Buffy and Alec

"A slayer and a supersoldier"

Disclaimer: I don't own either show

Pairings: Buffy/Alec (maybe Max/Spike but way later on)

Summary: Alec goes to Sunnydale on a mission for Manticore and the first person he meets is blonde slayer that's saves his life.

AN: This is crossover with Dark Angel. This is my first ever crossover fic so if it sucks I'm sorry. Take place Buffy season three.


Chapter 1: 494's arrives

Manticore (Wyoming)

Manticore was a secret government agency that housed almost two hundred supersoldiers. They trained them and bred them to do nothing but kill and follow orders. At least that's what they thought until the winter of '09 when eleven of their elite group "the x-series" escaped into the world. They have spent the past ten or so years looking for them, but they have failed.

Now they are moving on and continuing on with the X5's that remain in Manticore. The ones that weren't able to escape or just didn't want to. For example now at this very moment they are preparing one of their elite X5 for a mission on in California.

This soldier's name is X5-494 and he is one of their most skilled assassins. He has had the top scores in ever category possible. Yet they're still a little concerned in sending him out on a mission for more than a few days. This is going to be his first ever long-term mission, so they are curious on how he is going to respond.

They are sending him to a small town called Sunnydale. There he will become known as Alec McDowell. A skilled piano player who is trying to start his very own business in a small town. They have prepared all the necessary paperwork for this mission and he is ready to be shipped out.

"494 do you understand your assignment?" One of his commanding officers asked.

"Yes sir. I am Alec McDowell, a skilled piano player who is looking for a place to start his business. Once I get settled I am supposed to come into connect and befriend a Manticore supplier by the name of Mayor Wilkins." He ended. "Sir."

"That's correct. You are also going to enrolled into Sunnydale High as a cover, besides your piano business." The officer said and then he turned to one of the trainers. "How are the piano lessons going?" he asked.

"He has picked them up faster than we could have anticipated," the trainer answered.

"Good I want him out by the end of the week." The officer in front of him said. "Good work 494." He said before they left 494 alone with his piano. He had some more lessons ahead of him.

Sunnydale (California)

It was the start of their senior year and the Scooby Gang was concerned because they had just discovered that Buffy had been kicked out of school, and that she had run of somewhere. Giles had been all over the country looking for her and he had some up short every time. They didn't understand why she would run off like that just because she got kicked out of school.

They were patrolling outside the Bronze when Xander heard a noise behind him. When he turned around he came face to face with a vampire. He started fighting it off before it threw him to the ground and then he saw it descending on his neck. Yet before it got there it was thrown back into the fence. Then he looked up and saw Buffy standing there.

"Night Hawk come in," his walkie-talkie sounded. Buffy looked at him funny and all he could do was offer her a goofy smile.

Then she turned back toward the vamp and staked him with a second thought. When she turned to him on word formed on her lips. "Night Hawk?" she asked. And that when the rest of the group can around the corner. "Hey guys, miss me?" she asked him as they all stood there in shock.

Giles house

They had dragged her to Giles' house, telling her that she needed to see him because he had been looking for her all summers. She really didn't want to see him so she told them that it was last and he was probably asleep by now. They knocked on the door anyway and within a few seconds Giles stood at the door looking at her in shock like he didn't believe she was really here.

"Hey Giles," she said, which knocked him out of his current mind freeze. He invited them all inside. After they were all comfortable he went into the kitchen and got them some tea and cookies, but before he brought them out he leaned against the wall and smiled. His slayer was home and safe.

Manticore (Wyoming)

They were shipping him off to Sunnydale today and honestly he couldn't wait to go. As much as people, his own squad, thought that he liked it here at Manticore he really didn't. All the training and trips to Psy-Ops weren't really his idea of a good time. So when they said they had a long-term mission for him he jumped for it.

"You ready 494?" someone asked him.

"Yes sir," he said and that when they took him to his barracks where he found a change of clothes. A pair of kaki pants with a plain black t-shirt. Next to his bunk he saw a duffel bag full of other clothes, he knew he was going to have to buy some for himself but these would do for a few weeks.

When he walked out of his barracks they led him to a black SUV that would take him to the airport, and from there he would be on his was to sunny California. Two other Manticore officers traveled with him to the airport and then they got onto the plain with him, they must have thought he was like his '09er twin that ran off and went on a killing spree. He wasn't so they didn't have anything to worry about.

When they touched down in Sunnydale, California he smiled because the officers didn't follow him off the train. Now it was up to him to do what needed to be done. First things first was to get enrolled at this school of his…Sunnydale High.

Sunnydale High

Buffy and her mom were sitting in the principal's office talking with principal Snyder. Joyce was trying to get Buffy back into school because technically they didn't have any right to keep her out. All the murder charges brought up against her last year were dropped. She was no longer wanted for murder.

"You can't keep her out of school," Joyce said to principal Snyder.

"Oh I can and well. In fact I get this excited feeling thinking that she won't be attending my school this year." He said.

"I'm going to go to the board of directors," Joyce said as she stood up and walked out of the office. "Come on Buffy," she said to her daughter.

Buffy didn't move instead she sat there and stared down Snyder. He didn't like her and she honestly didn't know why, she had never done anything to make him not like her.

"If you don't mind Ms. Summers you are going to have to leave because I have a meeting with a student who is actually going to attend this High School." He said.

Buffy got out of her chair and left the room. As she was leaving the room she looked at the boy Snyder had and appointment with. H had brownish blonde hair with amazing hazel eyes that she had never seen on anyone but herself. He stared at her and she walked away and she did the same as he walked into the office. It was then that she hopped her mom could get her back into school.

"Alec McDowell, please have a set." Snyder said to him as he entered the office. The blonde girl that had walked out before him and caught his attention and was now clouding his thought, he desperately wanted to know who she was. "Welcome to Sunnydale High."

The Bronze

All day Buffy couldn't get her mind off the boy she saw waiting to go in and talk to Snyder. She didn't know way he was clouding her thoughts this away and it was really starting to bug her. He was all she had thought about all day.

Even now as she was sitting her with her friends she couldn't get the image of him out of her brain, he was driving her crazy and she didn't even knew his name. The last time she felt this way was when she was Angel first met.

"Buffy to bad you don't go to school anymore because there is this uber hot guy in history," Cordelia said as she looked at the blonde. They have grown closer since her and Xander have been dating. "I mean smoken hot, he has these hazel eyes that are to die for." She explained.

"You know I'm sitting right her right?" Xander asked his girlfriend.

"Jealous?" she asked with a smirk.

"Should I be?" he asked her he decided two could play this game.

"Anyways I invited him here tonight," Cordelia said with a wink Xander's direction. "He said he would try to make it." She added.

Buffy didn't know what to think, she wanted to see him again that wasn't even a question. The questions were, did he want to see her again? And what did Snyder say about her if anything at all? That's when she felt it, a little tingling sensation in the back of her neck. It wasn't one of the vampire tingles it was something different, something she had never felt before.

"Check out slut-o-rama and disco loser on the dance floor," Cordelia said. Buffy turned to the dance floor and saw the people that Cordelia was referring to. "What's the last thing he danced to Casey and the sunshine band?" Cordelia asked.

"Actually I don't think that guy thrives much on sunshine," Buffy said getting up and going to full slayer mode. What she didn't see was Alec looking at her from across the club and he started to follow her out.

When he stepped out the door though he heard some rustling sounds coming from his left so he blurred over there in time to see and brunette struggled with what he guessed was her boyfriend. He went over to the guy and ripped him off of the girl.

"You think your strong cuz you pick on girls?" Alec asked and when he saw the guys face his mouth dropped at the first thought he had was that the guys was some anomaly from the basement back at Manticore. The next thing he saw was the guy being ripped of him and he saw the blonde girl he had followed out her.

"Thanks B but I go this," the brunette said as she grabbed a pointed object from the blonde. She pushed the pointed stick through the guy's heart and Alec watched as he turned to dust. "Thanks B," the brunette said giving the stick back to the blonde as she walked past her giving Alec and look up and down on her way by.

"Are you okay?" Buffy asked walking over to him. "Did you need to sit down?" she asked. He didn't answer her. "My name is Buffy and I can explain what happened her tonight if you want me to," she told him.

"No I…I'm good," Alec said. "I just need to get home," he said.

"Want me to take you?" Buffy asked.

"No thanks," he said. "My name is Alec by the way," he said as he started to walk away. Even though he told her not to Buffy followed anyway just to make sure he got home okay.

As Buffy watched him walk away she couldn't help but notice that there was something off about him. Something that didn't seem right. As he walked around the unfamiliar town he didn't let anything bother him, like if anything jump out at him he knew that would be able to lay a finger on him. He was a quality that Buffy found very attractive.

He reached his apartment without trouble and as Buffy was about to turn around and walk away she heard him speak. "If you want to come in you can explain things to me," he told her.

"Did you know I was following you the whole time?" she asked him almost in awe that he knew.

"Yeah," he said as he turned around and looked at her. She noticed his cocky smile and she couldn't help but smile in return.

"Why didn't you say anything?" she asked and he shrugged.

"You going to come in or what?" he asked.

"Sure," she said as she followed him into the apartment. "I bet you have a lot of questions," she said as he closed the door behind her.

"Just one," he said.

"Shoot," she replied.

"Do you want to go out sometime?" he asked her and it was easy to say that Buffy was caught off guard. Alec had no idea why he asked her that all he knew was that he wanted to get to know her better. Manticore was never big on dating but that didn't mean he didn't know what it was. He grew nervous as he waited for her reply.


AN: Let me know what you think. Should I continue or not? This is my first ever cross over fic so I am curious to know what you guys think. All suggestions are welcome! R&R.