(Sniff) This is the last chapter of my story, dudes and dudettes. Yup. It's a lot of fluff and a happy ending. The sequel has a pretty good story plot. Ya'll see. Chapter 11. The last and final chapter of this story. (I can't believe I'm completing a story!) (Sniff) Please read the sequel! Hits have reached 3000 for this story! That's so cool!

Chapter 11

Raimundo's P.O.V

"Alright Dojo, whatcha you need from us?" I asked a little confused. "You don't remember do you?" he said arms crossed. "Uh, no dude. Why would I be asking you if I knew?" I said sarcastically with a smirk. "BECAUSE YOU'LL BE AN EMOTIONLESS ZOMBIE IN ABOUT A MINUTE OR TWO!" he yelled so loud I thought I was deaf. "Oh yeah!" I said with a smile. Kimiko and Dojo both smacked their foreheads. "Sorry. Here you go Kim!" I threw her the Key of Truth. "Key of –" "WAIT!" Dojo interrupted. "Let me get out of here! I really don't want to stick around!" he said slithering off. "Wait! Is something bad gonna happen?" Kimiko asked unsure of what to do. "No, just," Dojo sighed and continued with, "It's gonna be a private moment so I'M OUTTA HERE!" he slithered faster.

Kimiko's P.O.V

"Well, that was weird." I said wondering what he was talking about. "Umm Kim?" Rai said politely. "Yeah, Rai?" "I was wondering when you plan to revert me from being a zombie?" "Oh. Soon Rai." I said rubbing my chin. "Kim!" he said with a whiny tone. "I love it when you beg." I said with a smirk of my own. He pouted and said, "Well, just do it before I'm a mindless zombie!" I laughed at his reaction. "Ok, ok. Key of Truth!" The Shinsou lock came out of Rai's body and the Key of Truth flew towards it. It went into the keyhole and unlocked the Shinsou lock. Then the most amazing thing happened! Two beams of light hit me and Rai. We entered a dream world. "Where are we Rai?" "I'm not too sure myself." he said.

Raimundo's P.O.V

'Ok. I thought the Ying-Yang world was weird enough.' "What the heck is happening to us?" I screamed at no one in particular. A voice said, "You have unlocked me and are now hearing what those thoughts that were confused between you and the one you hurt most. Hopefully, this clears up many things that have happened to you two." "Whoa, are you like a live Shen Gong Wu.?" The voice replied, "In many ways, yes. Enjoy the show." Then the dream world became like outer space and we were floating. Suddenly, I hear, "I have to get Kim back! She needs to know how I feel!" Then "How could she say something like that? I love her!" It went on and on with me and my feelings for Kimiko. I thought they were kinda embarrassing. There was even a scene with me singing a bunch of love songs, even the ones that girls sang. But when I saw the expression on Kimiko's face she started to cry.

Kimiko's P.O.V

'How could I have done that to Rai? Now he must hate me for saying those awful things. I even went with Roy for a bit just to get back at him. I hate myself so much right now!' I felt a warmth. Rai put his arms around me and we sat down together. "How could you even do such a thing when I said all those things and even tried to get even by going with Hannibal Roy Bean of all people! I want to take back all those things I said or ever did and in exchange love. But deep down I know you hate me." I started to cry even harder. 'There I said it.' I was a little satisfied but knew I would get heartbroken. Sudden;y, he turned my head towards his and we kissed.

Raimundo's P.O.V

After we broke out, she was a little shocked. I could see the tears starting to form again and she was about to protest when I put my finger to her lips. "Shhh. You have no idea what you're saying. These images, scenes, thoughts, and dreams are all my inner feelings. You say deep down I hate you. How can you say that when these are my deep down feelings, Kim? Don't you see that I love you?" She started to cry again but on my shirt. "Why are you crying? You can think what you want but I'll just have to repeat myself over and over and over and ov-" She put he finger to my lips. "Shhh. You have no idea what you're saying. These are tears of joy, believe it or not. Because… I love you too, Raimundo Pedrosa." She smiled and we ended up back where we were. It was late at night and we drifted off together in a deep sleep under the moonlight.

Kimiko's P.O.V

'Last night was wonderful! We professed our love to each other!' I giggled at the thought. "Kimiko!" said a loud voice. "Yeah?" I opened my eyes to see that I was in my room. "Was that all a dream?" I asked a little worried that it was. Omi barged in. "HELLO? Knock please!" I yelled at the poor little guy. He was panting. "Have you seen Raimundo?" he finally asked. Clay came in too. "Yeah, Dojo said he was last with you." "Uhh, no. Sorry." "Alright, tell us if you find him!" Omi and Clay said walking off together. "Rai's missing?"

Raimundo's P.O.V

"Thanks, this means a lot! I'm glad you actually accepted my idea." I said with a big grin. "Well, it's not everyday I have someone come into my office and ask something like that either." We started laughing. "Thanks man!" I was about to use the Golden Tiger Claws when he said, "Wait! I actually want to come with you! To you know, prove it was right." "Whatever floats you're boat." He laughed at the expression. "You're perfect! I'm so pleased."

Omi's P.O.V

"RAIMUNDO! Get your butt over here now!" she yelled, but no response. She looked at the floor and walked away. We were spying on her from another room. "Do you think we gave Raimundo enough time to ask-" "Yeah, I reckoned we did, partner." Clay tipped his hat at the two shadows behind him. There was a breeze in the room. "Bout time you showed up." Clay said with a smile. I gave a him fingers up, but upon closer inspection, "You're nervous, aren't you?" I asked slyly. "It's ok for you to be nervous." He gave me a smile. "Of course, I am never nervous!"

Kimiko's P.O.V

'I wonder if Rai left because of me? I knew it. All along he hated me.' I started to tear up again. "Yo! Why the long face?" I heard from a familiar voice. "Rai?" "Yup." he responded with a half smirk. Weird. "Where have you been? I wanted to ask if last night was really happened or not." He started to shake. "Are you ok, Rai?" "Can I prove to you that it really happened?" He said putting his hand in his pocket. "Uhh. Sure. How?"

Raimundo's P.O.V

'Here goes!' I got down on one knee and took out a small box. Then I opened it to reveal a beautiful ring with a beautiful sapphire in it. She gasped. "Kimiko Tohomiko, will you marry me?" She started to laugh. "Awww man." I sighed. "Well, it was worth a shot." I was about to get up when she got down herself, wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me. "How's that for a 'Yes'?" she smiled with tears in her eyes. "CONGRATULATIONS!" Omi, Clay, and another person came out. "Thanks for distracting her guys!" The Dragons of Water and Earth just winked at me. "Oh, I have a surprise for you!" Mr. Tohomiko came from behind Clay. "Congratulations, my dear little Kimiko!" "Daddy!" She gave him a big hug. "By the way, partner, how'd you afford the ring?" Clay asked a little suspicious in how I would've gotten the ring, you know, the whole Golden Tiger Claw thing. "Actually, it came from Mr. Tohomiko." "WHAT?" The other monks replied. "It's true. The ring you're wearing is your great-grandma's ring. She loved to hear stories of the great Xiaolin heroes when she was growing up, she even told me some when I was a little boy. So now, my baby girl, a Xiaolin hero, can wear the ring of her great-grandmama." Mr. Tohomiko explained. "Yeah, plus it matches your eyes." I complimented. She gave me a smile and we all went to tell Master Fung and Dojo.

5 minutes later…

"WHAT? You're getting married this young?" Dojo asked in a puzzled look. "Well, yeah but not yet. We can still be engaged, can't we?" I asked. "Congratulations, young monks on your celebration. We turned around to see the last person who we thought would be there to support us. "Master Fung, you actually don't mind us getting married?" Kimiko said with an overjoyed expression on her face. He smiled and said, "Wind and Fire make a powerful combination." "You got that right!" I said and I turned to give the love my life a kiss.

Well this is it. Fin! But it's not the end yet! You'll see when you keep reading on. Anyways, I want to thank all that reviewed! You guys kept me going! The sequel will be called "Remebering Then." You'll see. Again thanks for everyone who read this, and Fanfiction! In the meantime, keep reading for the epilogue. It's really short and may be crappy but trust me the storyplot for the sequel will rock your socks.Please review. I'm sadwhen I don't get reviews.And read "Just Like He Used To" Such a good story. It's sad but totally freaking awesome. Well, this is my last Author's note, it's been fun. See you in my sequel. (Sniffle) Peace.


Keep going!


I'll miss you all


You probably hate me now...

I sound like Kimiko now.

this is building suspense...

Almost there!

You can do it!

Ok, whatever

Here it is...


No one really saw when Master Fung had a saddened look on his face. His smile turned into a frown. "I'm sorry young ones. Enjoy it while it lasts…" He said to himself and left the room with us partying with Clay, Omi, Dojo, and Mr. Tohomiko...