I don't own any of these bad ass characters, except for Chester the talking Rat. He is all mine. No touchy.
Curled up in the corner of her bedroom Hermione, cowers in fear. She feels them coming. Wanting to hurt, torture and kill her. The demons with there white eyes and bloody tortured faces. Eyes closed she prays they will disperse and leave her alone, but she knew they wouldn't for they haven't left since they first showed in transfiguration class in November. Now it's late december and everyone has left for Christmas vacation making Hermione one of the few left behind. Hermione and her demons.
Wiping the tears from her drenched face, Hermione peeks to see if they have finally left her for the night. Eyes focusing in on the darkness, she sees things begin to take shape. Hermione's breathing becomes shallow again looking over her disfigured room. Dark red blood drips from the walls and on her bed lies a corpse being slowly ripped apart by two ropes tied tightly to the victims wrists. From the spot on the floor you could clearly see his bones and veins being pulled, stretched, and ripped. His blank lifeless eyes shine in the moon light. Willing herself to get up, Hermione carefully tip toes to her door, praying that the other demons won't see her. Turning the door handle, one of the demons across the room takes notice of her escaping. With broken fingers the corpse reaches out to grab her but Hermione runs out the door and is down the dormitory stairs in a matter of seconds.
Running through the corridors of Hogwarts, Hermione tries desperately to keep her eyes away from the tortured bodies hanging from ropes tired to the ceiling. The halls are filled with torturers and demonic beings killing and maiming trying to pull Hermione into there bloody surgeon hands. Seeing a staircase leading away from the hellish hallway, she runs for her escape, but a corpse stands in her way banishing a long thin knife covered in fresh blood. He smiles, with eye-lidless eyes. Gasping in panic, Hermione backs into a group of hanging corpses and screaming runs down the stairs barely avoiding the corpse guarding the stairs.
Wandering through the empty halls of the dungeon, Hermione reaches her destination she unconsciously chose to go. The Slytherin common room. Touching the secret entrance of the common room, she utters the password in a breathless whisper. "Pure-Blood."
The tapestry pushes to the side revealing a door. Quickly and without looking back, Hermione pushes through the door and stops in the strange room colored in silver and green and...red. Blood red. Death covers the walls here too. Taking in this room of hell, Hermione looks for the entrance to the boy's dormitory. To the left and to the right lies stairs leading up into the lair of both Slytherin girls and boys. But which one to take. On a whim, Hermione takes the stairs to the left.
Atop the stairs everything starts to spin. In circles, in twists, in a never-ending vortex of reds and blacks. Disoriented, Hermione staggers to Draco's door. The door handle in Hermione's hand feels of fire and the hit emanating from his room is uncomfortably hot. Without anymore hesitation, she turns the handle and enters. Horror! Out of all the rooms, out of all the hells she's witnessed in the past months this, this was of the worst.
The walls were coated in a thick layer of skin, bone, and blood. Body parts were crudely nailed to the ceiling, swaying and dripping has they hang low over Hermione's head. In the center of the room stood a bed covered in netting. A shadow of person lies in the bed, but you couldn't tell if he was alive or... not. Legs shaking, breathing troubled, hysteria breaking, Hermione makes a slow path toward the bed. It isn't until she is at the bed reaching for the netting does she notice the dark figure in the corner. He stands feet above her head, dark and menacing with the look of pure malice slit across his face. With monstrous steps, he comes closer baring down on Hermione with a veiling of unbelievable power.
"Your time is up Hermione." A deep voice that could have only come from the this giant demon sinks in. Up close he's a devil looking creature, but instead of a horned human head he had the head of a ram. "It's time to die!" He's whispers before yanking open the netting to Draco's bed. There Draco lays dead. His eyes sockets were empty, exposing the brain matter behind it with dried blood covering the rest of his face, making it almost unrecognizable. But it was him. Draco. Dead. With an high pitched scream, Hermione bolts out the room leaving behind a clean, normal, empty room.
Reaching the stairs, she tries to scrabble down them at full speed, but she slips up and down the remain 36 steps she goes. With a thud, bang, snap, and crack Hermione lands on the common room floor unconscious and broken.