starZdestiny: Hey guys! I've been kind of busy lately…my exams are coming up, so I won't be able to update as quick anymore. I also have to attend a lot of parties in addition to studying, so I don't have a lot of time!

Thanks to all my awesome reviewers who always make me feel good! I'll try to update as soon as I possibly can …and so enjoy this chappie! R&R!

DISCLAIMER: I don't own Alice Academy/Gakuen Alice, if I did, I would be rich, famous and happy. Also, Li Syaoran is owned by clamp…the people responsible for making card captor sakura.

Summary: Everyone is back after five years since their graduation, what has changed and what hasn't?

"Natsume and Mikan are so stubborn!" Ruka said to his beloved Hotaru. The four had practically grown up together…well seven years was a long time right? (They had met at the age of ten and been together until high school…which meant they had parted at the age of seventeen.) However, in those seven years, Natsume Hyuuga had remained stubborn and Mikan Sakura had remained dense…two qualities the two of them couldn't grow out of, it seemed.

"We need a plan!" Hotaru said her voice devoid of any emotions. Ruka looked at her for a minute…it was amusing how Hotaru and Natsume, the two people Ruka liked most were both unwilling to show emotion, which was quite the opposite of Ruka and the same went for Mikan. He thought it was funny how the saying went "opposites attract".

"Ruka? Are you listening?" Hotaru asked the animal lover beside her. "Of ...of course!" Ruka stuttered awakening from his thoughts with a start.


The teachers were also discussing Natsume and Mikan…which was the hottest topic of conversation for the day! It seemed as though the two could never be left alone. "We have to devise some sort of plan" Mr. Narumi said, a mischievous playing on his face. His statement earned a glare from Mr. Jinno and a look of warning from Ms. Yamada, not to mention a look of annoyance from Mr. Misaki ( he had just escaped from the clutches of Anna and Nonoko and was enjoying his punch). "Narumi, try to leave those two be!" Ms. Yamada said…

"Looks like I made it to the reunion after all!" Mr. Noda said from behind, startling all the other teachers who had by now gathered at the refreshment table. "Yes, and you're just in time!" Ms. Kaho Mizuki (another CCS character) said, her voice hinting mystery. Ms. Mizuki was a new recruit and her alice was certainly strange. Her alice made it possible for her to talk to spirits and also see the future. She loved mystery and was often involved in Mr. Narumi's crazy schemes. Apparently, she found Natsume and Mikan's situation pretty interesting but because she didn't think love was to be messed with…she wasn't encouraging Mr. Narumi…but that didn't mean she was stopping him either.

"Those two are so stubborn…" Mr. Narumi said, "They'll never get together unless we give them a little push." He finished, his eyes looking at Mr. Jinno pleadingly. Due to the fact that Mr. Jinno was in an extremely good mood today, he let Mr. Narumi go on with his plan…


"Natsume and Mikan are so slow!" Misaki complained to the rest of their special abilities class, who had gathered in a corner. They too were plotting on how to get the black cat and everyone's favourite little tangerine together…not that they were coming up with any good ideas…

"Do we really…" all it took was a single death glare from Misaki to shut Tsubasa Andou up. After that, it was back to even more planning…but it wasn't as if they came up with much…just a few ideas here and there which were impossible to execute. Even Tsubasa had given some input after two more Misaki specialty death glares. It seemed to be impossible to come with a good enough plan but that didn't stop the special ability type gang from trying. This was their way of thanking Mikan for all that she had done for them and all that she had made them see…She was definitely a good friend that had always been there for them and now it was their turn to show Mikan how much they cared!

"We really can't come with anything!" Misaki shouted only to realize that everyone in the room was staring at her. All those around her sweat-dropped.


"We need to get those two together," Sumire whispered. Anna, Nonoko (who were tired from chasing Mr. Misaki), Yuu, Kokoroyomi and Nazoumu (A/N: name I gave to the fly boy) all stood around, surrounding a small table in the corner. As you already know, they too were planning on how to get Natsume and Mikan together…Of course they had left out the members of the Natsume-Ruka fan club…which was no longer run by Sumire, but by a girl named Samantha who had been second in command. They knew they needed Hotaru very badly, but refused to go to her for help because they were afraid of what Hotaru might do to them if she found out what they were up to. That was if she forgave them for disturbing her and Ruka! As you can see, the other students were still afraid of Hotaru… She was after all a genius!


Now what were our favourite couple doing? Why they were arguing of course! I mean, they couldn't and wouldn't be Natsume and Mikan if they didn't argue so much all the time…right?

"Natsume, be nice!" Mikan told Natsume…Syaoran had come all this way, just to find his sensei…but Natsume was only scolding him. This of course made Mikan very angry and now, she was yelling at Natsume. Of course, Natsume was just making Mikan angry…nothing out of the ordinary here now is there? "Why do we always fight?" Mikan thought to herself as they fell into another silence. Natsume had just finished instructing Syaoran and was back to just sitting under his beloved Sakura tree…enjoying the company of the one he loved most. It was funny how much Mikan had taught Natsume…though she was quite unaware of the fact that she had taught him anything. She had taught him to smile and even love…which was the most powerful of all emotions. "If only she knew…" Natsume thought to himself, a sad smile appearing on his face which he was completely unaware of. Mikan and Natsume sat in the silence, absorbed in their thoughts, completely unaware of all the scheming going on which involved the two of them. "If only I could say what I fell openly…" the two of them thought at the same time… "If only my feelings were returned…"


"Are you sure about this Hotaru?" Ruka asked her, only to receive a determined look from Hotaru herself. This was the proof that Hotaru knew what she was doing, not that Ruka needed any proof of Hotaru Imai's self confidence…she was the kind of person who knew what she was doing and even how she was going to do it. That was the main reason why her plans never backfired. That and the fact that Hotaru had an invention for almost anything!


­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­A/N: Wanna know what happens next? Well stay tuned for the next chapter of "Some things Never Change"…and don't forget:

The more reviews I get, the happier I feel, the happier I feel, the better and faster my updates will be!

Til' the next chapter, adieu!
