Disclaimer: I own know one except my OCs. Hope you all enjoy and please read and review! (As of September 29, 2008-this story is now updated and should be read from the beginning as things have changed.)

Chapter 1: It Happened Again

"Trish! I can't believe that you did it again!" Jo yelled back.

"It's not my fault. I just walked into the room." Trish retaliated.

"I told you I was going to be using the house and I didn't want you to be here. You were supposed to be at Stacey's house." Jo sighed. "It's not fair. You always manage to steal everything from me."

"It's not my fault that your boyfriends always break up with you."

"Whatever. You know I love you and I hate being mad at you, but come on this one was really cute too."

"I'm sorry. But I got to go. I'm late. You should stop by that arena. I think they were looking for you before. Plus, I hear we are getting a new guy." Trish said leaving.

'Goddamn, I hate her sometimes. She always manages to take everything away from me, even when we were little. I guess I'll never find a guy who will ignore my sister or have something of my own. I started out in this business, and she had to come along and top me by becoming one of the stars of the show. Whatever, this is just too much. I'm just giving up. I can only waste so much time thinking about this.' Jo thought to her self.

-At the Arena-

"She flipped out on me, again," Trish said after repeating this morning's event to her best friend, Beth Phoenix.

"I'm sorry. She always manages to find the wrong guy."

"Maybe it's me," Trish paused. "Maybe it's because I am part of the WWE and when people find out her last name. They must…"

"…assume?" Beth filled in. "I know I've heard this story before."

Just then Stacy and Maria burst into the locker room. "He's here! And hot!" They said in unison.

"Who?" Beth and Trish looked at them dumb founded.

"The new guy! The wrestler, John Cena," Stacey said dazed. "You have to come see him. He's in the arena, in the ring."

"Alright." They left the women's locker room to head out to the ring.

-Later on that Night-

"Hey Jo, it's your big sis calling, again. I'm just calling to let you know that your backstage pass and ticket is at the back door with Paul, the security guard. I took them by accident when I left. Hope you make it. I'm sorry again about earlier. He wasn't good enough anyway. I love you." Trish hung up the phone.

"That seemed like an intense conversation." A startled Trish quickly turned around. To her surprise an unfamiliar face stood before her.

"Oh, I didn't know anyone was behind me. Sorry." She said turning around from this new face, but was stopped by his strong arm around her wrist.

"I don't know your name." He said looking into her eyes.

"I'm Trish Stratus, and you are?"

"John Cena, I just got signed."

"Right, I saw you before in the ring. Who was that other guy in the ring with you?"

"Oh that was Randy Orton. He's my friend from way back. He's trying to make it into the business." He said leaning against the nearby wall.

"He looks good." Trish blurted out.

"Oh," John said raising his eyebrow.

"No, I mean like good in the ring. He looked like he knew what he was doing."

"Yeah," He paused. "I don't mean to pry, but I caught the end of that conversation like you know. I was just wondering if you were talking to your boyfriend.'

"No," she laughed. "I was talking to my sister. She's mad at me again. Her boyfriend, well ex as of this morning was caught flirting with me in our apartment. And it's not the first time something like this has happened. I mean I do feel really bad. But once they hear my name, sometimes I think that over powers how great she is." Trish said, flipping her long blonde hair away from her face.

"I understand. I'm the second oldest out of four brothers. So I know jealousy. But I also happen to be the best looking one, if I do say so myself. So is your sister like butt ugly?"

"No, she's just really reserved and doesn't flaunt what she's got."

"Hmm…well, I have to go. It was nice to meet you."

"Yeah same here. I'll cya around."


Jo arrived at the arena a few minutes before the show began.

"Thank God, you are here. Molly is going crazy with the new merchandise. She doesn't know what to do with your new designs." Mary, Jo's assistant said all in a panic.

"Don't worry about it. I'll go and talk to her in a minute. I just have to finish something up."

"Alright, just hurry before she blows up in my face."

"I'll be there." She said running off. Jo turned the corner, crashing into something hard. She looked up to see what it was. She didn't recognize his face.

"I'm sorry. I was in a rush." she said settling her feet back on the ground.

"No, no it was my fault." He said with a smile, his hands still on her.

"I'll walk with you for awhile just to make sure you don't crash into anything else. My match isn't for another hour or so."

"OK." She said smiling back. "And for the record you bumped into me."

"I don't think it happened just that way, but I will let it slide just this once." He said laughing.

'My God he is gorgeous, who is he?'

"So where were you off too in such a rush?" He asked, giving her his heart melting smile. (A/N: I am smiling right now thinking about his dimples. Ahh)

"I was in a rush to talk to my friend. I had to vent to her, but I can't seem to find her anywhere."

"Well, I'm here if you need to talk."

"Thanks, that was sweet of you. I don't even know you name."

"I'm John Cena."

"Oh, the new guy."

"Hey Jo." The Big Show said passing in the hall.

"Hey Show. I have the new designs ready. If you want to go over them soon."

"Great. I'll call you to set it up."

"Designs?" John asked.

"Yeah, I come up with the new designs for all the stars. My sister got me the job."

"That's cool. So I guess you're making mine?"

"Yeah I am."

"Good. I look forward to working with you." He said once again with that smile.

'My god, this guy is really coming on to me. I hate guys, right now, but something tells me he is different. I bet he hasn't met my sister yet, might as well enjoy it while it last.'

"Yeah, me too," She said flirting back.

"Listen a friend of mine and I am going out tonight to some club, with a bunch of other superstars. I was wondering if you wanted to go with me."


"Sorry that was very forward of me. But when I am attracted to someone I go for it.'

"Nice line, but I just broke up with my boyfriend this morning. So I don't really want to get into something and I just met you."

"Oh, well. That was wasn't a line. I meant it. Don't worry about it. We can just go as friends if you would like."

"Alright, I guess so."

"Don't you just sound thrilled." He laughed.

"Hey. I said yes, right?" She laughed back.

"See I'm making you laugh already. How about you meet me at my locker room after the show?"

"Great. Bye."

"Bye, Jo."

Hope you liked it. There will be more to come! No new chapter if you don't review. So please do. I am going to try to update as much as possible. Tell me if it isn't interesting.