Dancer's Embrace
Chapter 3
Once Upon a Memory
Okay, just wanted to say a few things before I get the third chapter underway. You don't have to read it if you don't want to, but it's preferred that you do. Some of you are probably wondering why I haven't posted any other fics. Thing is, in the past, I was so worked up with other ideas that I never finished the other stories. So now I'm trying to finish the fic I'm working on before moving to another. I do plan to continue my YGO fic eventually, but I still don't have access to the computer. I'm getting an external hard drive of my own soon, hopefully. When that happens I can transfer my files to that and get the existing picture and fic files from this computer onto it. That way, if it crashes, I won't have any problems. But I do apologize for not updating my YGO fic sooner, when I had access to the file. I just had other things to do, like play games, and talk to friends. Well, I still have all that, but... you get my drift. Anyway, I'm jabbering. Continuing on with business.
I'm also really sorry about the amount of time it took to post this chapter. I had a bad case of writer's block. Along with that, my friend let me borrow a couple new anime, and I've been watching those. I've also been playing a lot of Adventure Quest lately, and, once again, I'm really sorry about the delay you guys.
And, once again, I want to thank you all for the reviews. I did get one idiot that flamed me, though. But he was just being a bitch, I'm sure. Either that, or he really didn't like it. XP Either way, I'm glad I have gotten so many reviews in so short a time. My writing is nothing compared to my new idol, Sorceress Fantasia. Her work is excellent. It was her stories that inspired me to write this, and thank you, Fantasia-chan, for all of your support as well. Okay... just... wanted to get that off my chest. And so the fic continues.
Recap :
He sighed and stood to his feet, walking to the middle of the room as the white strip of fabric flowed behind him with every step he took. All of the others blinked and stared at him as he stood still, eyes closed, body ready. He took a step forward, then another, and then swung his body around to face another direction. Another step, another turn, and then he lifted his arms, the fabric following with a light rustle. He extended his leg farther this time, spinning around and throwing his head up as the pace of his movements quickened. All the others watched in awe as Cloud began to dance.
He held his hands above his head as he danced to a song that played inside his mind, one he had long since memorized. It was the sound of a flute, one that belonged to a man that he once loved. The man he loved, who met a tragic end. The man, who's bloody body he held in his arms. The loving soul that he had made a promise to.
Cloud, promise me one thing. Said the voice in his mind as he continued his majestic steps,twirling and spinning in such an amazing way. ...don't ever stop dancing.
I won't, Zack. I promise. I'll keep dancing, till the day I die...for you. When his graceful performance was done, he stopped, hanging his head, arms hugging his body tightly. No... I'll keep dancing, even when I die. Because... I know... you'll be there waiting... wanting to see me dance again... and I'll dance for you... I'll dance for you for all eternity
Lost in his thoughts, in his memories of the past... that's how he's been living for so long. It's been years since Zack died, and he wanted so badly to die now and go with him to the other side, but he had to keep his promise. He had to keep dancing, he had to keep living, but he didn't want to. His heart ached for the one he loved, and he had considered suicide so many times. But something kept telling him to move forward, something pushed him to move on, to keep existing. Even as the dreams of his lover tore at his heart and plagued his mind... he somehow managed to keep moving. But... he was still young... he had a long way to go before he would die of old age. And, somewhere, deep inside of him, he hoped something or someone would come along and kill him.
The blonde was released from his chain of thoughts, however, when he felt a firm grip on his shoulder. His aqua colored eyes glanced up to see two grey orbs staring at him, along with the soft whisper of his name. He looked away, fighting back the tears that wanted to escape. "I'm...fine..." He muttered, pulling away from him and reclaiming his seat on the rolling chair.
All of the employee's eyes were wide open, all of them staring directly at Cloud, who shrank back, once he realized he was the one being gawked at. Yuffie let out a loud fangirlish squeal and tackled the poor blonde off of the chair. "OMFGYouweresoawesome !" She exclaimed all in one breath. "Why didn't you tell us you could dance like that ? I would have been a whoooole lot nicer to you if you had just told me !"
"No you wouldn't , Yuffie." Hayner noted, folding his arms. His chestnut brown eyes went from the raven-haired girl, to the dancer boy, who he could have sworn was turning a mix of blue and red. "You would have dressed him up in the skankiest outfit here and take him out to the street."
"I would noooooooot." Yuffie whined, poking her fingers together. "I'd dress him up in the skankiest outfit here and make him give Leon a private show !" And cue the awkward silence.
Cloud grumbled and tugged on Leon's shirt sleeve. "What time do you guys usually close?"
"Around five." Leon replied, stretching. He patted the blonde on the head and turned off the computer. "We've got another four hours to go. I promise, though, I won't bring you here again. It's a dull place, I know."
The blonde shook his head, latching onto the brunette's arm. "No, just bring a book with you for me to read, okay ?" He looked up at Leon almost pleadingly. The others around the two wondered why Cloud was staying so close to the sword master. The dancer obviously was emotional. That much was for sure. But Cloud came around as more of the quiet, lone wolf type. So why was he relying on Leon so much ?
Leon blinked at the other's request, but nodded. Just why would he want to come back to a boring store like this ? Leon certainly didn't like it. The only reason he worked here was to pay the bills. Hell, if things such as bills didn't exist, he'd stay at home every day, only coming out to buy groceries and such. Wait... he needed money for that too, didn't he ? Shit...
Well he was out of luck. Lovely. Abso-fucking-lutely lovely. He groaned as he watched his co-worker's antics. He felt as if he was the only one that was actually doing any work. If sitting around a cash register waiting for customers can be considered work, that is. He shrugged it off and leaned against the counter, grey eyes shifting from the clock, which seemed to be getting slower by the second, to the blonde staring at the tile floor, kicking his legs in rhythm to his humming. Leon had to admit, the kid was actually kind of cute. And about an hour ago he had realized just why Cloud wore the clothes he was sporting.
He was a dancer. A male dancer, nonetheless. And yet, he couldn't help but be captivated by the boy's movements. They were so graceful, so serene. It was like watching a ballet, though he had never really cared to go to one in his life. The bounce of his body with each step, the way he shifted his hips when he turned, and even the fluttering of the fabric behind him mesmerized him. And it seems to have caught the attention of the other guys too. All of them, even Hayner, were staring in awe at the wonderful performance, the absolute beauty of his movements. But... Leon, when Cloud looked his way during a turn, could have sworn he saw a single tear rolling down the blonde's cheek. Perhaps he was just imagining things. But...then again, perhaps not. He wasn't sure, but he decided not to ask. Cloud's past was Cloud's past. And whatever happened was for Cloud to deal with.
Soon it was closing time and the others all began heading home, chatting idly as they walked out the door, leaving Leon to lock up. Cloud offered to help and it was gladly accepted by the brunette, for the events that had happened within the past few days had really worn him out. But he didn't mind. Really. Yuffie's constant yapping and Axel's flirting were enough to keep him coming back for more. Not. But... today the day seemed to fly by. He didn't know what it was. Maybe it was the fact that Yuffie wasn't as loud as usual, or maybe it was because Sephiroth didn't show up for lunch that day. Or maybe...just maybe, it was the fact that the blonde boy was there. He really wasn't bad company to keep around. His quiet shyness made him kind of cute, and every time he looked at those beautiful blue eyes, he felt like he was staring at both the sky and the sea, mixed together in a swirling mass of cerulean exotica.
Leon shook his head, wondering why he was thinking such thoughts. He wasn't sure of his sexuality, so he couldn't exactly say he was straight. But it's kind of hard to be straight when you're surrounded by almost nothing but boys from morning to quitting time.
The brunette sighed and finished cleaning things up as he headed out the door. He noticed the boy next to him was shivering, and so he peeled off his jacket and let it hang around his shoulders. Cloud looked up at him questioningly, but found that Leon had already returned his gaze to the path ahead of them. The blonde couldn't help but smile as he hugged the jacket around him. Zack used to do this. He thought. Zack would always know when I was cold, whether I said so or not, and he'd take off his jacket and put it on me.
Then a sharp pain hit the blonde in the chest. This man... he wasn't Zack. He was far from it. His black-haired lover was outgoing, perky, and... rather loud. But Leon was quiet and reclusive. The exact opposite. So why did he hang around him? Why exactly did he stay by Leon's side? He didn't know. He just knew he had to think things through. He was going to move on soon, move on and forget any of this ever happened. He was running away, though he didn't know what from. "Le-Leon..." He said weakly, shivering despite the warmth the leather jacket brought him.
"Yeah, Cloud?" He looked down at the blonde. "Is something wrong?"
"I...need to...go for a walk. Alone."
Leon quirked a brow at his words. Alone? He wasn't thinking of running off was he? If he had people chasing after him then surely all of this wasn't such a good idea. But if the boy needed to be alone, he'd respect his wishes. He too, knew what it was like to require solitude from time to time. "Alone? Are... you sure?"
Cloud nodded and began walking away, even as the street lights began to brighten and the moon's silver rays began to shine down on the town below. He ran into a flower field just outside Dessage and fell to his knees, falling over and hugging his knees close to him as the tears that he fought back began to force themselves through. Leon...wasn't Zack. Why he thought so, he didn't know. But Leon was being so nice to him. Leon was bold and stood up for himself, even if it meant starting a fight with his friends. Is that why ? But...he wasn't Zack. Zack was dead, and he was never coming back. Ever. Cloud would never hear his voice again, or that annoying-
"Oi, Cloud !"
Yeah. That was it. That's exactly what annoyed him most. He was even hearing his voice. He closed his eyes, hoping he could hear more.
"Ah, Cloud ! You're so lazy. Get up."
Heheh. He always said Cloud was lazy, when truly, it was Zack that was the lazy one.
"Hey, Cloud ! Wake up, dammit, and stop crying."
He felt himself being shaken. He figured it was only his imagination, so he remained still, until he felt a sharp pain on his forehead. That bastard ! He was pulling on his hair ! Correction. THAT was what annoyed him most. Cloud sat upright and glared in every direction. "Dammit, Zack ! Would you st-" He blinked. Standing in front of him, cocky grin and all, was Zack. Zack was dead. He couldn't be.
"What, Cloud? You're acting like you just saw a ghost ! Well...uh...I am a ghost... I guess."
"A-...a ghost ?" Cloud blinked, rubbing the tears from his eyes.
"Yeah ! You know, a ghost !" Zack grinned and bent over to Cloud's level. "Not fully here, not fully there. Just other places, yanno? A ghost."
" bastard." He grumbled, staring up at him. "You're dead ! You're dead... you're...not be here..."
"But that's exactly why I am here. To say goodbye, before I depart for the afterlife." He knelt down and placed a kiss on Cloud's forehead and brushed some of the blonde locks out of his face. "Man, you've really grown. Heheh. You're even cuter now than you were before."
"Shut up." Cloud said with a pout, staring up at the lavender eyes that were his lovers. He reached up to place his hand on Zack's cheek, but it went through. Cloud blinked, blinked again, and then turned away, tears forming in his eyes again.
"Ah, sorry Cloud." Zack said, sitting down with his back to the blonde. "Only I can touch you. One of the things about bein' a ghost." He sighed heavily, wishing he could feel Cloud's embrace once more, and the warmth of his lips. But he realized so long ago that it was never going to happen again. "Hey, Cloud?"
"...who's the jacket belong to?"
"Who's Leon?"
"Is that any of your business?"
"...yes, I need to know if my boyfriend is cheating on me !"
"Ah..." Cloud closed his eyes, taking all of this in. It was definitely the same old Zack. Teasing him and making fun of him as usual. But he was dead. He was riddled with bullets. Enough to kill an elephant ten times over. But he's here. He's talking to him. Zack. His lover. A feeling of nostalgia washed over his body as he remembered the times he and Zack had together. Zack would always play his flute, and Cloud would dance for the people that gathered, always helping the brunette collect the money that was thrown out to them, afterwards. That was how they made their living. But he enjoyed it. As long as he got to spend time with Zack, he loved every waking moment.
He felt a cold sensation on his left hand. He looked over, and Zacks hand was laying over his, fingers intertwined. This...wasn't right. His hands were always so warm. So...he really was dead. He couldn't believe it. The one thing in his life, the one thing that as any good, was dead, gone. And he came to say goodbye? That's right. He's passing on, just like all souls do when they die. But as he heard, some souls die suddenly and without warning, without having a chance to do in life what they wanted to do. And so they wander the world for years trying to find someway to do the things they wanted. So...why was Zack here?
And, as if he was reading his mind, the black-haired lover brought up the subject. "Cloud... I... came back because... I wanted to tell you to move on."
"M-move on?"
He nodded. "Yeah. I... wanted to be with you, forever. But... you and I both know now, that it isn't going to happen, right? So... I need you to move on. Fall in love with another man, or girl if you're bi." He smirked as he saw Cloud's body twitch. "Get off the streets, do what you want to do."
"But... you told me to never stop dancing."
"I know... I know. And you don't have to. But don't dedicate your life to it. As long as you dance every now and then, it's fine." He smiled and stared up at the starlit sky, and back down on the blue flowers that surrounded them, watching as the moonlight made the pedals glisten and shine with a brilliance that was unmatched by anything else. "Please, Cloud. Don't go on living a miserable life for the sake of your memories. Go out, have fun, get a dog. You always told me you wanted a dog."
"Hm? Why what?"
"Why...why did you die?"
"Ah...well...that one I can't explain, love. Perhaps it was fate, or maybe there's someone else out there that needs a brightening smile like yours. Who knows." He stood up and helped the blonde to his feet. "...Cloud? Can you... do me a favor?"
"Can for me? One more time?"
Cloud blinked as he watched Zack pull out the flute that he used to play at their performances. He smiled at the other man and nodded, getting into position. The music filled his ears and floated through the air, swirling around them as the blonde began to dance. He closed his eyes, getting lost in the melody, lost in his thoughts, in the memories of his deceased lover.
The next morning Cloud awoke with a start, rubbing his head. It was... a dream. It was only a dream. Zack had never shown up that night. He had never left Leon's side. He had followed the man all the way back to the house and gone straight to bed. Yeah. That's what happened.
He glanced around at slightly familiar surroundings. He was back in Leon's house, back on the couch. He grumbled a bit and threw the blanket off of himself, swinging his legs over to place them on the floor. But then he heard a clatter which caught his attention. His eyes scanned the floor, when they fell onto something long, wooden. He reached over and picked it up, holding it in his hand. It was a flute. Zack's flute.