Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter.

Summery: Harry enters his 6th year at Hogwarts. He learns more about himself. This is going to be a difficult year for him. Will he be able to handle it or will he break under the pressure of being Harry Snape?

Note: I got the idea to write this story from reading Formidolosus Draco, Take Me Away by LanaMariah which is mainly about Draco and Harry's relationship. My most favorite part of LanaMariah's story was the parts with Harry and his father (Severus Snape). I e-mailed her and asked if she had any problems with my taking her initial idea with Snape and Lily marrying after James died and Severus raising Harry as his own. She had no problem with it and only asked that she can read my story. Well, I hope you enjoy it Aimee! Thank you again! And everyone, please check out Formidolosus Draco, Take Me Away!

Chapter One

Harry groaned as the light from his side lamp hit his eyes effectively waking him from his peaceful slumber.

"Time to get up Harry," he heard his mother's voice say, "Your Dad's almost ready to leave." Harry blinked the last sleepiness from his eyes as he sat up and swung his legs over the bed. His mother stood a few feet from the bed. She was still dressed in her nightgown and her hair was in a messy pony tail. Glancing at the clock he saw that it was six fifty. Way too early to be up in his opinion.

"Morn'n, Mum," Harry mumbled his voice still thick with sleep. Lily smiled and said the same.

"You had better hurry," She continued, "You know your Dad doesn't like to wait." Harry nodded and began to gather his clothes for the day. His trunk was already packed so all he had to do was get Hedwig ready to take her to Hogwarts. His mother left the room.

This year he was starting his sixth year at Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry. His father, Severus Snape was a professor at the school. Previously, he had been the potions professor but this year was being transferred to the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor. He knew his dad was very excited to finally teach the DADA class; and he was very happy for his father.

After a short shower to wake him-self up a little he quickly dressed and made sure he had everything before he left.

"Why does Dad insist on leaving this early in the morning? The student's won't be arriving until tonight!" Evan complained as he saw his older brother, Harry, shut the door to his bedroom. Harry just smiled. He felt the same way.

Harry had several younger siblings, three to be exact. Evan had just turned fourteen and was going into his fourth year at Hogwarts as a Slytherin. Evan was the current Seeker for the Slytherin Quidditch team. Evan had inherited their fathers raven hair but he left it at a short length.

The Snape's third child was a girl by the name of Sydney. She was eleven and would be twelve October 27, and she was beginning her second year in Gryffindor. She excelled in Potions (more then any of the other Snape children) and had inherited they're father's no-nonsense attitude when it came to the craft of potion making. Sydney had dark blonde hair with a red tinge to it.

The youngest of the Snape children was Dale who would be six December the first. He was currently attending a Muggle elementary school and loved it. He, out of all the Snape children, was looking forward to school. Dale also had dark raven hair but had their mothers bright emerald eyes.

"You ask that every year, Evan," Harry smirked as he carried his heavy trunk down the stairs, his younger brother following closely behind with a scowl on his face.

"Well there is no sensible reason for anyone to be up at this hour on our last day of holiday! We should at least be able to sleep in until nine like everyone else, then catch the Hogwarts Express." Evan continued. Harry suddenly felt a twinge of guilt at that comment. He was the reason they couldn't travel on the express any more.

A voice behind them startled them both. "Your last day of holiday was yesterday, Evan, and I did warn you to get to bed early, not stay up half the night." Harry smirked slightly as Evan cringed. Evan was what one would call a night person. He loved to stay up at all hours of the night, but hated the mornings.

"No matter," their father continued. "You can sleep for a few hours once we get there as I will be busy with some last minute work." Evan looked very relieved at this piece of news. Harry was too.

"Is your sister ready?" Severus asked.

"We haven't seen her," answered Evan.

"I'll go look for her you two go say good-bye to everyone." And with that he left the room, his teaching robes billowing behind him.

"I've already said good-bye to Dale," Evan said after their father left the room. Harry nodded and made his way up the stairs.

Entering Dale's room Harry blinked at the sudden darkness. The curtains were pulled over the window blocking the sun where it was nearly impossible to see anything. Making it to the bed, Harry found his youngest brother sprawled sideways, limbs in every which way. He smiled and located his stomach and began a tickle-attack. Dale's eyes sprung open and he began giggling and laughing hysterically. After a few moments Harry relented.

"Good morning, sleepy-head." Harry teased with a smile as he turned the light on.

Dale grinned. "I'm not a sleepy-head! It's too early to be up!" He argued.

"Oh, well in that case," Harry made to turn the side lamp back out but Dale stopped him.

"Is everyone else up," he asked curiously.

"Yeah, but I think Mum's going back to sleep after we leave."

Dale pouted. "I wanna go with you."

"I know but you can't. You have school here. Besides, I'll see you before you know it." Harry tried to reassure Dale.

"But I don't want you all to leave," Dale continued pouting; his big green eyes pleading.

"You have to keep Mum company don't you?" Harry asked. They went through his every year. When he had started Hogwarts he had had to deal with both Evan and Sydney wanting to come. By now he was an expert at how to leave without causing a big tantrum or something from one of his younger siblings.

Dale nodded.

"Well Evan, Syd and I will take care of Dad while you take care of Mum." Harry knew his father would cringe if he heard what he just said, but it cheered Dale up considerably.

"Deal?" He asked.

"Deal," came the small reply before he was hugged.

Harry quickly said good-bye and hugged Dale one last time. "Go back to sleep okay?" Dale nodded and Harry turned the light out again and left the room.

Once he reached the bottom of the stairs he was pulled into a hug by his mother. "Have a good year," She said before releasing him and moving to hug Sydney and Evan.

Harry knew the comment by his mother was more directed at him. She was thinking about his past few years at Hogwarts, which had not been necessarily 'good.'

Evan, Harry and Sydney watched their mother and father hug, kiss and say they're good-bye's before they're father led them to the fireplace and they each flooed to Hogwarts, landing in their fathers rooms.

There father's rooms consisted of a common room, a kitchen, three bathrooms, three bedrooms and a small laboratory for their Dad's potions.

"I know that your all rather tired so why don't you all try and get a few more hours sleep?" Severus asked as he gathered some parchment off the table.

"Sounds good," Evan said as he put his trunk in the corner next to Harry's and Sydney's. Severus snorted in amusement and left the room. Evan took Severus' rooms while Harry and Sydney took the guestrooms.

Entering the teachers quarters Severus glanced at the people in the room. Albus Dumbledore and Minerva McGonagall were seated at the large round table and both looked up as he entered. Severus quickly sat down next to Albus and nodded his head in greeting to the headmaster and Deputy Headmistress.

"Hello, Severus," Dumbledore said smiling, his eyes twinkling. "How was your summer holiday?"

"It went well, Albus," answered Severus.

"And how are your children? I bet they weren't too receptive to waking up early to come here," She inquired with a knowing smile. She along with Albus had known Severus' children from the time they were all born.

Severus snorted. That was an understatement. Evan was always the worst to get up though. "You are definitely right."

"And how is young, Harry?" Albus asked curiously and Minerva also looked at Severus for the answer.

Severus sighed. The past few years had definitely been difficult for his eldest son.

During his fourth year Harry had been forced to participate in a competition designed for much older and more experienced wizards by a binding magical contract.

It was known as the TriWizard Tournament and people had been known to die in the past during the tournament.

He had been scared out of his wits for Harry. Lily hadn't been any better. She was hysterical when she'd learned Harry was a competitor. Severus had been furious.

Each and every task was torture for them. Then, during the last task, when Harry and Cedric Diggory, the other Hogwarts competitor, had disappeared by portkey they had panicked not knowing if Harry was okay or where he was.

Dumbledore traced the portkeys rout and created his own portkeys. Severus, against Dumbledore's wishes, insisted on going. When they had arrived at the place (which they discovered was a graveyard) where the two boys had been portkeyed it didn't take too long to locate them.

Lily and Severus had each felt several emotions. Shock at the state he was in, horror at what had happened and fury. Fury that they're son had been forced to go through all of this. That fury had only intensified after they learned what had happened.

They learned that the Defense teach of that year had in fact been a Death Eater in disguise. And that this Death Eater had made the TriWizard cup into a portkey.

Cedric Diggory was dead; killed by the killing curse. Harry was unconscious because of a concussion combined with the crucatious curse being cast on him. Severus had quickly assessed his eldest son's injuries before portkeying back to Hogwarts and into the hospital wing. It had been several days before Harry had even woken.

Aurors who interrogated the Death Eaters who had been captured had learned that the kidnapping had been done because Harry was Severus Snape's son.

The Wizarding world knew of Harry Potter. They knew of the one year old who had defeated Lord Voldemort. They also knew that James Potter had died.

But what they did not know was that Harry Potter and Harry Snape were one in the same.

Lily and James Potter had had a happy relationship and marriage. They had both been ecstatic when Lily had become pregnant with Harry.

James had been an Auror and had worked with Severus Snape ( his childhood rival) many times. During those times together they had learned to respect each other. They never out right became friends, but they did share respect for one another.

James had known that his wife had dated Severus for about a year while they had been in school and had one night, during they're work together had pulled Severus aside and asked him to come to dinner. Severus, to say the least had been shocked but curiosity had gotten the best of him and he agreed, reluctantly.

That night, after dinner James had pulled both his wife and Severus into the living room, where little Harry was asleep in his play pen. He began to talk to them about the future. He told them he knew that it was a possibility that he would not survive this war. But he didn't want his wife to be left alone, unhappy and as an only parent. It was during that conversation he gave his consent for them to date and possibly marry should anything happen to him. Both Lily and Severus had been floored. That had been the last possible thing they had expected James to every say.

James had gone up in Severus' respect, shocking Severus. James had put pride away and concentrated on the future of his family before anyone else. Even though he severely disliked the man who he was agreeing to care for his family should anything happen to himself. James had known that his family would be well cared for with Severus.

Sadly, just nine months after that conversation James had been killed during the attack. Lily had been willing to sacrifice herself for Harry's life and when the killing curse was cast in they're direction it rebound onto Voldemort. The magic that Lily had created, magic of the heart, had protected both her and her son from death that night.

It was over a year later when Severus and Lily had gotten married. Severus had also legally adopted Harry as his own son.

Harry's fifth year had been just as difficult. Kidnapping threats were common for the Snape children that year. Security had been enhanced at the school and Harry, Evan and Sydney had not been allowed to leave the school grounds without escorts. It had been a very tense year.

In May, Severus had gone to the Ministry to finalize some paperwork he had with the ministry. Harry had received a note from the Death Eaters telling him that they had his father and that they would kill him. They had supplied a picture (unknown to Harry polyjuice potion had been given to one of they're victims) and that was enough to scare Harry into action. Harry, his friends Ron, Hermione, Ginny, Neville and Draco had all gone to the ministry. Harry had refrained from telling his brother and sister in fear they would follow. When they got to the Ministry they realized it was a trap.

Severus had been shocked to be told that Harry was in the ministry. Why was Harry there? What had happened? Was he okay? So many questions had gone through his mind.

He along with several other ministry employees, most Aurors, had raced to the Department of Mysteries.

Once there they had found Harry, Ron, Hermione, Neville, Ginny and Draco fighting Death Eaters. As soon as he assessed the situation, Severus jumped in to help his son, nephew and they're friends.

Severus' heart clenched painfully as he saw a wand pointed at Harry and heard the beginning of the killing curse cast. On instinct he pointed his wand at the offending Death Eater and cast a powerful stunner before the man could finish the curse. He looked over at Harry to see his green eyes staring straight at him, several emotions flicking through them. Shock, fear and relief were prominent.

Later, when the children were all back safely at Hogwarts Harry told his parents what had happened. Harry luckily had sustained very minor injures and hadn't required a stay in the hospital wing.

Severus sighed before answering Dumbledore's question. "He's as well as can be expected." There wasn't really much more he could say. The past few years had taken they're toll on Harry – on all of them. Severus had even considered taking Harry out for the year to give him a break, but he knew Harry wouldn't tolerate it.

"But your still concerned," Minerva said in a quiet voice. It wasn't a question.

Severus glanced at her. "Of course I'm concerned. We have all had two very difficult years. My children have to worry about being kidnapped or harmed by the remaining Death Eaters and Dark Lord supporters every day; they shouldn't have to. They're just kids!" He said empathically. "I just hope this year isn't as eventful."

Minerva smiled in understanding. To everyone who didn't know him, the man seemed cold and unfeeling. But she knew better.

"I promise I'm doing all I can to keep your children safe, Severus," Dumbledore spoke sincerely.

"I'm know, Albus, and I appreciate it."

"Who's the new potions professor?" Severus asked curiously after a moments silence. He had yet to hear much about the new professor.

"His name is Jack Cage." Dumbledore answered with a knowing smile. The man had taught Potions for almost eighteen years and wanted it to be taught right. "He had his masters in Potions making and from what I have seen is very capable of teaching a kids." Severus nodded but didn't comment. He would see for himself who this Jack Cage was tonight at the feast.

End of Chapter One

A/N: Hello everyone! I hope you like the first chapter of Harry Snape. I'm not very imaginative when it comes to names and couldn't think of a better name. Suggestions are welcome! Updates on this story will be once a week as it is almost completed (currently 50 + pages!). I only have a few more scenes to write until it is completed. Thank you for reading! Please review!