I just want to say, school started, and I'm very sorry I have not updated in so long. Forgive me? And, I can't remember if I had said it was a Christmas Ball, or a Thanksgiving Ball, so we're going to go with Christmas from now on, ok? Ok.

Chapter 17

The Ball

It was now the night before the ball and Harry couldn't sleep. Given his track record with Magdalena; he couldn't see how he was going to be able to resist her if she tried to get him to do something evil. In the end he was certain of what he had to do. He had to take her to the ball. He couldn't back out now; he was going to have to be on his guard at all times.

When Harry got up in the morning, he noticed that Ron was missing. "Where the devil…?" Harry mumbled in his confusion. He got dressed quickly, assuming that Ron had left early for breakfast.

In the Great Hall, Harry walked straight to the Gryffindor table and sat down in-between Neville and Ron, who was there as expected. As Harry approached, he noticed that there was a sudden silence. They had been talking about him.

"Alright, alright, what's going on?" Harry said to his friends.

"Well…" Ron said, "Magdalena has been telling people about your date tonight, and Malfoy is absolutely going mad."

Ron had hardly gotten this out when Malfoy came blustering up to the table screaming at the top of his lungs, "Oh, so it's you Potter, is it? Trying to get with my girl eh? What are you playing at Potter; she already picked me over you once!"

This just got on Harry's nerves. He wanted to say, "Actually I think she's evil and I'd be happy to not have anything to do with her" but he couldn't do that. Instead he decided to hurt Malfoy. He said "Hah, I didn't have to try at all Malfoy. She came running to me, willingly, wantingly, passionately."

Malfoy's jaw dropped, he stared at Harry for a very long time, wishing that he was lying, but not sure if he was. Finally, Malfoy couldn't take it anymore. He walked away briskly and joined his fellow Slytherins.

Everyone in the Hall was chattering about the ball, what their dress robes looked like, who they were going with, and whether Harry had been with Magdalena all along. It was nerve wracking.

That day, classes flew by for Harry, as he was dreading that night. By the end of his last class, Harry had a serious headache. He knew he had to do this, but he didn't want to. And so, he and Ron went up to their room to get dressed.

When they were getting dressed, Harry asked Ron, "So, why did you leave so early this morning eh?"

Ron just answered him, "Listen, I'd tell you if I thought you really wanted to know." And then he grinned at Harry.

Harry rolled his eyes and said to him, "Ok, Ron, doing that is just as bad as telling me." Ron giggled and continued getting dressed.

Finally, they had gotten on their dress robes and they looked rather nice. Harry's stomach was in a knot, he was going to have to meet Magdalena in ten minutes. "Well Ron, it's time. I have to go meet up with her." Harry said with a solemn look on his face.

Ron nodded. "I'll go with you mate."

As they walked to the door to open it, to their surprise there was Magdalena. She looked amazing, in a dark purple gown covered in lace, her hair curled and falling down around her face and her eyes dark and mysterious. All of Harry's ill feelings disappeared and he turned to Ron and said, "Don't wait up." Ron grinned and said, "Likewise." And the boys went their separate ways.

"So, Magdalena, why didn't you wait for me to come get you?" Harry said to her on their way to the ball.

"Well… Harry… I just…I couldn't wait to see you is all. I've been really excited about tonight." She said to him, with a playful smile. Harry's heart melted. Maybe tonight wouldn't be so bad after all.

Every student and teacher at Hogwarts was in that room, and when Harry and Magdalena arrived, every student and teacher was staring at them. Magdalena turned a coy shade of red and looked at Harry. "Harry, why are they all staring like that?"

Again, Harry had the impulse to say to her, "Why, Magdalena, don't you know? You're evil. It's not every day someone with a heart as black as yours comes into this school!" But of course he didn't, or couldn't, because of the spell he seemed to be under. Instead he only said, "It's because they've never seen anyone as beautiful as you, dear."

That night they danced and had a marvelous time. Harry could not find one suspicious thing about her, but, there had to be something. There had to be!

Towards the end of the evening, Malfoy walked up to Harry and said, "Listen, Potter, did you mean all that about her coming running…passionately? … Because… I have to say, it's been bothering me a bit."

Harry looked Malfoy over, he looked genuinely distraught. He wanted to console him and tell him it was a lie to make him mad but just as he was about to do so, he said, "Of course it was true, what do you expect?" and he felt a smirk spread over his face.

Harry checked himself, horrified at what he had just done. He looked over to Ron, who was dancing with Hermione and having a grand time. Then, he looked to Magdalena who was smiling at him. Harry blushed. Next he looked at Malfoy. Shaking with anger, and suddenly disappeared. Harry felt overwhelmed. He hadn't meant to say that, what was wrong with him?

Yes, it has been a while. Sorry if I've lost my groove, if you like it still, give me some reviews! And if you don't, review anyway! Just don't be too harsh, k?