Later at the Chaotix, Rouge quickly came through the doors exhausted.

Shadow ran over to her, "What's wrong?"

"Midnight", she said while breathing heavily. "He's going to kill you."

"Wait a minute. Who's Midnight?"

"I am", a deep voice said from the doorway.

Everyone looked over and saw a black and red wolf looking serious.

Shadow thought that he had kinda looked like Wolfy, "Wolfy?"

"No Shadow, that's Midnight and he wants to kill you for some reason", Rouge said.

Shadow looked over to him, "Why do you want to kill me?"

Midnight started to walk over to him slowly, "For my own creator's reason not mine."


"He's an artificial life form", Rouge added.

"Damn, I hate those things", just bringing that up reminded him of Lance. He walked towards the wolf ready to fight him.

"Be careful", Rouge said. "He looks really strong."

Midnight cracked his knuckles, "Let's end this quick."

"You don't have to do this. You're on the wrong side."

Midnight didn't listen to him and came at him with his fist.

Shadow quickly dodged the attack. His hand glowed a yellow color. He aimed it at Midnight, "Chaos Spear!" A yellow light came from his hand and struck at the wolf.

He fell to the floor bleeding from his arm. He held his arm. He now felt pain for the very first time.

Shadow walked up to him noticing his blood run on the floor, "You think just because you have blood, it makes you a normal being?"

He looked up at the hedgehog slowly, "No, I think it doesn't." He quickly got up and kicked Shadow to the floor. He then changed back to his four legged form and ran towards Shadow with fangs appearing from his mouth.

Shadow knew he was going to bite him, but he just couldn't act quick enough.

The wolf jumped on him and bit into his arm as deep as he could.

Shadow yelled as his blood came rushing on the floor and all over his body. He used his free hand and got his handgun from his belt. He quickly shot Midnight in the leg.

Midnight let out a cry of agony.

Shadow kicked the wolf off him and got off the floor looking at his hurt arm, "Son of a bitch! That wolf shit took a chomp right out of me!" He looked over to the wolf now standing on three legs. "If I get rabies, you're gonna feel hell you god damn wolf shit!" He pointed his gun at the wolf once more. He shot at the wolf's last remaining legs.

Midnight fell to the floor unable to move because of his injured legs. He whined some more not liking his new pain feeling.

Shadow walked up to him with his hand glowing yellow. He pointed at Midnight, "Bad dog. Chaos-" He felt a hand on his wrist.

"Shadow, no don't do it!" Rouge had said while crying.

Shadow couldn't understand why she wanted Midnight to live. He faced her, "But Rouge, he tried to kill me. He deserves this and you know damn well he does." He showed Rouge his bloody arm, "Look what that bastard did to me!"

"I know, but he doesn't mean it." She kneeled down to Midnight and patted his head, "Midnight, are you okay?"

The wolf then changed back to his two legged form, "It hurts bad."

"Don't try to move."

"I was just trying to do my job and kill him."

Rouge was curious about who his creator was. "Who is your creator?"

"Hao", he said in a low voice.

"Hao? That explains it. Hao is doing nothing but letting you do his dirty work. Your purpose is not you trying to kill Shadow."

"Then what is my purpose?"

Rouge took his bloody hand, "To be everyone's friend. That is your purpose."

Midnight smiled slightly, "If that is my purpose in life then my purpose has already been fulfilled." His eyes then closed.

Rouge gasped and immediately dropped his hand on the floor.

Charmy out of nowhere started to cry and soon everyone else did.

Rouge's tears were meeting Midnight's lifeless body. She then couldn't stand to see his body anymore. She stood from the floor, embraced on Shadow and started to cry, "Shadow! He was my best friend! I loved him!"

Shadow hugged her, "I'm sorry, Rouge. I really am."

N/A: Okay, that was definitely a wrong move. I was gonna let Midnight live, but when it came down to the fighting Midnight had Shadow and Shadow had gotten him back pretty good so I...killed him. However, Midnight may appear in my future stories yet again and who knows maybe he'll live through the whole story. So keep your fingers crossed!