I would love to move in with you and you know that I would never ever leave you"

With that their lips met in a passionate kiss.

Steel Hearts

Ernest was in a very bad mood. He first called Rob's house but got the answering machine, then he tried Rob's cell phone but got his voicemail. Then he called Marcia's house but got a message saying "This phone is out of service right now, please try again later"

Then he called Marcia's cellphone but got her voicemail as well. With that he screamed "WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?"

After that Harry walked into the office saying "Good morning Chief"

"Why are you so angry?" he asked

"You want to know why I'm angry? Well the police squad just called saying that they want you three to go down to Police HQ for a practice session. But I can't get into contact with our two star bounty hunters" Ernest said

"What are you talking about, your star bounty hunter is right here" said Harry

"Don't make me laugh, if it wasn't for Rob yesterday, you would have lost in the first round of the tournament" said Ernest

"That's harsh" said Harry gloomy

"Better call Police HQ and tell them we have to postpone until tomorrow" said Ernest

Police HQ

"Police HQ, Captain Mira speaking"

"Hello this is Ernest"

"Hello Ernest, we are just waiting for you team to show up"

"That is the reason why I called. You see I can't get into contact with Rob and Marcia. So we are going to have to postpone until tomorrow"

"That is ok, tomorrow it is"

With this she hung up and walking into the chief's office saying "I just got off the phone with Ernest saying he can't get into contact with Rob and Marcia and will have to postpone the practice match until tomorrow"

"That is ok, did he say why he couldn't get into contact with them?" asked the chief

"No sir, but I think it might have to do with that incident last night" said Mira smiling

"I guess we have to wait until tomorrow" said the chief while laughing

Marcia's House

As they broke off the kiss, Rob said with a smile "Well I guess we better go to my apartment and get my stuff and tell my landlady that I am moving out"

"Yeah" Marcia said as a small giggle came out

Rob's old apartment

"So this is where you lived" said Marcia

"Yeah, it wasn't much, but it was home" said Rob

"You have a Parts Generator in your apartment" asked Marcia

"Yeah, it belonged to my dad, I didn't even know what it was until I became a commander" said Rob

"Well, I think that is everything. Ready to go Marcia" asked Rob

"Yeah" Marcia said

They walked out the door and were walking towards the entrance when Rob stopped and put the suitcases down saying "Wait right Marcia, while I go tell the landlady I am leaving"

"Ok" said Marcia

Rob walked up to the door and rang the door bell and heard "Come in" and walked in. As he walked in, Lucy looked up and saw it was Rob and said "Rob, there you are. I was worried when you didn't come home last night. What did you want?"

"I came here to tell you that I am moving out" said Rob

"You're WHAT! Where?" Lucy asked

"I am moving in with my girlfriend" Rob said as he left


"Well that is all done, lets go home Marcia" Rob said as he kissed her

"Ok" she said as she returned it

Lucy ran out just in time to see Rob and Marcia finish their kiss and walking away holding each other.

Marcia's House

After they finished putting Rob's stuff away in their room Rob said "Marcia I am going out to pick up something I will be back later"

"Ok" said Marcia

Jewelry Store

"I want to get Marcia something nice, but what" Rob thought

"May I help you sir" asked the attendant

"Yes I am looking for a gift for my girlfriend" said Rob

"What kind of gift" asked the attendant

"Something to show her how much I love her" said Rob

"Would this be an engagement gift" asked the attendant

"What, no, no, no it is too early for that" said Rob blushing

"Ok then, how about a necklace" asked the attendant

"That would be perfect" Rob said

"Right this way please" said the attendant

Marcia's House

"I'm back" said Rob as he walked into the house

"Welcome home, so what did you have to get" Marcia said

"Well actually I went to get you this" Rob said as he pulled a velvet case revealing a sapphire necklace

"Rob, it's beautiful" Marcia said

"I wanted to get it for you as a reminder of today and as a promise that I will never leave you alone" Rob said as he place the necklace around her neck and kissed her


Please review and tell me how I did since this was my first time writing a romantic story