Disclaimer: Samurai 7 and all its wonderful characters belong to the great Akira Kurosawa and of late his estate. I only play in his playground and not for profit.

Almost… by Zan.

Almost lightning almost thought

If none is needed, statue still

If none is needed, silent still

Breathe less, not breathless


But for the light in the eyes

But for the hum of the blades

But for the wind in the air

But for the pulse of a heart

Almost… alive.

Like petals lazily aflight, a dance

Floating on a breeze, brought hither thither

White flutters, stark against scarlet

Twins sing in unison, harmonising with the one.

Footfalls soft, sure, almost… feline.

Join us do? No point, none

Therefore, we dance and we bleed

To mark mettle with metal

To taste life, to smell life


Diverging duties

Different loyalties

Duplicated maxims

Duplicate in desiring

Almost… promised.

No need to wonder – I can wait

No need to watch – I will find you

No need to worry – I will live

No need for wiles – I am caught

Almost… ready.

Perhaps, because they can

Perhaps because they wish to learn

Perhaps because for the fun of it

Perhaps because they seek redemption

Almost… the right reasons.

Thus, they follow

As do I

From a distance

Hanging back

Almost… time to act.

In sun bright sand

Amongst the rocks

In tranquil fields

Amongst the huts

Almost… there.

What forces the hand of treason?

Inherent in each of us

So natural to cut out the disease

Clever, clever to show leniency

Almost… a lucky stroke of stratagem.

Surrounded, such as we are

Surrounded by so much life

Surrounded by so much death

The fears, the sweat, the tears and hopes


As arrows 'whirr' through the air

As swords cut metal, flesh and bone

As rain and fire fall

One duty shared, one duty done

Almost… over.

Still, more promises to keep

Still more wandering to do

Still more truths to sift through

Still more lies to bring to light

Almost… alone again.

Therefore, still more following to do

Still more watching to do

Still more waiting to do

Still more thinking to do


Strike counter strike

Stroke and counterstroke

Protect purity

Truth and beauty


War wounds

Hurts, ills and kills

Fallen friends and fallen foe

Some promises cannot be kept

Almost… apologetic.

I am sorry I did not wait

I am sorry now you need to hurry

Do not worry I will find you

Do not worry I will not forget


On a hill overlooking peace

Lies a thin wood of metal

Sparsely planted

Seeds of life to give life


Lightning thought

Statue still

Silent still

Breaths none

So ends the song of twins.

Looking for harmony

In the tone of one

'Smile when you find me again'.


Author's note: By the way ff has swallowed up my verse breaks. I have been battling it for nigh on three hours now and whatever I do, it just doesn't save the changes. So I humbly apologise if the formless poetry has even less form. Zan