this is my first fic, so please go easy? I was bored so this came off the top of my head. hope you like it.

Disclaimer: I don't own any InuYasha characters...sniff

Saving a Lost Hanyou

chapter 1

It was the last day of summer but it was still hot as hell. He had nothing to do but to stay in his room all day, watch tv, go on the computer, or just bored himself out of his mind. He weighed his options as he laid sprawled out on his bed.

The silver haired boy sighed out of frustration. "god this is boring," he bursted out loud. He slapped his hands over his mouth. He had forgot that his father was still sleeping. 'Wait,' he thought as he tried to remember what day it was today. 'Oh, yeah, dad's on a business trip' and he sighed in relief.

Suddenly, he had a flashback of last week.


the entire family had gone on out for dinner at a fancy restaurant for his mom's birthday. Him, his older brother, his mom and his dad all sat on a round table in the middle of the dinning area, chating away. Except InuYasha. He stared at the family, tunning out of the their conversations while waiting to be served. Then he suddenly remembered something.

"Dad, is it ok if I go out Satrday nite with my friends?", he inturrupted.

InuTaishou fell silent, turned to the source of the interruption, and asked, "And why should I?"

"Well, because it's Sango's birthday and Miroku and I thought that we'd take her out for a movie or something."

InuTaishou scoffed. "Is Sango's birthday more important than celebrating your mother's birthday?"

Izayoi knew where this would be going "Honey..?" she said, trying to get her husbands attention.

"No! Your son needs to get his priorities straightened! So my answer is no!" he turned back to InuYasha and spoke as calmly as his temper would allow him "now, you celebrate your mother's birthday and stop bringing up such rubbish"

InuYasha couldn't believe how quickly the conversation had turned so bad. 'new record' he thought before snapping back at his father. "But you used to let Sesshoumaru do anything he wanted, and you still do now! what makes him so special?"

"Sesshoumaru is smarter, stronger, and more responsible than you! He certainly wouldnt do anything reckless like you do in school! Need I remind you of the countless school fights and suspensions? If you dont like being treated like trash, then start being more like your brother!"

InuYasha couldnt take it anymore. He stood up, looking down at the table, before running as fast as he could from the restaurant. He went straight to his secret spot: the forest where a huge tree stood in the middle of a clearing. He stayed there for hours and didnt return until around 11 pm. He had hoped that everyone was asleep, but his father had been sitting in the dark with a belt. He had beaten InuYasha with it before feeling satisfied and going to bed.


InuYasha groaned. He had forgot that he was grounded until his father came back. He looked at his arm. Despitehis hanyou half, he could make out old scars and the newer ones he had made after that night. (anything happens here! >. ) He wasnt ashamed of it, nor did he like doing it. It was his only way of relief without resorting to something more suicide. He wanted to live life as long as possible, but he didnt know how long he'd be able to last with all the facts of his life building up against him. Ignoring them wasnt as easy as it seemed.

He looked at the clock. 'geez, its only 1:34 pm and I still havent done anything! this is torture! I guess it's a good thing that I have school tomorrow.' He turned on his side and decided to sleep again.

sorry, this is all I have for now. Please tell me what you think. no flames, please? Im asking for ideas, and/or suggestions as well.

if the reviews are good, I'll have the next chapter up a.s.a.p.

if its not,'ll take me a while...til then, jya ne!

Kage no Kogoro