Chapter One
Danny knew that it was the beginning of a very long shift, he hadnt slept well the night before, his mind was concentrating on something else, racing even. When he walked into the building he saw Lindsay was talking to Flack. Danny noticed that she seemed to be flirting with him, and he with her. He just smiled to himself and went into the shared locker room. Lindsay saw him out of the corner of her eye.
"Sorry Flack i need to speak to Danny, i will catch up with you later?"
Flack smiled and nodded.
"Sure, i will probably see you at the first shout of the evening."
Lindsay smiled and walked towards the locker room.
"Knock, knock. We're working this case together."
Danny turned to see Lindsay standing in the doorway of the locker room, Danny had his shirt off but he had his trademark white vest top on underneath.
"Hey Linds, some how that didnt suprise me."
"Is that all you have to say to me, hey linds?"
Danny laughed to himself.
"Well, i'm sorry, you were the one that said we had to contain ourselves at work."
Lindsay walked towards him and looked him dead in the eyes.
"Well, i dont remember saying that."
"Trust me you did."
Lindsay smiled and kissed Danny gently on the cheek.
"Good morning Danny."
Danny reciprocated, but he kissed Lindsay tenderly on the lips.
"Morning Linds."
Lindsay blushed and walked towards her locker.
"What was that with you and Flack?"
Lindsay had a puzzled look on her face.
"We were just talking, thats all, why are you jealous?"
"No, i'm not jealous, because i know that your with your guy."
Lindsay closed her locker after taking out her clean shirt and walked over to Danny and stood in his line of view, she had a seductive look on her face.
"My guy, sounds ominous, and what job does my guy have?"
Danny was facing Lindsay, she started to undo her blouse, Danny couldnt help but look.
"Like what you see?"
"I'm not gunna answer that, because you know the answer."
"True Danny, but do you need to make it quite so obvious that your looking."
Lindsay put her clean shirt on.
"Why are you changing your shirt anyway?"
Lindsay laughed to herself.
"Chad spilt some solution on my shirt, i was wearing a white shirt at the time."
"Awww damn i missed it!"
Lindsay turned to Danny. She had a serious look on her face.
"What am i to you Danny?"
Danny was now the one who was confused.
"What do you mean?"
Lindsay grabbed her kit and walked towards the door. Danny called after her.
"Linds, what did you mean?"
She turned to face Danny in the eyes.
"One minute we're colleagues, next minute we're friends, now we're this, and dont know what this is!"
Danny walked towards Lindsay.
"I dont know what this is either, i thought the fun would be to find out."
"I might be fun for you Danny, but this is tearing me up inside, i dont know where i stand."
"Your telling me this after we have been like this for a couple of months, i dont get it."
Lindsay turned and walked away.
She ignored him, and carried on walking.
Danny grabbed his kit and ran after her.
"Linds, wait would you?"
"What Danny, you have made it clear that this is just fun for you!"
Danny grabbed Lindsays hand, and spun her round.
"I never said that, i said it would be fun to find out what this was."
Lindsay looked at the ground, she then realised that she had misheard Danny.
"I'm sorry Danny, i thought that u meant i was just a bit of fun."
Lindsay looked down at the floor. Danny just smiled.
"But thats not what i said, is it?"
Lindsay lifted her head and smiled.
"No it wasnt...we had better get to the crime scene."
Lindsay turned and began to walk.
"Areyou coming?"
Lindsay turned to see Danny stood in the same spot.
"Umm no i have to get something from my locker i forgot it, i will meet you by the car."
"Ok, dont be too long."
Lindsay carried on walking towards the car park.
Danny watched her walk out and turned to face the locker room.
He went back to his locker and rumaged through his bag, he found what he was looking for, a silver gift bag. He picked it up and made his way to the car park.