Broken smile.

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, or any other character. Plz do not sue! I write to amuse u or indeed make you cry.

Author Note: This Fanfic may contain scenes of a traumatic story line. In the beginning you may be stunned at the content and you may be a little puzzled. But the tale with unfold.

Whole Summary: Draco and Hermione have never liked each other; they have always been at each others throats and have always managed to make a bad situation worse. Never have they been able to lay off the arguments and continually make pops at each other. Dumbledore and others have put up with their annoying stressful habits until final year when they feel that the war is preventing any inter-house unity. He wants them to get along and even though Hermione and Draco hate each others guts they agree, and the plot thickens.

Chapter 1Hermione's house.

A house on a hill. A small hill, Hermione's family sat at the dinner table awaiting their dinner to be ready. Mr. Granger sat there his fist slightly red and Mrs. Granger sat on the sofa, her eyes red and sore. Hermione sat at the head of the table, her head in her hands, all she wanted is to know the spell to change they way a person perceives things – so she can see why her father does what he does.

'If she only stayed away, if she didn't get involved with any thing she wouldn't be say over there in a wreck. I can handle what happens, so long as she doesn't cry. I can't stand to see her cry and pass him ice for his hand, her red eyes make me mad.' She thought as she starred at her mother.

Hermione's body was black and blue, every night she'd get thrown around like a rag doll by her father. Every night her family sat at the dinner table in silence and every night her mother cried her self to sleep – wanting him to stop but preying he'd not touch her.

Hermione knew that what she prayed for could never happen but still she'd always ask for it. She never cry in front of her father when he hit her, that would just make him happy – and she didn't want to make the man who ruined her life happy. What she prayed for was that her school life would drastically changed and that people would just leave her alone. Or not every one just certain people. Every year she wished that he would just change the way he was to her.


"Please don't do this Dad!" Hermione screeched as her father back handed her into her back wall, Her back smashed hard into and she led there for a while as her Dad glided across the wooden floor. The creeks resembled the painful screams and cries that Hermione wanted so badly to flow out of her mouth, but she lay there a helpless being. A lion with no claws, a hunter without his gun.

"It's for your own good Hermione! You do this to your self – it pains for me to hit you but you just don't learn."

His voice was muffled and croaky, he sounded calm but Hermione knew that she was in for the fight of her life – except all she'd do is sit there and take what her dad had to do to her, her fight was for her literal life.

Before he had cracked a few ribs and the pain she suffered for that was almost intolerable. Never before had she endured so much of a horrific pain that shot through her body when he did that. Yet she knew that he was going to 'fuck her up' worse than he had the other week. Her body still black and blue all over she tried to brace her self for the first blow but couldn't bring her self to move. Like her body had excepted it, her mind however had not and she was screaming at her self, at her father to leave her alone.

"What have I done? Please tell me – so I don't do it again!" She tried to scream but the pain in her ribs was excruciating and she barely whispered it.

End of Flashback

The floor boards stops squeaking the moment the loud slap of his belt hit her abdomen area, after a few beats of that he usually slapped her hard in the same place but this time he punched her hard in the face, and before he left, he hugged her.

Alone she sat, puzzled, a mixture of blood and tears rolling down her face, her ribs throbbing and with thick red marks around her belly and swellings on her upper arms Hermione officially called her self a wreck. After laying on the floor for a while she pulled her self up to get ready for the hell that was dinner, she first slowly dipped cotton wool balls in TCP and left them on the side while she cleared off the excess blood and tears from her face with a warm damp flannel. Then she dapped the wool ball over the wounds, gasping and biting her tongue due to the pain.

She thanked god every time she got a beating that he didn't sexually abuse her, and prayed every night that he wouldn't even dream of it. But due to lack of successful dreaming for the past 5 years in Hogwarts Hermione only half-heartedly said the sorry words in her head.

Hermione slowly edged towards the landing room upstairs and peered down to see her father sitting at the table reading the evening paper, his belt undone and his fist red. Her mother was setting and placing out lamp chops with mash potato. She winced a few times before clambering down the stairs to join her dysfunctional family. Her mother gave a smile but more likely was meant to mean, 'aw poor thing!' and Hermione's eyes began to fill with water at the thought of how she'd fell if her mother was in Hermione's shoes.

With only 2 more weeks left of torture, Hermione just thought of how seeing Ron and Harry would bring her joy – but then them seeing more bruises and asking for the millionth time what had happened and again me telling them another lie, Hermione could she her digging her self a hole so deep that she'd end up lying to her self and believing her lies, then she'd probably loose her friends and have to deal with the horror all alone.

She wanted some one to talk to other than God, she wanted some help. Even though she thought Harry would under stand with his aunt and uncle being so horrid to him but still she remained silent about her domestically violent father and continued to be little-miss-perfect-Hermione Granger.

While she sat at the table and ate her mash potato trying very hard not to wince, she very much wanted to inquire why of all the times her father could have given her a hug it was after her had stripped her of her dignity – after her beat her and then beat her again. Not only did he ruin any chance of having a family relationship with her father ever gain but it made her look stupid and vulnerable. He made her sick and even though she knew she couldn't speed up time she wished away the days that lead up to her departure.

"Why did you do it, again?" Mrs. Granger asked her husband as she got into bed to join her husband, " You know it wasn't her fault, you were the one who didn't tell James about us not wanting the paper delivery." She asked as she rested her head upon his chest.

"Shut up and go to sleep, I will hit her until the day I feel it not be necessary. I never want you to blame me for any thing again. You now who you'd prefer it to be!" And with that the cruel man turned over and fell asleep.

Hermione looked at her bare back in the full length that was put up in her bed room. She noticed dry blood gathered around the red lines across her back and it was practically completely black, with bruise. She looked on her right side – where her ribs had barely began to repair them selves to see huge swellings and again big bruises. She let tears roll down her cheeks and when she blinked it hurt. She was tired of always putting up a fight and was sick of having to put up with her father. She hated lying to her friends and she resented her school life.

Nothing was good for her. After trying to rub of the dried blood she slowly eased her self onto her left side where she only received one sharp pain and did her best to have a decent nights sleep.


Mr. Granger got up and left for work as did Mrs. Granger half an hour later.

Hermione eventually got up at 10.00 am to find a letter awaiting on her bedside cabinet, with one arm she reached for it and sat up. She took a sip of her water and when she swallowed she had the nasty taste of blood still left in her mouth from the previous night.

Dearest Hermione Granger,

I am writing to inform of a change of schedule for your time in Hogwarts.

Due to recent events in the wizarding world we have decided to extend the year. We plan on having all students here for the 8th Of June.

Hermione thought to her self that the 8th Of June was only two days away! A shiver of relief went through her spine and for the first time in ages she smiled, and she didn't stop smiling.

We have informed the other students, but the first years will be arriving at the same time as we usually tell them to.

We look forward to seeing you back at Hogwarts very soon Hermione. Good luck packing and we will see you soon.

Yours Truly

Albus Dumbledore.

She folded the letter back up and slotted it back into the envelope. She then placed in on the side and got out her luggage bag from inside her wardrobe and began packing all her things.

Once she had al the essentials she owled Ron and Harry:

Dearest Ronald and Harry,

I know you two have been together all holiday and haven't bothered to write or owl me at all but to be honest I don't mind! My summer was fabulous – I almost cried every day because it was so fun!

Hermione held her rib tightly and hoped for it to get better soon! Now she could get of her bruises before she left using her wand, she couldn't before because her father would only hurt her more if he didn't see it had hurt her.

I hope you two have enjoyed your selves. Have you heard! Hogwarts is opening early! I almost collapsed with happiness when I saw this letter waiting for me on my bed side cabinet.

I am on my way, almost as we speak, to your house Ronald. I can't wait to see you, Harry and your family, wish them my love.

I hope to see you very shortly. In case of emergency owl back, and Harry could you tell me whether you intend on having any more adventures, so that I may pack for them.

All my love,


She owled it off – she hadn't done it many times before and so she hoped that it would get there as quickly and safely as everyone elses usually did.

She finished packing her things and struggled to close the case, she set aside her robes, wand and things she planned on wearing to the platform and then left for Rons.

Well there was my first chapter, and unfortunately I can not say there will be no more violence! Next chapter will be soon!

Thanks for seeing it!

Love Karla!