Witches, Wizards, and Lord Voldemort

It is to be sung to the tune of 'Vampires, Mummies, and the Holy Ghost'…it's a Jimmy Buffet song. Happy reading! Er singing…

Disclaimer: the song is Jimmy Buffet's and the characters are J.K. Rowling's…

Witches, Wizards, and Lord Voldemort Sung by Dudley and the Gang

Looked in my cousin's school what did I see

A bunch of magic folk staring at me

Rather stay on the diet than go back to that place

But I have to go back

That's what some people think

Talk about strange people

and weird clothes these days

They wear long cloaks,

black robes, and big pointy hats

They don't learn normal things

At that school of theirs

They turn matches into needles

And such

witches, wizards, and Lord Voldemort

these are the things that terrify me the most

no aliens, diets, or MTV hosts

scares me like witches, wizards, and Lord Voldemort

Met some magic folk last night

They were very strange

They talked about strange things

Like Death Eaters and Quidditch

Some stuff about flying brooms

And ball coming after you

And soon enough I just wanted to scream

Witches, wizards, and Lord Voldemort

These are the things that terrify me the most

No aliens, diets, or MTV hosts

Scares me like witches, wizards and Lord Voldemort

When Harry lived at our house

I was always beating him up

He was so skinny and so scrawny

Now he can use magic oh!

La, la, la, la, la…

I've got to learn to stay away from him now

So he don't curse me to have a curly tail

Just like that big man did so many years ago

And I had to go get it removed

Witches, wizards, and Lord Voldemort

These are the things that terrify me the most

No aliens, diets, or MTV hosts

Scares me like witches, wizards, and Lord Voldemort

Witches, wizards, and Lord Voldemort

These are the things that terrify me the most

No aliens, diets, or MTV hosts

Scares me like witches, wizards, and Lord Voldemort