Hey guys thanx for the reviews!

Hobbit69: Thanx for the feedback on Danny and Sam.

BandGeek24:Hopefully, it'll clear up more.

Ghostboy814:Thanx for the review I'll keep up the good work……hopefully.

And thanx to all my other eviewers hopefully your still reading this.

Disclaimer: Ugh I hate these…..I don't own Danny, Sam, Tucker etc. etc.

Chapter 3

I must be outta my mind, Sam thought to herself going with Tucker's plan. "Pretty obvious your outta your mind isn't it." The voice in her head said.

"Not you again," Sam said with a tone of annoyance "I don't like you."

"And I don't care," the voice said in a …..well I-Don't-Care sort of voice "I'm here to stay, so let me give you some advice while I'm here………lose the goth look it's kinda creepy."

"Are you outta your mind," Sam said in a shocked tone "I'm goth that's me, I'm not changing me!"

"First of all I'm not outta your mind…Im in your mind," the voice said matter of factly "Secondly, lose the goth look or Danny won't like you."

"You don't know that," Sam answered back "Danny's hung out with me and he doesn't care about me being goth."

"He's hung out with you but, your not entirely sure he likes you."

Sam was sick of hearing the voice and so therefore ignored it. She went to her dresser and looked in her mirror. I'm fine the way I am and anyway how am I going to go with Tucker's plan if I don't even know what Danny likes or dislikes."

:Ring Ring:

She looked down at her caller id on her cell phone. Tucker. She answered hesistantly.


"Hey Sam, didn't I'd say I'd help you with the plan, well I've compiled a list on Danny's interests and non-interests."

I spoke too soon. "Ok," she sighed "let me hear 'em"

"Ok, well first of all I know Danny likes straight hair like Paulina's," Tucker said rustling paper on the other end "You know maybe not that long but straight."

Sam was afraid of this. She liked her hair the way it was but, if Danny liked it…..

"How about the way I had it at the dance," Sam inquiried "Danny seemed to like it."

"Sure but not like that all the time…..Change it up." Tucker answered with some style of his own.

"Ok, next?"

"Danny definitely likes someone feminine." Tucker said hesitantly.

Oh, crap. I am definitely not feminine. I am goth and serious not girly. "Well, how am I supposed to do that?" she said a little upset.

"Calm down I know your upset about that but just chill down." He said sensing my anger.

"But, I'm just not girly," I said in a bratty voice "I don't know how I can be!"

"Chill I'll hel……..Hey I've gotta go."

"Alright, bye."

I sat down and stared at the mirror again and looked down. Feminine. Sam laughed to herself as she stood up and picked up a comb and started brushing thinking about how Danny would like this.

"God, I hate this plan so much…."