Disclaimer: I don't own anything of Harry Potter. Everything to do with Harry Potter belongs to J. K. Rowling; only my ideas for my FanFic belong to me.

Broken Hero

It's a hard life

That of a hero

All around you

Loved ones die

And the whole world

Falls awry

It's amusing

Darkness bright

To kill your loved ones

A whole worlds plight.

By: Dark-Angelsan aka Me

Harry Potter and The Ultimate Betrayal


Harry Potter has just finished the worst year of his life. He was tormented by some insane lady who had taken over Hogwarts, banned from playing Quidditch, and to top it all off he lost his Godfather Sirius Black. Can it get any better? Of course it can! While staying at the Dursley's he gets kidnapped by the Dark Lord! Why? He's not completely sure, but Voldemort wants Harry to join him and the sad thing is, there's not much Harry can do if he wants his friends and loved ones to live.

Chapter 1: Midnight Greetings

If you were to ask someone what they thought of Private Drive, Little Whining they would answer with something like;

"Oh, Private Drive? Nice little neighborhood, absolutely normal and crime free."


"Private Drive? Oh it's a lovely place! An absolutely prime spot to raise children."

Yet, what they say is not completely true. Oh, it's a nice spot to raise your children, and it's a nice neighborhood, but it's not exactly crime free and it's defiantly not normal. The one thing that prevents it from being so has everything to do with a single young boy. That boy just so happens to be Harry Potter the boy-who-lived.

He was not known as the boy-who-lived where he lived though (if that makes any sense). He was only known by that name in the wizarding world. Private Drive was completely non-magical except for young Harry, that's what made it impossible for it to be normal. As for it being crime free, well many would condone that starving, abusing, and enslaving a fifteen year old boy would be a crime.

Although Harry had many of these things done to him several times in the beginning of the summer after his fifth year at Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry, he remained emotionless toward them.

He was unnaturally thin, but besides that his body was well toned and tanned from his long hours working in the yard. His black hair was unruly as always, but his eyes had dimmed from their once radiant brilliance.

Since the death of his Godfather just weeks ago, Harry's friends and loved ones had worried about him, and sent concerned letters to him all the time. Presently Harry was writing a letter to one of his friends, Ron Weasley.

The sound of a quill scratching across the surface of a piece of parchment was extremely loud in the dead silence of Harry's room. He bent diligently over the small scrap of paper that was to be his letter. It was short and sweet for he did not feel like writing long letters anymore.

Hey Ron,

I'm fine, no worries on this end. Can't wait to come over to the Burrow in a few days. Tell everyone hello, and not to worry so much about me.


He looked it over and nodded in approval. It was very small, but he had to make due with only scraps of paper due to the fact that the Dursley's had once again locked his wizarding items in the cupboard under the stairs. They had only allowed Hedwig to fly free so long as Harry promised not to send any letters to his "abnormal" friends.

Fat lot Harry cared about keeping that particular promise! He had broken it as fast as possible and had been writing letters every chance he got to reassure everyone that he was okay and not about to commit suicide. He had just finished tying the rolled up letter to Hedwig's leg when his Aunt Petunia screamed at him up the stairs to come and make lunch.

He hurriedly sent Hedwig on her way before he made his way down to feed his relatives. He endured his Uncles complaints about how he was a lost cause, a disaster, and a bad influence on his "poor baby Dudders." He fried them some lunch and was kept at the stove for a full hour making food over and over because it seemed that someone couldn't get filled off of a banquet.

Harry was just about done cleaning the dishes when Vernon smacked him upside the head and started yelling about how Harry was useless and couldn't cook right, and didn't deserve to have any lunch.

Harry almost growled out that if it wasn't for him the Dursley's would die of starvation because they didn't know how to cook, but he kept his mouth shut and bore it because he knew if he said anything he would receive a much harsher punishment.

He went outside to weed the garden like he was told to without saying a word. The sun bore down on him, and by two o'clock he was drenched in sweat. Since he was in the back yard he pealed off his dirty white shirt and sat it on the back steps.

It was almost six by the time Harry completed the yard work and had to go inside to make the Dursley's dinner. He was starving but his stomach no longer growled seeing as he was accustomed to not having much food. He grabbed his shirt and ran inside to take a quick shower. He didn't make it far before a fist connected with his face.

He fell backwards hard and looked dazedly up at his uncle. What had he done now? From what he could make out of his furious Uncles rants it was because he had taken his shirt off.

"No one saw me." Harry muttered through a busted lip. His uncle's face grew red at that. Harry was forcefully grabbed by the arm and dragged to the stairs. He was thrown down at the bottom of the steps as Vernon towered over him.

"Wash all that filth off and make us our dinner, then march right back up there! You will not get anything to eat tonight, or tomorrow for your behavior! I don't want to see your face again after dinner you hear me boy!" he thundered. Harry merely nodded and pulled himself off the floor and up the stairs.

His nose and mouth smarted and Harry realized why when he looked into the bathroom mirror. His uncle had busted his nose and split his bottom lip. Shaking his head he turned on the hot water. Taking a five minute shower (and taking care of his nose and mouth while in it), he dried and dressed quickly before trotting down the stairs to the kitchen.

His aunt sniffed at him as she left to set the table while he gathered all the ingredients to make a meal for seven people when he was only feeding three. He was going to need all the extra to take care of Dudley's and Vernon's appetite. By fifteen till nine Harry was finally done cooking and cleaning all the dishes.

He was ordered to take out the trash as he walked towards the stairs. Sighing tiredly, he turned back around and grabbed the trash bags. He left out the backdoor and went around the house instead of through it. The last time he had done that he had got a beating because Petunia had screamed that he had gotten greasy filth all over her precious carpet when he really hadn't.

By now the sky was dark and the street lamps were lit. The hair on the back of his neck stood on end. Surveying the street, he quickly disposed of the bags and nervously made his was back to the back door. The whole way Harry felt like he was being watched but he couldn't see anyone around.

With a feeling of dread and unease Harry took the stairs to his room two at a time. Now more than ever did he wish that he had his wand. Turning in early, he tossed and turned for a good hour and a half before he drifted off into a light and disturbed slumber. He hadn't even bothered to change into his pajama's he was so tired.

Harry woke sometime in the middle of the night to the sound of someone banging on the front door frantically. At first Harry thought it was still a part of his dream, but when he heard his Uncle cursing loudly, and his thumping footsteps going down the stairs he became more alert. He sat up in his bed and pushed his covers aside.

Harry's earlier feeling of dread and uneasiness came back as a feeling of a coming horror. He sat frozen on the edge of his bed listening for any sound coming from downstairs. He was not disappointed. Almost immediately he heard the sound of yelling and a loud thump. Silence issued through the house afterwards. Harry stared hard at his door hoping beyond hope that his uncle was not just killed.

His aunt must have heard the commotion because he heard her venture out into the hall along with Dudley right behind her. She was calling out his uncle's name when she screamed. Harry heard another thumping sound, and the sound of his cousin blubbering out pleads for his life. Harry now had no doubt that both his aunt and uncle were killed and that he and his cousin were soon to join them if he didn't do something.

Harry jumped up and ran over to his window; He threw it open and looked down below. He couldn't see anybody so he could only assume that the Death Eaters (because he was very sure by now that that's who they were) were all in the house. He heard his cousin screaming at the top of his lungs and knew that they were torturing him.

Feeling horrible that he wasn't going to his rescue, Harry slipped over the seal right when someone started banging on his door. Thankful that he had some sense to lock the door before he went to bed and lowered himself as far as he could before he had to let go and fall a story. He landed hard on his legs and rolled. He heard his bedroom door break open and silently wondered why they had not just done an unlocking spell.

Not bothering to stand around and find out Harry broke into a run for the woods that bordered Private Drive. They weren't that far away as they were only a few yards back behind the Dursley's home. Harry ran so fast a track star would have been proud, but it didn't last for long. It being pitch black was a very bad factor for him, so he didn't see the hole in the ground until he was already falling. He brought his hands out to block the fall and heard a loud snap!

He gave a cry of pain and cradled his wrist to his chest. He struggled to his feet when he saw bobbing lights heading towards him and loud voices. A bright flash of light and a bright green skull with a snake protruding from its mouth appeared above his house before it was set fire to. Harry turned to hobble away from his pursuers. Besides breaking his wrist it seemed that he had twisted his ankle badly. Still he ran on, pain coursed through his body and made his vision fuzzy.

He was almost to the edge of the woods when he heard a popping sound in front of him and before he could stop himself he ran straight into somebody. Blinding pain from his scar on his forehead told him exactly who he had run into and who was currently standing over him.

Lying curled on the ground clutching his wrist to his chest, his vision began to fade. The only thing he made out before he lost consciousness was the face of a young man with blood red eyes bending down over him then everything disappeared into a spiral of darkness.

Author's Note: Yay! This is my second HP FanFic! I would like to thank all those who took the time to click on my fic. even if you didn't read it, but you obviously must have if you're reading this. Thank you so much! (sends out hugs and chocolates to all readers and reviewers) Please, please review! It will be much appreciated if you do, I will even accept flames with thanks for reading my story and critiquing it. Next Chapter to come soon as possible.