Disclaimer- I do not own Naruto, nor do I profit from this in any monetary way. The only satisfaction I get is emotionally.

Another Chance Chapter 1


"So this is it" thought Naruto, as he hung there, tied to the oversize log that was painstakingly erected for this single purpose. It was reinforced with every binding seal known to man, but it wasn't necessary. The blonde had no fight left in him, he hadn't had any in him for a long while."This is the end"

All around him, in the vast training field hordes of villagers and shinobi alike roared their requests for the act to continue. An act that many of them had been praying for every day of Naruto's life.

His execution.

He sighed from his spot "It was only a matter of time" he mused "They have been after me openly ever since I became Jounin. Not that I didn't have to make them work for it" He smirked at that thought. At over fifty years old, the blonde kitsune has been dodging death for longer then he could remember, from both enemy nin and vengeful villagers and council members who decided that since he was trained under a sannin it was okay to send him alone on S-rank missions "Not that that train of thought carried over to the prick and the bitch" he thought bitterly. The funny part was that the enemy always seemed to know that he was coming, funny that. The biggest miracle Konoha has probably seen since it's founding was that Naruto survived this long.

But nothing lasted forever, especially now. With the latest batch of wars between the hidden villages over Konoha's people finally had the time to rebuild their lives. But the gears of peace did not turn from written treaties alone, oh no. Other villages required a more...graphic example of Konoha's commitment to peace. In an ultimate irony, all thosesolo high class missions had given Naruto such a feared reputation not seen since the fourthhokage.The other villages did not feel safe with such a powerhouse roaming across the countryside with all their villages at such low strength, they said. If Konaha wanted peace so bad they could get it with the blood of their greatest warrior.

The council was probubly still laughing their wrinkled asses off.

Which brought him to now, and the stump. It wouldn't be long till they got this fire started, literally.

"Naruto." A hoarse voice cracked from in front of him. Naruto looked up from where he was hanging to see a hunched over figure approaching him. The figure was covered in a cloak with a cowl covering her head and face.

Naruto smiled slightly. "Hey there hag. What's hanging, besides me?"

Tsunade, for that was who was concealed beneath the cloth (she found putting up the genjutsu was to much effort for quite some time, injuries and damage from to many self damaging healings finally catching up to her, and she didn't have a hokage robe because she was replaced)looked upat the boy she saw as a son andshuddered as her body was wracked with sobs "I'm so sorry, Naruto. I tried to stop them but..."

"But they've been looking for this for quite some time now, I know. This treaty must have been seen as a gift from heaven." He kept his smile up but his eyes were empty. After all, he was a dead man hanging. Not even the blonde could brush this off.

"You deserved so much better Naruto." Tsunade continued "You gave everything for people who hated you so much, and as I watched you grow up I saw you selflessly give more and more and this villagejust took more and more from you. I'm sorry"

"Stop apologizing hag. You did what you could but some things just weren't meant to be." Naruto's mind drifted towards a dream he had for so long. A dream that would never come true because bigotry and hatred proved stronger then compassion and rightousness. Yet he wasn't crushed by that thought, as he should have beem. Over fifty years of seeing nothing but the ugly side of his village, especially these later years when they were actively attempting to get rid of him completely destroyed any faith he had in his so called home. No great loss to his mind there he thought.His heart clenched as the thought of loss brought up more painful memories, ones that actually did hurt.

A feminine face, brown hair tied in two buns topping a nicely curved face, big brown eyes gazing on him with warmth and the slightest bit of mischief. Her body laying on her side, the chinese dress style she treasured so much fitting her like a glove and making her common physique glow that much brighter in his eyes. "Tenten..." he thought to himself, the memory of what she was to him and what they might have been today never failing to shake him to the core. Other faces flashed by his mind, classmates from when he was really young who became comrades through so much, as well as precious people he had accumulated over the years. All gone now. It was no accident that none except Tsunade (and she only made it because she was hokage) lived to see this day. One couldn't say that the council wasn't thorough in their little vendetta.

"At least ero-sennin isn't here to see this" He said. His old sensei having died years ago taking down his mad former teammate in the final days of sound. Not that that stopped the war in the end. Orochimaru lit up a powder keg that drenched virtually the whole continent in blood. "He would have yelled them to premature deafness, and when they didn't listen he would have had the council's heads or at least summoned a frog on them. He always knew how to make a scene, the big baby."

Tsunade chuckled "That he did.". They stared at each other fondly for a moment before a particularly loud roar from the crowds brutally brought them back to reality and reminded them that they were at an execution and this was the last time they would see each other ever again. Tsunade straightened up and looked into his eyes " I have something to give back to you". With that she dived into her cloak and pulled out a familier necklace.

Naruto's eyebrow raised ever so slightly "My necklace." he droned in a voice like he was talking about the weather. "Where did you find that?"

What little he could see of Tsunade's mouth curved up in a smirk. " I'm a sannin remember? Now lean down and let me put it on you. I want you to look your best if this is how your going out."

Naruto stared a bit with his empty eyes and leaned forward ever so slightly, all the motion he was allowed given the binding seals placed all over him. Tsunade straighened and reached behind his neck and fastened the green stone once more over him.

"It looks good on you."

"It always did."

A cold voice interrupted their banter. "As touching as this is you have had enough time with him Tsunade. Get back with the crowd". Naruto raised his head and Tsunade turned hers to glimpse the perpetrator of that comment. Flanked by several foreign dignitaries here to make sure the execution was valid as well as several key members of the Konoha council was a man in a hokage robe. He pushed past Tsunade and raised his head to look into Naruto's eyes. Naruto's eyes flashed with suppressed wrath when he saw the eyes that stared up slightly at his.

Sharingan eyes.

"Sasuke." Naruto spat out.

Sasuke smirked at him in his arrogantly superior way. "Hello Dobe. Are you ready to take part in today's festivities? Everyone has been waiting such a long time for this moment." Glares at Naruto and nods from the delegates and politicians behind the Uchiha confirmed this.

Naruto gave his first real show of emotion of the day by laughing in Sasuke's face. "Including you, friend?"

"None more then me."

Naruto cocked his head to the side a bit "Still can't forgive me for finishing of Itachi while you were busy whoring yourself to the snake freak? You should just admit you were to spineless to ever do it and just ran to Orochimaru knowing you would die. It was all just a petty show like everything else you do...loser." He laughed at the new hokage. It was short lived though as Sasuke's fist met his gut. Hard.

"How dare you talk to me that way?" Sasuke hissed."Loser? Look around you dobe I have everything! The Hokage title? Mine. Sakura? Mine. The hero worship of every person in this village? Mine mine mine!" He accenuated every other syllable with a hard punch to Naruto's gut as those behind Sasuke watched with glee. Except for Tsunade who clenched her fists. Old she may be but she is still wields the violent persona she always has.

The blonde, to his credit, merely smirked as each blow landed on him. "Is that all you have? After all those years being tossed around by Lee and Gai this is nothing. But to what you said before...Hokage? If thepeople are so eager to put you up it just shows how stupid they really are. Sakura?"Naruto openly reared his head back and laughed. "You can have the bitch. After the way she betrayed everyone of us just to get a second glance from a shit like you? She has no concept of friendship. Acknowledgement? That hasn't meant a damn thing to me for so long. I have nothing left because of your little hissy fit. A fit that killed to many. Grow the hell up you pitiful wretch. You can't hurt me."

Everyone within earshot expected Sasuke to explode. To reach over and carry out the execution right then and there. Toeveryones surprise, Sasuke merely smirked and leaned up next to Naruto's ear. He whispered a single thing.

"I killed her. But not before I had my fun with her and made her scream over and over. She was a good lay, even though shehad to be held down.I can see why you chose her."

Naruto froze completely still as that sunk in. Then, his head rose slowly and everyone except Tsunade and to a lesser exent Sasuke couldn't help but shrink back at what they saw. The empty, tired sky blue eyes were gone. In their place were blood red eyes. Eyes a person should only see in their nightmare, for a human being who had them in thereal world could not truly be called human. The killing intent that filled the air caused more then one council elder to lose his bowel control.They bored right into Sasuke's eyes. "You waste of life. I swear to you I will make you pay for what you did. You may think though up until now you got away with so much crap because of your damn blood but this time you won't." Sasuke took a half step back as Naruto lunged against his bindings. He got much farther then anyone thought he would, considering Naruto didn't fight against the bindings all day, to say nothing of the sheer number of them. However, it wasn't nearly enough power for Naruto to get to his desired target and soon enough he was stuck against stump yet again.

One of the council elders stepped forward. "Hokage-sama? It is time. It wouldn't do to consort with this sort of trash for to long and it isn't safe for anyone to let that monster exist any longer. You should proceed."

That seemed to shake the Uchiha out of his stupor. "Yes...that's right. Go to the podium and announce that we will begin now. I will pepare myself."

"he makes everything he does seem so high and mighty. How much preparing himself does stuffing a chidori or frying me my a fireball should it take for a 'Uchiha Savior (one of the titles the masses gave the prick) take?' Naruto thought. It was bit disconcerting how casually he thought of his old demise. It was probably all those solo high class missions desensitizing him to the whole death thing.

As everyone turned to leave Sasuke's eyes rested upon Naruto's chest. "Where did he get that necklace from?" He demanded.

There was a slight pause before one of the council stepped forward. "I believe that it is Tsunade-sama's necklace. It was passed down to her by the first hokage and is a symbol of wealth and power."

"I see..." Murmered the Hokage. After a moments deliberation he reached up and snatched the necklace of Naruto's chest. He clapsed it around his own neck as he continued on his way. "If it means power then I deserve it. I am the Hokage after all." He threw one last snide smile back at the person he despised as much as his brother.

If he wasn't so busy patting himself on the back for his incredible necklace taking skills he would have noticed that the former holder of his title was looking at him with air suspiciously like triumpth. She quickly smothered this air and turned back to the person she saw as her little one last time.

"Goodbye Naruto." She said "May you find a happy ending in your second chance." Not giving the confused look Naruto threw her way a second thought as she bowed and left to take her place in the crowd.


It was ten minutes after that confrontation and the spokesman from the council was still going on about how this day would live on forever as one that would bind the hidden villagestogether in peace.Of their hokage their was no sign yet, not that it mattered.Everyone in the crowd was eating it up like good little worker drones. Everyone except Tsunade, who was making herself comfortable for what would be the biggest, and last, show she would ever seen.

"Tsunade-sensei!" a voice rang fromaround her.

Tsunade made no move to awknowledge the figure approaching her from the left. As it closed it showed itself to be a pink haired woman dressed in standerd jounin attire. She came to a stop next to the aging woman.

"Tsunade-sensei" Sakura breathed, eyes shining."Aren't you excited? This is Sasuke-kun's big day. not only is he getting rid of that menace to our village but after the execution he will be formally initiated as your successor! Aren't you happy?"

"That 'menace' is your teammate. Also do not refer to me as your sensei. I dropped you as my pupil the day you showed just what your true colors really were." Tsunade growled. She really didn't want to deal with this one in her final moments.

Sakura merely frowned a little as she responded in a tone that was much like agranddaughter chastising her grandmother. "Don't be like that sensei. You don't have to pretend to like Naruto anymore. He's not a threat anymore Sasuke is saving us from that demon. Sasuke is always selflessly helping everyone. Besides, he was never really a teammate he was just some burden thrown on poor Sasuke-kun's shoulders when he had so much to deal with. The only reason Sasuke-kun left at all was because that demon was corrupting him. Everyone was so inspired when he came back to us saying he wanted to be a leaf nin again." There was no response from the cowled woman next to her so Sakura merely shrugged and turned her focus back to the speech that was still going on.

Several minutes passed in relative silence between themuntil Sakura shifted her eyes a little back to Tsunade. "You know sensei, when I was helping Sasuke-kun get ready for his appearance I couldn't help but notice a necklace he had on that I never saw before. When I asked him about it he told me that it was a village treasure and that you gave it to Naruto first." Sakura turned her head fully to Tsunade now eyes blazing. "Why would you give such a hallowed treasure to that-that thing instead of Sasuke-kun! Do you have no loyalty to our home? If you make such horrible mistakes it's no wonder that poor Sasuke-kun had to take over as hokage despite going through so much.

"I have made many 'horrible mistakes' throughout my life, girl. Your one of them. Giving my necklace to Naruto was not in any way a mistake."

"hmph." Sakura looked like she was going to make a bigger deal about it but the appearance of a figure on a podium (the speech at long last seemed to be over) halted all thoughts of that.

lo and behold Sasuke finally looked like he was ready to get this thing over with as he stalked over to the front of the podium, spoke for about two minutes (a record for the brooding shinobi), shok the hands of some of the foreign delegatesand began to make his way over to Naruto. Sakura joined the rest of the crowd in cheering him on as Tsunade watched in silent apprehension, hoping what she concocted will work.


"Finally gathered your courage,eh Sasuke?" naruto drawled.

Sasuke ignored the comment. "You know Naruto the usual way these executions work is that the person is burned to death. However, this means so much to me that I managed to convince them to let me take a more...hands on roll in ths particular one." Sasuke said as he executed a set of seals they both knew by heart.

"Chidori!" Sasuke cried as his hand exploded in a collection of sparks and volts of electricity. He gave Naruto no time to appreciate his technique (not that he would anyway he has seen it so many times) before plunging his chakra enhanced hand through his middle.

Sasuke crowed.

The crowd roared with approval. Really, what happened to the supposedly most peaceful village of them all?

Tsunades head fell, though her eyes never left Sasuke...or more accurately, the object dangling openly on his neck.

Naruto...felt nothing.

Really, what was he to feel? Everyone he ever called friend was gone, killed by a combination of blind hatred of those he once swore to protectand a hissy fit of the one Naruto once called his closest friend who in the end couldn't grow up and acccept life as it was. Did he really expect Naruto to just lay over and die when Itachi came for him?Is he that deluded? Well, yeah he clearly is if he was willing to do what he did to Naruto. But, he had dreams to and its against his nindo to just give up.

'But you are giving up, aren't you Naruto?' a tiny voice in the back of his head whispered to him as he stared at Sasuke's hand, which has yet again found his way into Naruto's anatomy.

'I'm not giving up!' Naruto responded to the voice. 'I just...I just don't have anything left.'

'That sounds like an excuse.'

'Be quiet! Isn't it enough that I have to die wallowing in the knowledge that I spent my whole life bleeding for people who just couldn't care less?' His body shuddered a bit as his body spasmed from the attack. 'If I could do things differently I would but I can't so let me have my last moments in some sembelance of peace...stupid fox' Naruto finally recognizing the voice not of a concience butas the one from the demon that inhabited his gut.

'Then you might get your chance.'

'Huh, and how am I going to do...HUH!'

Forming behind Sasuke was a purple cloud. The cloud was forming rapidly until it took a shape. It's body was huge and covered in a robe and it had lots of hair splayed wildly in all directions. But what lockeda person'sfocus was the face. it looked like a mask with the mouth fixed in a permanent leer. The eyes were dark and depthless. Naruto's eyes widened in shock as he realized what...no,who he was staring at.

The god of death.

'This is crazy! The only known jutsus that can summon him require either a large group of elite jounin or kill the user upon end of casting!' Naruto looked around with what little of his fading strength he had left. There were no other shinobi in the area he could see who were performing any jutsu at all except for Sasuke, and he certainly wouldn't use it.'What's going on nowHe thought. Nothings ever easy when he's involved it seems. Not even his execution.

Sasuke was confused. He expected Naruto to writh in pain when he attacked, and for a moment he did. His pain tolerance is nothing short of legendary. He even dared to break eye contact with him, like this was some joke! Well his healing factor won't save him this time! He made to remove his hand and started when he found he couldn't. Believing that maybe he just caught it on Naruto's insides (It happened every once in a while- the price you pay for using an attack that imbedded your hand in your opponents anatomy) and moved to remove it again except with more force. It didn't budge. He was about to try something else when his chest suddenly exploded with pain. Looking down he saw, to his shock that the necklace he took from Naruto was glowing with chakra and was slowly burning it's way into his chest! He moved his free arm to somehow remove it but after a few seconds he lost control of it to. He looked down at the necklace again to see that it stopped halfway into his body. Now the glow was bleeding out of the necklace into his body. The chakra snaked its way all over Sasuke and if person looked closely they could see that is was layer after layer of seals ingraining themselves all over him.

Sasuke was barely able to move his eyes back in line with Naruto's before he finally succumbed to total paralysis. "What did you do to me!" He hissed through clenched teeth.

Naruto coughed up some blood and gave a smile. "I didn't plan a damn thing asshole. Although it seems i'm going to get my wish for you to suffer horribly. Feel lucky you can't turn around." With that final comment to his obviously doomed former friend Naruto turned his gaze back to the movements of the god of death behind Sasuke.

"Hokage-sama, are you all right?" a council member who was watching from behind the two asked. He moved closer when he recieved no awnser, then reared back when he noticed the seal working all over the Uchiha. "Somethings wrong with the hokage! (A trait of jutsu involving the god of death was that no one could see it except the caster and recepient of the jutsu) Someone do something!" He didn't even finish the sentence before the ANBU and many leaf shinobi broke out of the crowd heading for the podium, a pink haired kunoichi at the lead. A moment later whenSasukes body spasmed and his head jerked up it was to late.


Naruto watched with a kind of morbid fascination as the god of death finally set itself into motion. It leaned forward until it's head was over Sasuke's and opened it's mouth. Not a sound was heard but he could see that after a few moments a see through version of Sasuke was rising above solid Sasuke's body. Naruto didn't need to think twice to figure out it was his soul. "Good-bye Sasuke. I hope you burn in your own private hell for what you have done.". When the god of death finished it's 'meal' it turned it's gaze towards Naruto.

"My turn now huh? That's fine I have nothing here to live for. Tenten i'm coming...'

"Don't be so sure whelp. The aged female would not have gone to the trouble of manipulated the arrogant one just to kill you, when your demise was already assured. Look closer." Came the voice of the Kyuubi in his head.

The arms of the god of death moved closer until they were on either side of Naruto's chest. After a moment, a bright blue stream of...something, it didn't feel at all like chakra, began to come out and pool itself between it's hands.

'Is that my soul' Naruto thought. It must be something important bacause the moment it started coming out his vision started to grow darker.

"Indeed. It appears that fate has other things in store for you boy. When you get to the place between life and death tell them that there's a big load on the way."

Naruto had barely a moment to process the meaning of that statement before everything went completely black.


From the front of the crowd Tsunade watched as the glowing of the seals finally dimmed and both bodies slumped, well Naruto's sagged while Sasuke's was caught by a hysterical Sakura. Whether that jutsu failed or worked she didn't know but it was over with now.People quickly moved closer to see what the hell was going on.

"Is the hokage alright? What happened?" cried one voice.

"He's dead! There are burns all over him!" another went.

"It's because he touched the demon, he must have found some way to take Sasuke-sama with him!"

"Is the demon dead? someone check?"

A few of the people surronding Sasuke broke off and exaimed the blonde. "I don't feel a pulse. He's finally gone!" A ragged cheer went up from everyone except one lone woman.

The cheer wa short lived when a pulse of chakra the likes of which only a handful of people there have ever known rocked the area. Those who knew it could immediatly identify it. One of which cried out "It's the Kyuubi! The Kyuubi is still alive!"

"Impossible!" countered one of the people who checked Naruto. "His heartbeat stopped and there was a gapping hole in his chest! See look..." The man's voice faded as he looked at Naruto again. There was a seal he never saw before that had appeared on his navel. Before his eyes it began to break apart and fade away. For a moment after there was silence as seemingly the whole world held it's breath. Suddenly such a massive amount of red chakra exploded out of Naruto that his body, Sasuke's body, Sakura and everyone within a ten foot radius was instantly obliterated by it's sheer force. It then shot into the air and began to form into a force that no one had ever wated to see again.

The Kyuubi no Kitsune.


There was pandemonium as everyone was screaming and running in every direction. Some poor fools of shinobi were even trying to organize a counter attack. Fools. Unlike the last time those many years ago there were no great hero's to lead them to victory or save them. Many of the exceptional shinobi were friends of Naruto and killed years ago by a insane Sasuke for just that reason. The rest died in the wars.All that was left were hero worshippers and cowards. Konoha was doomed.

Tsunade watched the display with detached interest. "So I was right. No human chakra could ever hope to contain one of the tailed demons, so the fourth attached the kyuubi's life force with Naruto's, which was why he could 'talk' to it. Theoretically that could mean anyone could hold one at any age, but since the demon's chakra would also find it's way into the host's body and someone who's pathway's were to developed couldn't handle the strain and would die almost immediatly. No wonder the fourth chose a newborn." For all the personality she was showing as she talked to herself she might as well have been discussing the newest anti-toxin with some colleagues at the hospital. She didn't even try to run, she knew it was over. Tears streamed down her cheek's althoughwhether they were in happiness because if this was happening then the jutsu must have worked and Naruto was on his way to get his second chance oranguish for bringing about the end of her home no one would ever know.

She watched as the Kyuubi grew more solid by the second until it finally bagan to move. It had over fifty years of pent up rage to vent and it couldn't wait to get started!Ignoring the weak jutsu that was being thrown in it's wake it shook it's tails and let out a roar that terrified every living thing that heard it. It then swung it's it's mighty tails at the fleeing and screaming inhabitants of the formerly mighty village hidden in the leaf's.

Tsunade had only one last thought before she was crushed to death. 'Naruto. I don't know if you will hate me for doing this or not, but I pray with all my heart that you find true happiness, where ever you end up.' Then there was nothing but explosions and screams a Konoha and everyone in it burned.


Naruto was floating in darkness.

When he regained 'conciousness' that was the first thing he noticed. The second thing was that his see through body, his soul he guessed, was being carried through this darkness by the god of death. Except unlike at his execution it was bigger then any mountain he had ever seen and he spent time in earth country. It wasn't really surprising when he thought about it. Even though the man-made ninjutsu could summon it there was no way any mortal could ever hope to bring it at full power. Either that or all the hokage souls it ate over the years were really good for it's diet.

'What now?' he thought. Naruto turned to the massive diety. "Hey! Stupid god! What now?" While over the years Naruto did in fact learn patience situations he was forced in where he knew nothing tended to set him of fast. Situations like now.

There was no response from the massive figure. Naruto entertained the thought of finding something to throw at him when a light from under him caught his attention. He 'turned' his body from facing towards the god of death to facing away from the god of death and squinted down towards the light. Or lights as it turned out to be. It looked like there was a sea of them, little balls that seemed to have no end.

Naruto turned back to the god of death. "Oi! What are those things?"

The god of death dropped him. Apparently manners aren't it's strong point.

The blonde screamed as he fell rapidly towards the lights. 'Aren't you supposed to stay away from the light's?' He wondered to himself. As he neared, though, he noticed that they weren't lights at all but in fact tiny window's. On the other side of them was Konoha...but not Konoha. In one window he saw that it was Jiraiya that went insane and tried to conquer Konoha. In another window Haku was born a leaf nin. In yet another Ino was a redhead (Naruto actually thought that particularcolor suited her better). It went on and on for what seemed like hours. He began to despair that this was going to take a while when he looked below him and saw he has bearing down directly on one window. It showed nothing but the hokage monument with four face's on it before it hit and Naruto yet again lost conciousness.


"AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!" Naruto cried as he shot out of bed. He flailed around a bit beforepainfully falling over the side of the bed onto the floor with crash. After fighting the blanket for a few minutes he eventually managed to achieve the feat of standing up. "Dammit, that was one crazy dream. Although the part where Sasuke died was good." Ugh, just the thought of that disgusting Uchiha brat took what little cheer he could draw from his life lately. But there was no point in dwelling on some disturbingly realistic dream when he had work to do. If it wasn't another borderline-suicidal mission it was doing the most demeaning task whoever was giving out the assignments could think of at the time. Best to just get it over with. As his body made it's way to his bathroom some part of it subconciously noted that his head didn't even reach higher then the mattress, but such trivial facts could wait for later.

As he hobbled down the hallway, walking over objects that that same subconcious part of his brain couldn't recall ever buying and for good cause they were objects like stuffed animals and toys that looked like they would belong to a two year old girl. As he finally reached the bathroom he found another obstacle in the form of a door nobmuch higher the it should have been. Naruto mumbled something about 'troublesome huge doors' andafter several attemptsgained entry into his room of washing. He was starting to get suspicious by now, because he couldn't even see over his counter to the bathroom mirror, and was just about to wake up when he felt nature calling. Thank goodness he was in the right room! Like everyother peice of furniture in his apartment today, his toilet was several times to big and he had to balance himself on its edges. He put his pants down and was about to direct Mr. firehose to do it's business when he felt something that knocked his sleep away with the force of one of Tsunade's chakra enhanced punch's. He stared down at his under waist line he saw that he didn't just miss it...it...wasn't there it was the 'other one'!

Naruto let out a scream and fell backwards. Everything falling into place. "That wasn't a dream it really happened! Whatever that jutsu she sealed in the necklace, it put my soul in this body.She...she...SHE STOLE MY WEE-WEE!"

Then Naruto fainted dead away.


FINALLY! I fifnished my first chapter ever. I apoligize if the ending seemed a little rushed but a blackout hit when I did it the first time and I really wanted to get the introduction out of the way.

I hope you all find the time to review. I would really appreciate it if you told me what you liked, what you disliked and what you want to see. I'm going on a vacation on the 10th and won't be back for two weeks but if you review fast enough I can set up the next few chapters in my head while i'm there.

Until next time!