A Deeper Look

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or any of the other characters!

Ok guys, this is my first fan fiction. I know it's probably not so good as some other ones out there so if you review it, I can only improve, yes? Please don't be harsh, if you don't like it, let me know, or, better yet, don't read it, but there's no need to be rude. Thanks a bunches!

Chapter One


It was the beginning of Harry's seventh year at Hogwarts, and he was as sad as he was relieved. As He sat in his cabin alone on the Hogwarts Express, Harry began reminiscing to himself about all of the crazy stunts he pulled in his previous six years. He asked himself, "could it really be my last year?" But he didn't dwell on these thoughts long, he was only in the cabin five minutes when Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley and his sister, Ginny, and one more girl, a new addition to their usual group.

New people were joining "the golden three" all the time, after all, Harry was famous; however, this girl was different from any that Harry had seen before. Her black glossy hair hung in curly ringlets around her face; they accentuated her olive skin and stunning emerald eyes. She was, by far, the most beautiful creature that Harry had ever seen. She caught Harry's gaze and blushed, making her even more gorgeous than before.

Harry decided to talk to her and maybe lighten up the mood a little. He asked her if she was new, where she was from, and, of course, her name. When she answered, his heart fluttered. He paid close attention from every word escaping her full lips, not only because this was a beautiful girl, but because she had a beautiful voice and a Spanish accent. When she answered him, "Yes, I'm transferring here from Spain, My name is Magdalena," Harry felt faint. But, once again, he did not have time to dwell long on such matters.

As the trolley came by, bearing candy and newspapers, Harry decided to purchase a copy of the latest "Daily Prophet". As he opened his newspaper, he read a headline that startled him, but did not surprise him. Lucius Malfoy had escaped from Azkaban and was in hiding in some unknown place. Harry knew this day would come; once again Voldemort was rallying his band of Death Eaters.

Magdalena was staring at Harry with great intensity now. Where, after he had broken the ice, she was chattering happily with Hermione and Ginny, now she stopped in mid paragraph looking extremely concerned.

"Harry, are you alright? You look terrible." Hermione was the first to say. Then Ron added, "Yeah mate, you look as though you've seen a ghost." Magdalena just stared. Harry didn't realize that his reaction had been so obvious, since he was the only one in the cabin to purchase a paper, he had hoped to keep this information to himself for the time being, and he didn't want to make things awkward. He realized that he had to tell them.

"Lucius Malfoy has escaped from Azkaban. The ministry doesn't know where he's gone to." Everyone in the cabin looked sick, even Magdalena. What surprised Harry most was that she looked just as beautiful upset as she did when she was happy.

Just then Draco Malfoy stuck his head in the cabin, accompanied by his usual gang, Crabbe and Goyle. "All ready for a new year Potter? It's going to be a blast…." He looked at Magdalena, "I can't feel it." Harry felt a rush of jealousy and his face felt suddenly hot. Malfoy sneered in victory.

"Why don't you find someone else to harass Malfoy, I hear your dad's broken out, why don't you go talk to him, you're not welcome here."

"Well obviously, Potter, or you would have invited me. Although, I did think you had the decency to introduce me to your new friend. Lack of manners must be due to muggle upbringing."

At this statement, Magdalena herself turned red, this time she wasn't blushing, she was angry. She yelled at Malfoy, "I don't know who you are, and I do not care. You sir are no gentleman and I'd like nothing more to do with you!"

Draco looked hurt and confused, after all, he hadn't said a word to this beautiful newcomer, and she already seemed to dislike him.

Ok, that's the end of the first chapter, please R&R!