Jack stood outside of Sue's apartment door, checking himself over once more.

"Champagne, check, present, check." Jack mentally noted as he tapped his pocket for her gift.

He was wearing his dark blue shirt which he knew Sue loved on him. His hair was tousled and messy, just like Sue loved it.

"Well, here goes nothing." Jack told himself as he knocked twice. He smiled as he heard Levi bark on the other side.

"Well, hello Agent Hudson." Sue said huskily as she opened her door. She looked him over.

Tousled hair and my favorite color on him, with that irresistible smile of his, how much more perfect can he be? Sue thought.

"Wow, you look absolutely stunning." Jack said breathlessly, and he wasn't kidding.

Sue was dressed in a red halter dress with a plunging neckline with heels to match. Her hair was down with some waves. Her make-up was done dramatically and her smile topped everything off.

"Well, you don't look so bad yourself." Sue replied blushing deeply enough to match the shade of her dress.

I love how flustered she looks, makes her look even more irresistible, if that's even possible. Jack thought to himself.

"So, are you going to come in or not? Coz, I pretty starved, and I could eat dinner alone." Sue teased Jack as he entered her apartment door.

"This, my dear, is for you." Jack said as he entered Sue's apartment.

Once he entered, he was immediately overwhelmed with the delicious aromas from Sue's cooking. She had cooked steak for them both. The room lights were dimmed, but there was enough light glowing from the candles Sue had lit so that she could see Jack's face clearly enough and read his lips.

"Have a seat, won't you Agent Hudson? I just have to put our dessert in the freezer, why don't you open the champagne?" Sue suggested as she disappeared into the kitchen.

Jack took a seat, and opened the bottle of champagne, like Sue had suggested. He poured some into the 2 empty wine glasses on the table.

When Sue entered the dining area again, Jack immediately got up and pulled her seat out for her.

"Thank you." Sue replied sweetly.

Jack returned to his own seat with a smile.

"Looks very delicious." Jack commented on the food.

"Why thank you." Sue replied with a big smile, "dig in." she encouraged.

And so he did, but being very sophisticated about it instead of tearing his steak up like he usually would do. He savored each and every bite that he took.

"So, we're all alone tonight?" Jack noted the obvious and gave Sue a wink, followed by his adorable irresistible boyish grin.

Sue blushed deeply once more and took a sip of her wine nervously. The truth was that Sue was nervous about being alone with Jack.

Will I be able to control myself? Sue asked herself as she forked a small cut portion of her tiny piece of steak.

They finished dinner and then it was time to exchange presents.

"OoO! Me first!" Sue said, her voice filled with excitement as she handed his gift, which he eagerly opened.

"Oh, wow! An Express shirt and jeans, the shirt I always wanted to get, but never got around to buying. Thank you Sue, you're the best sweetheart." Jack said with a huge smile as he kissed Sue's cheek.

"Okay, time for your present." Jack said as he reached into his shirt pocket for her gift.

Sue's eye's widened as she saw him take out a box out of his pocket.

Well, it's too big of a box to be a ring. Sue thought. I'm excited.

When Jack handed her the box, her hands started to nervously shake. When she finally opened the velvet box, she let out a small gasp.

"Jack, its beautiful." Sue said still trying to catch her breath.

"These 3 squares represent that Sue Thomas; you are my today, my tomorrow, and my yesterday." Jack said as he kissed her cheek again. He took the necklace out of the box and put it around her neck. She touched her neck gingerly, and then turned around to face Jack. She looked at him straight in the eye, with love so strong shining brightly in her eyes.

She whispered, "Thank you." As tears came down her face, she closed her eyes, wondering if she was in a reverie.

Jack took her face in his hands and kissed her tear-stained cheeks. Then he gently stroked her cheek with his thumb.

Sue slowly opened her eyes, "is this real? Are you really here with me? Am I dreaming? Coz if I am, I never want to wake from it.

Jack chuckled as he told her, "yes Sue Thomas, this is reality, I'm really here with you, and I'm here to stay with you until the day I die."

Sue kept on staring at Jack, still unsure if she was dreaming or not.

"Still don't believe me? Here let me show you." Jack leaned in closer to Sue and captured her lips. The kiss started out as gentle, but Sue's lips demanded more and Jack greedily reacted. He was hungry for her love, her touch, and he never wanted to let her go. Sue was first to break the kiss. She sighed in contentment and then snuggled close to Jack and watched the fire in the fireplace. Jack gingerly kissed her forehead and whispered in her ear.

"Merry Christmas my love."

Although she couldn't hear him, she whispered into the air,

"Merry Christmas Jack, I love you." While her tired lids closed and she sighed once more and then they both drifted off to sleep in each other's arms.