The Coolest Thing To Happen- The Teen Titans/DragonBall Z Crossover


Teen Tyrant

Saiyans and Titans Meet...

Attempting to break free of the confines of Hell, the evil Frieza has shattered a dimesional boundary, tearing open a portal leading to another reality. Escaping from Hell, Frieza goes through this portal and winds up in the universe of the Teen Titans. Titan member Starfire is flung through to the other side of the portal, just as it closes, cutting her off from her team.

Realizing that in this world, brains are needed more than brawn, Frieza joins his might with the genius of criminal mastermind, Slade. Together, the two prepare to conquer everything in their path. With Starfire gone and Robin captured by this unholy alliance of evil, the remaining Titans are left uncertain as to a course of action.

But in the universe of DragonBall Z, Starfire has met three very special kids: 11-year-old Trunks, 10-year-old Goten, and 9-year-old Marron, these three are the children of the Z-warriors. With their parents away, the three kids decide that its up to them to help Starfire get home. Reopening the portal and traveling with Starfire back to her home dimension, the kids team up with the Titans, adding their own immense powers to those of the teenage heroes.

Now the Titans and the young Z-warriors must face down their greatest enemies. Determined to rescue Robin and send Frieza back to the Hell that he belongs in, Jump City is about to be caught in the middle of the greatest inter-dimensional battle ever fought. The teens and the three youngsters at their sides cannot afford to fail.

But battling Frieza and Slade is only the beginning of their problems. The situation becomes even more complicated, when it is revealed that a certain young Z-warrior has developed special feelings for a certain Titan...

Teen Tyrant is proud to bring you, The Coolest Thing To Happen - The Teen Titans/DragonBall Z crossover!

This story, as you can tell, is the combining of two of my favorite franchises into one. The inspiration for this actually came from a crossover story of ReBoot and The Real Adventures of Jonny Quest, called Power Surd: the First Siege of Mainframe, authored by RoeBoot. The story was so intriguing, that I decided to follow its example with a crossover of Teen Titans and DBZ following the same formula. No, I am not plagerizing. I have permission from Roeboot to use her story's formula for the foundation of this one.

This story will have some mild profanity, but only from the DBZ characters. The Teen Titans characters do not swear in any version of the show, while DBZ characters swear in the pure, unedited version. The strongest word you'll find in this story, however, might be the use of the word "bastard" at some point. I don't know for sure yet, but it might be in here once. That's the most extreme that this story will get though.

Could someone reading this please let me know how I can get this story over into the DragonBall Z section of the site without submitting the same story twice. Is it possible to do that? If so, how do I do it? Please PM me and let me know.

Timeframe and Ages:

In the Teen Titans timeframe, this story originally was going to take place between whichever season the reader chooses. However, I've decided to alter that and make this story take place after season 5. Unfortunately, where this story goes means that it must ignore the events of Trouble In Tokyo. Sorry Tokyo fans, but for this tale, you need to skip it. The ages in the show are different than the ages in the comics, so that's no help, but I don't think that the Titans have aged very much from season 1 to season 5. Frankly, I don't think the whole series could have taken place in more than a year and a half at the most. I like to base the ages off of what Robin and Starfire would be. I think they are probably 15, but they may be 16 by the time of season 5. So here's where I'll ballpark the ages of the Titans for this story:

Robin: 15

Starfire: 15

Raven: 14

Beast Boy: 13

Cyborg: 17

That's the Teen Titans info you need.

DragonBall Z on the other hand is a little bit more definite. In the DBZ world, this story takes place 3 years after the battle against Majin Buu, or around the time of Movie #13, whichever you prefer. Based on that, the ages of Trunks, Goten, and Marron, as listed in the summary above, are 11, 10, and 9.

I know that a lot of people think that Marron would only be 6 by this time, so let me explain. Marron's age is never given in the series at any point. It is said that she is 3 years old during the Majin Buu saga, but we don't know that for sure, as that info was supplied after the fact. Since I don't think Krillin and #18 would have wasted anytime getting married and having a child, I think it's possible that Marron could have been born no more than a year after Goten. So by the time of Majin Buu, she's actually 6. She seems younger because she is so short, a trait passed on to her by her midget father. She has lived on an island her whole life and has been babied and sheltered, so her speaking capabilities were not what they could have been for a 6-year-old, as I have seen happen to kids in my own neighborhood who were babied too long and not taught correctly.

Technically, since it has never been truly official, it is possible that Marron is only a year younger than Goten and two years younger than Trunks. Based on that theory, I have made her age 9 for this fic, so that she is able to fit alongside them in a much more believable way. For all we know, it's accurate. She has also finally been taught correctly, as well as received training from her parents, so she is capable of fighting now, which she will do in this story.

Now that all that has been cleared up, I give you the Teen Titans/DBZ Crossover! So power up to Super Saiyan. Teen Titans Go!