Disclaimer: I don't own Yuugioh. I didn't the last time I wrote a story and nothing's changed.

Time's Fool


"I never meant for things to go this far," I pleaded, crawling on my knees.

"But they did," she said, wagging a finger at me as a mother scolding her child. "And now you must pay the price."

"Bring him back! Please, make things right!" I screamed but she only shook her head. "MAKE THINGS RIGHT!"

"But, Bakura, it's just what you always wanted," she said, her cruel voice gentle and light. "He's dead, and you're the one to blame. Now you can die in peace."

"It isn't right!" I whispered, collapsing at her feet, taking the hem of her perfect dress and kissing it, the ultimate signal of submission. "Make it right again! Take my life, I don't care!"

"It's a little late to have a heart now, Bakura," she said, smiling her icy smile. "No one but Lady Death herself can bring him back. He's dead. And you killed him."


- - -


I suppose I owe you an explanation. Perhaps, maybe, you'd like to know who died? Or maybe, you already know whose blood I've stained my hands with and you are waiting for me to admit it. But you won't hear his name uttered. No. You won't. Though I am a murderer, I will not disrespect the dead anymore than I already have by mocking his name. By letting it pass through my mouth. No.

But I will tell you how he died. I will explain every excruciating detail from beginning to end. How it started because I was a coward and how it ended because he was not. How the goddess Antevorta used, betrayed, and taught me. She taught me the only way possible. With pain. And God, if there was ever pain felt, my heart was ripped to shreds. Watching him there, bleeding, clutching his death wound, his eyes pleading to me. Make it not true, they begged me. But it was true. And because of me he died in anguish. I will tell you my story.

And then you may judge me. Call me monster, or what have you.

So… my story begins with a fool and a gun.