Dear book,

That's what yu are, diary. A book. And my life sucks.

Ron's dead. My best friend.

And I found a time-turner! In the attic! I don't know why. But I'm going to save my best friends with it!



I'm not much into the old writing thing but...


Here's what happened.

I found out the right number of times to turn the thingymabob. And I went back.

Fred was slinking along a street on the way to Hermione's house whe I caught up with him. I knew what I had to do. There was no time to waste!

"Petrificus Totalus" I cried. And there he was. My best mate's brother, frozen there, on the way to kill my other best friend.

So I talked to him.

"Why do you want Hermione dead?"

He glared at me.

"Answer me!"

"Granger, she...I...its so wrong! I like her, okay?"

So wow. He tried to kill her because he's in love with her. Extreme!

And you'll never guess what else!

Hermione came outside.

"Harry! And... Fred? What are you doing here? And why is he frozen? Harry!"

"Hermione, Fred has something to say..."


"Yeah, you have to Fred. Don't do something you'll regret. Please? If you do this, Ron will kill himself!"

"Okay, okay, fine! Hermione, I... I love you."

"Oh..." that one syllable had huge implications. Can someone sound flattered and worried and horrified all at the same time? It seems so. "Fred..."

"I don't want you to love me, I don't expect it, just... yeah."

She just smiled. And that's what happened. I have to go for a butterbeer with Ron. He's here! He's alive! Yay!


Dear Ron,

I'm sorry but I can't take this face to face! I don't want to hurt you but the thing is, I'm not in love with you.

I'm in love with Fred.

I don't want to hurt you! So what I'm going to do is use the time turner I found in Harry's bag. I'm going back to when we got together, I'm going to say no when you ask me out. I'm sorry.

Goodbye. I'll miss the you I know at the moment. I'll miss Caleb, too...

From Hermione.


I've got a plan. I'm going to slip an anti-love potion into Hermione's drink so she won't love Fred anymore. I know it's wrong but I love her so much and she hardly even looks at me! I'm going to win her, I am. Wish me luck!


So there we have it. And now we start again, back where we began. Life's funny that way. Forever young, these young people.

We are what has been. By changing the past we change who we are. Right, I've been writing long enough. Time for chocolate!

A/N:Thanks to the small but sweet bunch of people who reviewed my story! I already have a vague idea for another. I have writing fever at the moment. By the way, if you like this one, check out this by not some barbie

http/ it's a nice little story that I'm really enjoying so far. Also, check out http/ conformityissuicide is her name and she is really great, I would recommend ALL of her stories, she rocks.