A/n: Thanks to Red Hero for being my Beta.

Disclaimer: None of this belongs to me.

"How was your summer Harry?" asked Hermione

"Just a usual summer." said Harry while using Occlumency so Hermione wouldn't spot his lie. He wasn't ready for Hermione to know what he really did this summer."

"At least your back now. It must have been killer waiting for your Owl scores cooped up at the Dursley's. I was dying and I was at Hogwarts all summer researching anything I wanted."

Harry was surprised he had completely forgotten he was supposed to get his Owl scores this summer.

"I am so excited! I can't wait! I am going to take every class that I can." rambled Hermione

"When do we get our scores?" asked Harry trying to cover up his lapse in thought.

"Tomorrow. They didn't send them out because if Voldermort intercepted them then he would have a list of talented students." Said Hermione picking up on the fact Harry didn't remember about the scores.
"Honestly Harry how could you forget about your Owls, they decide your future."

Harry felt something and completely tuned out Hermione readying himself for battle. There was a slight push just above his left forearm. Completely bewildered, Harry turned to see Dumbledore. He was standing up seemingly waiting for everyone's attention. The push left and Harry felt a massive pull for his attention towards Dumbledore. Harry was shocked. Dumbledore had just checked everyone for the Dark mark, and now he was keeping everyone's attention.

"May I have everyone's attention." asked Dumbledore. Harry knew asking for their attention was unnecessary he was holding it in his hands.

"I would like to welcome you to another year at Hogwarts. This year may be a little bit different, but you will find it to your liking I presume. Under the new minister's request the teachers and I have adapted a new curriculum that we think is going to be helpful in the coming years of this war. I have a little bit of bad news I am afraid. There will be a curfew proposed. Anyone out past eleven or up before five in the morning will be apprehended by Ministry hit-wizards and questioned. The nastiest bit of news however comes straight from the minister's mouth. Quidditch is to be revo-"

Dumbledore didn't get to finish, the roar of outrage from the students was deafening. Dumbledore let the student's grumbling go for a couple seconds, and then a strong burst of magic had the students quiet instantly.

"As I was saying, Quidditch is to be revoked. The minister feels that time is better spent preparing for the war. He asked me to tell you in the time you would use for Quidditch to try your best to prepare for war." said Dumbledore in a sad tone.

Harry was a little excited, he was planning to resign as the team seeker and now he didn't have to deal with the outrage from the students. It was strange that the minister was ordering Quidditch to be stopped. Amos Diggory really must be fanatical about beating Voldermort. Harry leaned back in his seat and went to levitate an apple to himself when he found he couldn't.

Dumbledore was completely dominating the room. Checking again Harry realized that he couldn't let his magic leave his body. Harry was blown away there was no way any one could be that powerful. Dumbledore didn't even miss a beat he was still talking about classes like nothing had ever happened. Harry was pulled out of thoughts by the strange feeling of someone pulling a string through his brain making him give his attention back to Dumbledore.

"Speaking of teachers, I am one. May I introduce Albus Pervicul Wulfric Dumbledore as your new Defense against the Dark arts Professor. I thought it was time for me to take a personal hand in your education. With a little extra help for my normal duties I was able to take this job as a teacher. I look forward to teaching each of you. Remember tomorrow you get your Owl scores, so be ready to choose your classes. Have a good night. You're dismissed."

Harry was blown away by the power Dumbledore showed. He was so lost in thought he walked away from the table ignoring everyone. He had to get more power, there is no way he could do what Dumbledore just did and Dumbledore was on par with Voldermort. He had to achieve more. Harry was already running a more intense training regiment through his head. Maybe Dumbledore could give him some tips on how to build power.

Without realizing it Harry's feet lead him to the portrait hole all he could do was stare dumbly at the fat lady because he didn't know the password.

"Password?" asked the fat lady

"The Lion." said Lavender as she came up behind Harry.

The portrait swung open for Lavender as she climbed through. Harry followed behind her and let his feet carry him to his bed. Pulling out a piece of parchment Harry sat down and began to work on a new training regiment.

He was going to wake up earlier and work harder to become stronger. After his workout he was going to go to the library and try and memorize as many curses and counter curses as he could. He would repeat the same every day after his classes. He had to sacrifice his time if he wanted to beat Voldermort.

While Harry was writing most of his roommates had come in and were in the process of getting ready for bed. Harry casted a teeth cleaning charm on himself and lay down, and the last thing he did was set an alarm charm for five in the morning over his bed.

Harry awoke to a shrill beeping in his ears. The alarm charm that he cast last night could only be canceled from 5 feet away so Harry drug himself out of bed. In the bathroom Harry put on his robes and casted a cleansing charm since he didn't feel like taking a shower at the moment. Harry walked the halls through Hogwarts undisturbed it was still too early for anyone to be up walking the halls. Out on the grounds Harry reveled in the morning air and the rising sun that painted a myriad of colors in the sky.

Harry just walked the grounds at first watching the sky and basking in the peace of the morning. Occasionally an owl would fly over and Harry would watch it fly until it became a speck in the distance. Deciding to get to work Harry chose a nice tree to lean against as he worked. Calling up his magic he did his normal routine and barely felt the strain .He glanced up at the tree directly across from him and got an idea.

Harry surrounded the tree with a little bit more than normal effort. With all of his might Harry tried to lift the tree out of the ground. The only reaction he got was a lot of creaking and rustling. Harry continued to strain and began to feel his abs rippling something he had never felt to this magnitude before. His magic was working so hard it was manifesting itself in the physical world as pain. Harry fought through the pain and continued to try and lift the tree. Finally the pain became unbearable and Harry let go. His magic whirled and snapped back into place making Harry scream and double over holding his stomach. Harry's vision began to blur like he was going to pass out. Thinking quickly he cast a muscle relaxing charm and a minor energy spell that would give him temporary energy for a little while. Harry had to get food before his charm wore off or he would pass out for sure.

Harry hiked through the grounds at a quick pace past Hagrid's empty cabin up to the castle gates. Taking one last look at the sky Harry went inside.

The food was already out so Harry took his normal seat and began to enjoy a breakfast his body desperately needed.

"Good morning Harry. Glad to see you're having an early start," said McGonagall.

Harry was startled McGonagall had snuck up on him. He cursed himself he was supposed to be training he couldn't allow people to sneak up on him. Coming back to reality Harry looked at McGonagall's stern face.

"Here are your Owl scores. Please take some time to read them and get back to me before breakfast is over with your class choices."

"Thanks a lot professor hang on I'll give you my classes in a second." said Harry while opening his scores.

Ordinary Wizarding Level Results

Astronomy A

Care of magical creatures E

Charms E

Defense against the Dark arts O

Divination P

Herbology E

History of Magic D

Potions E

Transfiguration E

"Wow I did better than I thought I would" said Harry with raised eyebrows.

Harry was slightly disappointed that he didn't get an O in potions. Now he would have to train himself in potions as well this would require more free time.

"Mr. Potter I have always had consistent faith in you. Your grades show what you are capable of. I hope now you will sit down and study more." said McGonagall with a stern face

"I'll take Charms, Defense against the Dark arts, and Transfiguration." said Harry hoping he could get back to his food sooner.

McGonagall's surprise showed clearly on her face.

"Mr. Potter you wish to be an Auror I strongly advise that you consider more classes. Just taking the minimum will not look good on an application." Said McGonagall with disapproval

"I disagree. I think if I train hard enough by myself not only can I develop my own style better, but I can also eliminate things that I would not need such as history of magic and care of magical creatures. Forgive me professor but I think I can ready myself to be an Auror much better myself. I am sorry if I disappointed you."

"No, you didn't disappoint me just surprised me. I have spoken with professor Snape about my pact to make sure that you made it through the Auror program and he agreed somewhat reluctantly to let you into Newt potions. He did ask that all of your potions be an E or above or you would be removed from the class so make sure your work in that class is above excellent. I expect the same from my class now that I know how much free time you will have." said McGonagall as she recovered her cool

"Could you add potions to my schedule then?" said Harry as he thought of all the important potions he read about in the Auror Handbook.

McGonagall just nodded.

"Thank you for helping me get into potions professor. It means a lot to me. As for excellent work I won't let you down."

"Good day Mr. Potter." said McGonagall as she handed Harry his schedule that was magically produced as McGonagall tapped a piece of parchment 4 times with her wand. Harry took the piece of parchment and began to read.

DADA 10:00 - 12:30
Transfiguration 2:00 - 4:30
Potions 10:00 - 12:30
Charms 2:00 - 4:30
DADA 10:00 - 12:30
Transfiguration 2:00 - 4:30
Potions 10:00 - 12:30
Charms 2:00 - 4:30
DADA 10:00 - 12:30
Transfiguration 2:00 - 4:30

Harry stuffed his Owl scores and schedule into his pocket and went to check the time.

He still had plenty of time to go to the library. Harry set off towards his trunk so he could grab his notebook he had been taking notes in. When he got back to his trunk Harry found that the books he needed for classes were sitting on his bed with a note saying his account at Gringrotts would be billed for them and asking him to sign his approval. With a quick scrawl of his signature Harry grabbed his bag and quickly left his room not wanting to be distracted by conversation with his roommates.

Once he arrived at the library Harry had to knock once for the strict librarian to open the door for him. After a conversation explaining about an early start and many suspicious glances Harry was let in. Immediately he made his way over to the defense section and started to look for a good book. Settling on The Art of the Duel by: Zema Deyla Harry made his way over to a table and opened up his notebook and began to take notes on many different tactics and useful spells. While he was reading about pulling your opponent to a certain location with the Locadroma Cora spell Harry remembered to set an alarm for 9:30 so he wasn't late for class. Harry spent the rest of the time reading about a dueling tactic that involved multiple apparitions and layering your spells from many different angles. The power requirement was very high and the control required was extremely high. Apparently Grindewled's right hand man known as Zeocroan was a master of the art before being defeated by Aberforth Dumbledore in 1944.

Harry silenced his beeping alarm with a quick Finite and began to pack up his notes and put the book back in its rightful place. Harry walked with a determined stride towards the defense corridor making his way through the many trick doors and shortcuts that seemed to open up before him.

Finally making it to the defense classroom Harry walked in and took a seat by himself in the back right hoping to observe for potential recruits. Dumbledore made no move to recognize his presence he seemed to busy staring off into space quietly singing to himself. Harry couldn't help but think of how strange Dumbledore was.

Slowly the class filled in with Ron taking the seat next to him and Hermione taking the seat next to Ron. Harry explained to them where he was this morning saying he needed some fresh air and he was doing a bit of reading. Ron seemed to understand and Hermione praised him for his effort in trying to study more.

Suddenly the air was completely saturated with magic Harry, Ron, and Hermione turned to each other each extremely alarmed. Harry pulled out his wand and tried to send a counter only to have it never leave his wand. It was becoming Hard to breath and Dumbledore was still sitting on the desk singing to himself. The class was in chaos everyone was panicking trying to stop the powerful presence in the room. Harry thought of an idea and called up his magic to try and form a bubble around himself only to have it pressed into him. Harry began to struggle against the force pushing with all he had against it. The foreign magic wasn't giving an inch still he pressed on and pushed as hard as he could against it. Ron wasn't having any better luck. He was trying all sorts of spells on himself only to never have them leave his wand. Hermione was just sitting there staring at Professor Dumbledore trying to ignore the suffocating presence.

Professor Dumbledore finally stopped singing locked eyes with Hermione and the oppressive magic dropped and a collective intake of breath filled the room.

"10 points to Harry Potter for clever thinking and brute strength in raw magic, 5 points to Ronald Weasley for a broad range of spells, 15 points to Hermione Granger for clever problem deducing, 5 points to Terry Boot for a broad range of spells, and finally ten points to Draco Malfoy and Blaise Zabani for brute strength shown in raw magic." said Dumbledore in a calm tone as his blue eyes twinkled.

Harry filed away the fact the Malfoy and Blaise knew how to wield raw magic. Why didn't Malfoy fight Ron on the train?

"That magic you all felt in the room was me. I filled the room with all of my magic. All of you will learn to do that to some extent by the end of the year, but that is just one thing. Today however is the wondrous first step. Finding your magic! You may not enter my class on Wednesday if you have not found your magic so you will have homework that will take you most of the night." Said Dumbledore

"The first thing that you must do in order to find your magic is to re-live your memories of spell casting. Any memory that involved you casting a spell or being around something that required some of your magic should have a pull associated with it. Re-live every memory and follow the pull until you find the source. Usually by the sixth year you have done enough spell work to be able to find your magic. If you sincerely try and our unable to find your magic speak to me tomorrow morning before class and I will give you an alternate assignment until you are able. Any Questions?" said Dumbledore with a hint of his passion for teaching creeping into his voice.

Hermione shyly raised her hand and looked to Dumbledore.

"Yes Mrs. Granger?"

"Is there certain type of spell that is usually more helpful in finding your magic?"

"Why yes, there is. Any spell associated with high emotions usually has the strongest pull to follow. I myself found my magic with the memory of receiving my first wand." Said Dumbledore sounding truly excited at the question

"Thank you Professor."

"My pleasure. Now are there any other questions."

Dumbledore gestured to Terry Boot who was calmly holding his hand up in the air.

"Professor, how does finding our magic help?" asked Terry with curiosity creeping into his voice.

"Once your magic is found a witch's or wizard's spell work greatly improves. Instead of waiting on your wand to find your magic you can already have it ready greatly increasing your capabilities in spell work. For example we have a simple lighting spell without my magic being found." said Dumbledore

He waved his wand and intoned Lumos and a bright white light came out of the end of his wand.

"Watch what happens when I pull up my magic," said Dumbledore as the light grew a little in intensity.

"Nox." When your magic is already found your wand does not have to find it, so the power output for the spell can be increased marginally without breaking the spell. This is just one of the many things that finding your magic can help with." said Dumbledore.

"Any more questions before we begin?"

"Good then please begin to relive your memories ask me any questions that come up." said Dumbledore as he waved his wand and all the desks became overstuffed armchairs.

"One more thing if you fall asleep which is particularly understandable I will wake you." said Dumbledore with a mischievous twinkle as he sat down in his desk and pulled out some paperwork.

Harry reclined in his chair and immediately found his magic slightly disappointed that he wasn't learning anything new. Harry decided to try something new and called his magic to his eyes and began to look around. The sensation was different it felt like millions of ants were crawling on his eyes. The Auror handbook said that this technique would allow you to see magic in people. Malfoy was working his magic Harry could see the twisting mass of dark orange magic that came from Malfoy's eyes. Hermione was following the pull in her body earnestly seeking her magic. Ron was using his magic to sort his memories for easier access Harry made a note to himself to sit down and do that sense it was a recommended exercise for Auror's to help control emotions and help in spell work. Continuing to look around Harry saw Terry Boot find his magic it was a bright blue ball that rested in Terry's mind Harry made another note to himself to talk to Terry. Harry looked at Dumbledore and what he saw shocked him there was nothing absolutely no trace of anything magical in Dumbledore.

Without looking up from his paperwork Dumbledore asked " Mr. Potter would you come to my desk please?"

Harry pushed his magic back down and made his way up to Dumbledore's desk.

"Have a seat mister Potter."

Harry sat down then felt the weirdest thing it was like a wall of water just shot passed him he had to double check to make sure he wasn't wet.

"Not to worry I am just using my magic to make sure we are not overheard. I see you are already quite proficient in raw magic as well as Mr. Weasley. Learning together maybe? Don't worry learning is encouraged." Said Dumbledore with a chuckle at Harry's discomfort.

Harry didn't like the fact that Dumbledore could read him so easy so he employed the Auror version of Occlumency then asked his question.

"Sir, how come when I look at others with my magic I see there magic, but when I look at you I see nothing?" asked Harry in a neutral tone.

"Straight to the point you are. That is part of the reason I brought you here. I could feel that you were using your magic to observe. I should not be able to feel you do that. You need to learn to mask your magic. Look up aura masking in that handy Auror book that fell into your hands. It should explain how to mask your magic well enough," said Dumbledore

"Sir, if I may ask what can I do in the meantime of this class period?"

"Go back to your seat I will fight you in a raw magic duel."

Seeing Harry's face Dumbledore continued "Not to worry I will modify my strength to a couple levels above you. Be on your way. By the way anyone that bothered to listen will have heard me telling you not to sleep. Do play along with It.," said Dumbledore with laughing eyes

Harry turned and felt the water like sensation again as he walked back to his seat and readied himself. Taking his seat Harry brought his magic out and started to make it converge on Dumbledore only to be opposed.

Harry spent the rest of class being kicked around by Dumbledore. Whenever Harry lost which was every time Dumbledore made Harry do something humiliating like fall out of his chair or get up and dance. Dumbledore's trouncing of Harry lead him to be even more determined to gain more skill and power.

The bell rang and Dumbledore woke everyone and told them not to forget to find there magic before class on Wednesday. Harry hurried all of his friends off to lunch because he had worked up a huge appetite in Defense from all the work he did.

Finally sitting down and loading his plate he began to eat and listen about Hermione's summer. Apparently she had spent most of it explaining magic to her parents who resided in a remote wing of the castle under the Fidulis charm along with the other muggle refugee's. Hermione also got a lot of work done in transfiguration demonstrating by transfiguring Harry's bag into a nice leather couch.

"Nice work Hermione but, can I have my bag back now?" asked Harry with a hint of laughter

"Harry you should see how helpful transfiguration is. I might even be able to take you in a duel now." Said Hermione as she changed Harry's bag back flawlessly.

Harry had to employ Occlumency so he didn't laugh.

"We'll see about that," said Harry.

The trio made it to class in time and took seats in the front of the room and waited for everyone else to arrive.

Harry was sitting back observing when he heard Malfoy walk in bragging about his father. Harry decided Malfoy obviously didn't take his lesson on the train to heart, and needed to be taught again. Harry began to reach out towards Malfoy only to be opposed. Harry pushed Malfoy's magic back into his body and with a nasty smirk surrounded his legs and pulled. Instantly Malfoy was knocked down on his back the whole class erupted into laughter except the Slytherins who tried to silence the class with looks of loathing. Harry let out a hearty chuckle.

Malfoy finally managed to get back up; with a look of hatred sent at Harry, he took his seat. The class was still lightly laughing and talking when McGonagall's presence brought instant silence.

"Welcome to Newt Transfiguration. In this class we will learn the best way to use Transfiguration to defend yourself. I expect perfect behavior out of all of you. Any mishap and you will be permanently removed from this class. Now please take out some parchment we will be taking notes today." said McGonagall in her usual stern voice

The rest of the class was spent taking notes on how to motivate a transfigured animal to do your bidding. Harry paid careful attention knowing that this will be extremely useful once he learned it. The class took notes up until the bell rang they were not given homework just asked to study the notes and be ready to take more tomorrow.

Harry walked with Ron back to the room going to drop off their books for the day. Hermione still had two classes left today Ancient runes and Arithmancy. Ron had taken Defense, Charms, Transfiguration, and Care of Magical creatures. So Harry and Ron had three classes together. Tomorrow Ron had Care of magical creatures while Harry was at Dinner.

"Hey Ron, I think I am going to ask Seamus to join the Fight Club. He always was pretty loyal to me and he seems like he would enjoy it. What do you think?" asked Harry as him and Ron were walking back to the common room.

"He'll do it I know he will. He always was a little bit crazy. Plus he always talks about getting in fights back home. When do you want to talk to him about it?"

"Hopefully when we get back to the room. You distract Neville while I talk to Seamus. I think Dean is in Ancient Runes with Hermione so we don't have to worry about him." Said Harry as he climbed through the portrait hole.

"Good luck!" said Ron as went to talk to Neville who was sitting in an armchair staring blankly into the empty fireplace.

Harry focused on the task at hand and walked up to the sixth year boy's dorm. Walking in Harry flopped down on his bed and looked over at Seamus to find him taking a nap. Harry was slightly annoyed that he had to wake him. With a figure eight and a slash Harry whispered Shoktora a pale blue light rocketed out of his wand as expected and hit Seamus in the forehead.

Instantly Seamus shot awake and screamed in pain. It couldn't have hurt that bad he had used a figure eight and a slash instead of the traditional jab so it was only a mild shock.

"Oh' shut up Seamus. It didn't hurt that bad," said Harry.

Seamus just seemed to notice Harry and looked at him with a glare.

"What was that for?"

"I needed to talk to you and you were sleeping. So I woke you," said Harry simply

"What do you want?" asked Seamus grumpily

Harry took this time to compose himself and send his magic out to warn him of anyone coming.

"I have to talk to you. What I am about to talk to you about is secret you can not talk to anyone about this. Agreed." Said Harry with intensity as he reached out with some more magic to discern truth from Seamus.

"Alright I won't tell anyone about this." Seamus said warily

Harry was satisfied he was telling the truth even though Seamus was weighing his statement on the fact that Harry's statement was nothing life threatening.

"I had the best summer of my life this yea-"

"Your not going to ask me about girls are you?" interrupted Seamus.

"No, now as I was saying this summer I joined a muggle fight club. I fought once a week against some muggles. I loved it so much I decided I would try to bring it here using magic instead of fists mind you. I want you to join." said Harry simply

Seamus just sat there shocked "You-you want to start a fight club. That's the craziest thing I have ever heard. There is no way any one will ever want to do that."

"I already have one other member. Besides you are always going on about all the fights you get in back home," said Harry hoping to appeal to Seamus' pride.

"Yeah that's true I do fight at home, but that is different. Those guys aren't my friends. I was mad at them when we fought I am not mad at you or who ever the other guy is." said Seamus

"You don't understand the rush you get when you fight. Think of it as dueling if you must, but when you fight it's like all your other troubles melt away because all you do is focus on winning."

"I don't know." said Seamus half convinced

"Tell you what. Come one time and if you don't like it forget about it," said Harry with no intention of ever letting Seamus leave the club and risk him telling anyone.

"I guess I'll give it one try. If I don't like it however I am not coming back."

"That is acceptable" said Harry using Occlumency to keep his face straight "I will get back to you with the time and location. Harry felt someone was coming through the bathroom he fought hard to stay in control of his face with Occlumency. It would not do to be blushing when someone walked in on him and Seamus.

Dean walked in looking freshly showered. Harry had to act he could not have his secret club being leaked out. If that did happen he would have Dumbledore breathing down his neck all year. Pulling his wand out Harry confronted Dean.

"Incarcerous" Said Harry as ropes shot out of his wand and bound Dean as he was walking across the room he tumbled to the floor with a grunt. Harry reacted fast getting in front of Dean, looking down at him with magic burning in his eyes. The second Dean lied Harry would know.

"How much did you hear!" hissed Harry hoping to scare him into submission.

"Nothing! I promise!" Said Dean panicked, the power coming off of Harry was freaking him out.

"Liar! I can sense it behind your eyes. What did you hear?"

"I heard something about a fight club and how Seamus is going to join."

Harry called all of his magic up and filled the room hoping to intimidate Dean.

"Repeat nothing of what you heard to anyone." Harry said letting his power speak for him.

Harry turned to walk away and leave Seamus to free Dean from his Bindings. Harry called all of his power back and left to tell Ron of his success.

"Harry! I want in." Dean said from the floor.

Harry turned waved his wand with a silent counter and the ropes binding Dean disappeared. Dean shakily got to his feet and turned to Harry.

"I want to join."

"I'll get to you with the time and meeting place." said Harry keeping his cool demeanor through Occlumency on the inside he was excited two members with one stone.

Harry walked back to the common room and sat down next to Ron and Neville who were in a heated discussion about Quidditch. Harry gave Ron thumbs up and mouthed Seamus and Dean's name. Ron just nodded and turned back to Neville. Harry looked around and noticed Hermione wasn't back yet so he went and talked to different people hoping to gain alliances and possible new recruits. Harry spent some time making fun of himself to Pavatri about his miserable performance at the Yule ball. Harry saw Katie Bell out of the corner of his eye as she made her way through the portrait hole and sit down in a chair by the fireplace. Harry excused himself and made his way over.

"Mind if I sit with you?" asked Harry.

"Not at all." answered Katie.

"How was your summer?" asked Harry genuinely interested.

"It was alright. Nothing to exciting. How about you."

"It was great. I learned a lot."

"Sounds like you had a blast," said Katie with sarcasm practically dripping from her voice.

Harry didn't know how to respond so he tried to change the subject.

"What do you think of Quidditch being cancelled?"

"Do you normally talk about sports to girls?" countered Katie with a teasing glint in her eye that Harry missed.

"Er, no I don't think so." Said Harry completely baffled about what he did wrong.

"I'm just kidding Harry, Lighten up. Seriously though I am still mad. I was going to be captain that was for sure. He had to revoke Quidditch the year I was going to be captain." said Katie while dramatically shaking her fist at the air. "Truthfully though I kind of understand why he did it though. My cousin is a hit-wizard and he says that only about a third of the population can produce a simple shield charm. A war is going on people need to be prepared."

"I agree and if it takes sacrificing Quidditch to do it then so be it." said Harry with conviction

"I don't know if I would go that far! I mean Quidditch is seriously important."

Katie just laughed at Harry's alarmed face. "I was kidding Harry. You seriously need to lighten up. Learn to joke some." Katie joked.


"Eloquent aren't you Harry."

No matter what Harry said Katie seemed to do the exact opposite just to rile him up. As entertaining as it was, Katie's antics were making Harry look like an idiot.

"Right well I am going to get Dinner. You can join me if you want." said Harry trying to recover his dignity

"Wow a date with Harry Potter! I'm in," said Katie playing an extremely excited fan girl

Harry just rolled his eyes and walked with Katie towards the dining hall. They talked about all sorts of things from favorite colors to favorite places and even favorite spells. Very slowly Harry was getting used to Katie's wild antics. She would say something just to rile up someone no matter what it was. Harry personally thought she needed a new social filter. Katie made Harry blush several times at dinner from her lack of social grace. Finally Harry and Katie ended up in the common room after many long conversations with each other.

"Good night Harry," said Katie as she gave him a hug.

"Sleep well."

"Oh I will don't you worry about that."

Harry just raised an eyebrow. She sometimes says the strangest things.

Katie slipped up to her room as Harry walked away. Lying in his bed Harry cast the alarm charm and fell asleep.

The nest morning Harry woke with his alarm and readied himself for his day.

On the way out to the grounds Harry encountered a ministry hit-wizard that was patrolling the great hall. She didn't even acknowledge Harry she just checked her watch and walked out of the hall. Harry just kept walking out onto the grounds. The morning truly was beautiful. At Hogwarts the sky was always painted so many different colors and the air was always refreshing. Harry leaned against his tree and sat enjoying the morning air before he got started on his workout. Harry finally decided to get to work. Harry cycled through his normal routine of manipulating his body and trying to lift the tree out of the ground. Feeling exhausted Harry cast the muscle relaxor and the energy spell so he could make it to breakfast on his own power.

Harry made his way to breakfast and took his usual seat. Hermione and Ron joined him a little bit later.

"Morning Harry." said Hermione

"Did you get another early start?" asked Ron

"Yeah I did. I got a lot of work done this morning."

"Will you wake me up tomorrow so I can join you?"

"If you want."

"Cool. I ca-" Ron never finished his sentence because he trailed off to engrossed in his food to talk at the moment.

Harry looked up looking for the paper when the post was delivered. A plain brown owl delivered the paper Harry gave a Knut to the owl and began to read.

Successful Mission! Two Death Eaters taken down!

Last night two unnamed assassins confronted and killed Goyle and Crabbe Senior. The two death eaters were questioned about their loyalties late last night. Instead of admitting that they did not serve Voldermort they started cursing only to be taken down by the two assassins in a duel. Healers at St. Mungos have positively identified the corpses. They are indeed Crabbe and Goyle Senior and they both have a dark mark on their left forearm...

The story continued on praising the two assassins for doing a good work against Voldermort and went to predict the future of the war. The Order of the Phoenix was back. No matter what people thought of Crabbe and Goyle junior, their fathers couldn't be stupid if they made it into Voldermort's elite Death eaters. Harry was grinning from ear to ear as he read.

"What are you grinning at?" asked Hermione.

Harry just wordlessly passed Hermione the paper still having a massive grin on his face. Hermione's eyes zoomed through the paper a frown slowly taking shape on her face.

"Harry you do realize that people were killed last night. Right?"

"I know. They were death eaters Hermione."

"So what! We are stooping to there level if we kill them. They should have just been stunned."

"Hermione you do realize that a stunner can be overcome with enough power. Let's be honest if these Death Eaters lived they would just escape and cause more havoc. The second they accepted the mark they consented to be killed" said Harry with conviction

"No one deserves death! Even death eaters deserve second chances Harry!"

"Hermione they have used magic so black that it consumed their soul. There is no other chance for them. All they know how to do is lie and destroy. They are like a sickness! All of them need to be exterminated!" Said Harry using Occlumency to control his anger.

"I can't believe you Harry! What happened to you!" said Hermione as she stormed of with tears in her eyes.

Harry just returned to his breakfast. People kept staring even when he was ignoring him so he pulled out some magic wrapped it around himself and willed it so eyes would slide off of him. Slowly people's gaze left him. Harry sensed someone coming with the magic he kept around him at all times just for that purpose.

"Harry I want you to know I agree with you. Don't let Hermione get under your skin. I am behind you one hundred percent. I never did thank you for what you did last year in the DA I got an E in defense because of you. Thank you." said Justin Finch Fletchy.

"Thank you Justin. In case you're interested we are starting another thing like the DA, but complexity different."

"Yes, I am interested when does it start?" asked Justin in excitement.

"I will get back to you with the time and place once we figure it out. One thing though. Only people Ron and I accept can join so don't tell anyone yet." Said Harry with a masked grin

"Alright. Let me know when it starts. I have to get back to Hannah. I'll talk to you later though." said Justin as he turned and walked away

Harry and Ron just looked at each other and grinned the fight club was looking good.

Harry quickly finished his breakfast and made his way to the room of requirement to practice some spell work. Harry walked into the room to find several suits of armor lined up in a row. Harry pulled out his notebook and chose three spells he wanted to work with today.

The first one Harry chose was Safra it was a basic bludgeoning hex that was about the same as being hit with a stick. Safra was a loose hex meaning its beginning wand motion was a jab if you wanted more speed you could add a slash or for more power you could add a twirl. The spell was easily adjusted thanks to the Auror handbook that had a page on wand movements that fine tune spell.

After a couple minutes Harry had the hex down and was practicing adding more speed and power to it with more wand motions. Next Harry tried Deseraroc, which is a tight hex meaning it can not be manipulated. Deseraroc was another bludgeoning spell that held the power of being hit with a fifty pound rock. In another 20 minutes Harry had it down as well being able to cast both Safra and Deseraroc in quick succession.

The final spell Harry wanted to learn was Locadroma Cora, which was a spell that pulled your opponent to your desired location. Locadroma Cora involved a circular wand movement to capture your opponent in the spell and flick to wherever you wanted to send them. Harry practiced on the suits of armor in the room sending them soaring through the room. Finally Harry thought he had the spell working to his standards.

Before he left for potions Harry quickly cast Safra and Deseraroc to the right of some a suit of armor then he cast Locadroma Cora at the suit of armor and sent it directly into the path of the spells. When the spells impacted the suit's pieces went flying all over the room. Harry left the room with a smile on his face he was extremely satisfied with his progress.

Harry made it to the potions classroom with two minutes to spare. Hermione was sitting in the corner by herself determinedly looking away from Harry. Harry wasn't going to apologize for what he believed in. If she wants to not talk to him because she refuses to see the truth then so be it. Harry took a seat next to Terry Boot hoping to have time to talk to him about an alliance. "Silence." drawled Snape.

"Since the minister and other outside sources have seem it fit to interfere in the way I run my classroom this year will detour from normal sixth year curriculum." Said Snape while casting a hateful eye at Harry.

"Today we will work with poisons. We will be starting the process of making an antidote to Shimmer's Life. By the end of the class period you should have all of the potion's ingredients identified and have there nullifiers written down. For homework you will need to write the best way to brew your antidote with all of your nullifiers included. Page 21 has the necessary spell work and brewing process to identify the poisons ingredients. On page 12-18 in your book you will find a chart with potion ingredients. Each ingredients listed has another ingredient listed that will render its affects useless. You will find a big enough sample to work with in front of you. No questions." Said Snape as he walked back into his office.

Harry set to work casting spells and using other potions to find out what ingredients were used in the poison. Harry worked completely silently so he didn't make a mistake since he knew his work had to be perfect in order for him to stay in the class. Just as he found the last ingredient (Unicorn Hoof) Snape came out and told them to leave his class. Packing quickly Harry told Terry to wait for him. Terry was leaning against the other side of the hall as Harry walked out. "Did you need something?" asked Terry

"I saw you find your magic today. Pretty impressive considering it took me several hours."

"Wha-what How did you see me find it?"

"I was using my magic to enhance my eyes to see unmasked magic." said Harry simply hoping the truth would stop Terry's inquiry.

"I guess that explains it. I started looking for it a couple days ago after I read about it in a book so I didn't find it all in one day." said Terry trying to be humble.

"Either way I am impressed. I wanted to ask you something," said Harry.

Terry just raised an eyebrow.

"Lets be honest war is coming to the halls of Hogwarts. The Death eater's have kids here and they are going to try and pull students towards Voldermort. Someone has to be there to stop them. I am trying to stop them, will you join me?" asked Harry allowing some of his power in his voice.

"I think something can be arranged. I am not particularly fond of Voldermort having control of these halls. What are we doing to stop it?" asked Terry

"I'll get back to you with the time and place, but we are starting a group that trains and strikes back at the wanna be death eaters." said Harry

"Just let me know when and where." said Terry

"I will. I have to go to lunch so I will talk to you later." said Harry as he opened a secret passage and left Terry in the hallway.

Harry quickly ate some lunch and went off to charms. Harry sat alone in charms since Ron was sitting with Lavender and he had no desire to sit with Hermione at the moment. Flitchwick spent most of the class going over the theory of animating an object. Harry took careful notes and vowed to practice it tomorrow morning.

The bell rang and Harry wrapped his magic around him so no one would notice him and went to eat dinner and think. There was no way he could use the room of requirement for the fight club. There were too many portraits on the way there and there was even one right in front of the door. It was well known that the portraits reported to Dumbledore about any wrong doing they saw. Harry knew that several students meeting in a very magical room would not go unnoticed to the portraits thus meaning Dumbledore would know in a heartbeat. Harry was trying to think of a room they could meet in without Dumbledore becoming suspicious at there activities.

Harry quickly finished his dinner and made his way back to his room for the Marauder's Map. Harry activated the map and quickly searched through the rooms at Hogwarts. Harry saw one room in the remote corner of the seventh floor Harry didn't think he had ever been there before. Putting on his invisibility cloak Harry made his way to seventh floor hoping that the room was suitable for use.

The hallways there were sparsely populated with portraits. Harry would tell everyone to come at different times so none of the portraits would suspect anything. The room Harry had chosen had no portraits in the immediate vicinity so it was perfect. The room itself was about the same size as the defense classroom so it had plenty of room for fighting. Harry was getting more and more excited he had a room now. He would call the first meeting tomorrow and then he could fight for the first time in a while. Harry left the room for bed with an ear splitting smile.