Alright, again thanks for the reveiws! it makes me countine the story because i feel influenced into doing it and also i enjoy writing it. Like i said i'm a crazy sasame/mawata fan though Go is my favorite second choice

Just to tell you people Sasame is based on the anime version, i've only read the first comic so i haven't exactly got sasame's personality down from that yet and if i tried i'd probably make a complete failure of acting his personality. Untill i finish the last three comics--then i will make a manga sasame story--hmm--perhaps if i finish this one

i hope you enjoy this chapter : )

Sasame leaned against the ice cold pane, the glass glittered showing Sasame's reflection in it's distorted contrast. In the distance brief flashes of light countinued as well as the down-pouring rain. He closed his eyes listening, the rain soothing his mind as he tried to drown out every thought...

But it wasn't possible, he was to ashamed of himself, and to confused to lay his mind at rest and sleep. Sasame sighed.

His clothes were dripping wet sticking to his frame but he didn't appear to notice or care at the moment.

I feel so angry at Go but for what? for showing his love to Mawata as i once did to takako? gave everything to her that i had...why should i hate the love he wants that i already cherish? am i...just to proctective of young mawata? damn these questions aren't getting me anywhere...

if...if...i just forget this, all these questions...if i just acted myself for this night...just to see that nothing would happen...

A sneeze reveberated in the room.

Sasame startled out of his thoughts, finally looked at Mawata and exclaimed.

Moron. I am a complete moron.

With inhuman speed he was suddenly beside her before she could blink an eye


She scuttled away from him,in suprise.

Her clothes were drenched like his, blood soaked from her wounds, her hair threaded with vines--straight and rigid, she looked more worse for wear then he ever could.

He reached a hand out slowly to her and was suprised as once more she darted away from his hand.

"I'm trying to give you leafe, stay still mawata"

She moved again.

He despertatly wanted to give her leafe, he hated her looking like this, and after all he was a gentlemen.

"Mawata what's wrong?"

"no, I don't want it, she said with a half-a-sob in her throat, look what happened to Go! he's hurt all because of me...because I took his leafe"

She sighed, collasping in her seat, her breathe heavy, watching him.

"Mawata, he said, I am stronger then Go"

This time when he reached out for her she let him with much hesistation.

Afraid she might change her mind, he quickly healed her, singing musical notes...


She wished it could stay like this forever, this pleasant feeling...

In a minute it was over. He expected her to leave him or move away but instead she sat tentively next to him. And of course he would not object.

He himself was still cold however and could not concentrate on the manners at end.

oh hell with it.

He stripped off his cloak and his shirt throwing them at the floor beneath him.

Sasame grinned as her heart skyrocketed.

"don't worry i have an undershirt"

Sure enough he wore a sleevless white shirt that clung to his body revealing his abs and muscular arms.

He could sense her looking at him, blushing,

"The clothes were wet" he explained. "would you like some green tea?"


"I wonder when they're coming back?" Mawata mused to sasame and sipped the hot green tea. The flavor was strong and she rolled it around. "this really is great tea"

"Thankyou, he beamed, full service deliverary"

Mawata smiled uncertaintly over the rim of her cup.

"You have such a beautiful smile mawata if you just showed it more often "

"I have no reason to smile.." she said her own fading.

Sasame sighed inwardly, she didn't seem to care what he thought...but, but he refused to stop trying.

His sharp ears though heard her tea clinking as it shook in her grasp against the saucer.

maybe...maybe...she had cared?

A little bit dripped down the side and she wiped it away with her fingers and shook them. Little droplets spraying everywhere.

Sasame started to sweat a little, persperatation dripping.

what on earth should i say to her? what should i act like?

He pictured all the letters she sent him, how unhappy she had been, and realized

i should just act's so much easier...even if she gives me a cold stare...

Sasame cleared his throat when Mawata did not try to countinue the conversation.

"Mawata...chan, how old are you?" Sasame questioned pleasantly,wondering how she would react.

She froze, literally, her breathing became contorted, and tiny icicles pinpricked her body.

how such a simple thing could set her off.

Her knuckles turned white as she grasped her knees.

what, what did i do now? Sasame thought weakly.

"since when have you begun to call me mawata-chan?" her voice was cool.

"is that why your angry at me?" he said trying to understand.

"at you and the rest of the world" she said bitterly, pulling up her knees and jutting her head over them.

Her face had a brooding look.

she's so fragile

"i was just trying to show respect, that i care'

They were silent then:

"can't you tell me why it bothers you so mawata?"

Her eyes grew watery and she shed a single tear but this time he didn't go over and wipe it from her eye or comfort her. What she needed now was listening ears that acuatlly wanted to help.

She cleared her throat and said quietly

" me mawata-chan when they don't know me or care--at least that's what i think--everytime someone calls me that i think of my status in society--that i must be respectable--that i--it may seem like a stupid reason to get all emotional over, she laughed not really meaning it, but to me it isn't"

Mawata had said exactly what she was feeling, like she used to in the old days, writing and pouring her heart out in letters and sending them to D.J sasame."

"you know mawata they could be doing it to show respect for you not your status and family, i respect you and all your hardships and so do your friends and family. Mawata your not alone"

She laughed a watery laugh and he wished it would coutinue.

"you must think of me that i'm always crying around you, i'm sorry" Mawata said wiping her eyes.

"everyone needs to cry sometime and a good cry always helps it makes you feel better"

"it does" she agreed.

They were having a conversation, she wasn't hating him for what she did, she was talking to him however hard that was for her...


He wanted to countine this conversation

"so you never answered my first question mawata, how old are you?"

"what does it matter?" she said blushing slightly.

He looked at her suprised, "are you ashamed?"


"then tell me your age, please" He leaned forward his eyes intense locking on her own in a silent opposition.

She sighed, "oh fine, it's not that much of a big deal anyway, she shrugged, i'm fifteen"

"ahh...a young women, blossming" he commented.

Mawata arched her eyebrow "and you sasame? how old are you?"

"techically i'm twenty-four"

(( i really have no idea, so don't judge my aging i'm guessing ok?))

Mawata frowned, her mind puzzling the problem that suddenly surfaced, that's not possible...because when takako was pretear and you fell in love with her which was sixteen years ago from now you had to be only, only seven"

"ahh, that's why i said i was techinically, twenty four--leafe knights age slowly, very slowly"

"so your not going to grow older?" she looked disheartened, just say...when i'm fifty you'll only be somehwere in your thirties?"

Sasame said gently " there's no guarantee"

"oh" mawata said " forgive me for saying this...,she reached out and touched his cheek her own filled with sadness you could drown in, you must have a hard life sasame staying about the same age while everyone around you seems to grow..."

He blushed at her touch, and the blood rushed to his head, he could barely concentrate on her words rather then her fingertips...

"but like you say look on the bright side, Mawata countinued, you get to help so many people being a leafe knight, and your D.J and help so many people...they don't even no what you look like or your status and all they know is your name and everyone knows who you are...i want to do something great like that..., her voice grew passionate, i want to do something with my life where people know me for what i do not what i am"

She blinked, coming as if out of a trance, realized her hand was still on his face and yanked it away

He didn't really want her hand to was so warm...but now he knew so much about her, stuff hidden beneath the surface...he had never talked to her like this...

"you'll make something great out of your life" he whispered.

Sasame glanced at her, she looked truly happy sitting there with him, probably the same look existed in his eyes, but she looked exhausted too, he started to hum using his leafe...

"sasame don't..." she said half-heartdly

He coutinued and her eyes slowly close and she leaned against him as she nodded off.

Now he alone was the only one awake...

Sasame sat up and pushed her down gently on four of the velvet seats, her hair was tousled and he brushed it off her face

she looked like a sleeping angel...there was no frown on her face, or agatation, worry, she was just calm,peaceful,

He had never seen her sleeping before

"goodnight mawata"

He leaned forward and kissed her gently on the lips.

He didn't know what made him do it...but her lips were warm and soft...

An eye blinked open halfway


He jumped back startled

oh hell. she saw me!

In a flash of light he disappeared as all the other knights and family trampled into the trailer letting out a happy jublent cries and lectures that Mawata and Go were safe...

Well...i hope you enjoyed that chapter

it was quite a long one, but that's better then short

tell me what you think of it kay?

bye untill the next chapter