
Draco and Ginny stood on the stone bridge that separated two different buildings of the school. "What did you need to tell me?" Ginny asked. "I received a letter from my father, I'm supposed to officially become a death eater on the third day of Christmas Holiday." He said. "No! You're not going to do it are you?" she asked with such an indescribable look of fear on her face. "I don't know." He said. "I guess it depends on what matters most to you, your life, or how you are remembered." Ginny said. "You're right." He said, "I have to go." He kissed her on the lips before turning to leave. Ginny didn't want to let go of him, unsure of whether this would be one of the last times she would get to kiss him or not. "I've got to help him." She thought, "I might be risking my life, but if it saves him, it will be worth it."