Hey all! This is my first Sesshoumaru x Kagome fanfiction! I hope you all like it and I hope it is well written XD Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Inuyasha Characters, but I own my story :D
"Kikyou, you know that I do love you--" Inuyasha embraced her. Kagome gasped. She wanted to cry, and just run away from him forever, but she hoped things would turn out her way.
"But what about that wench, Kagome?" She looked up into his eyes. Her lifeless eyes showed anger within her. Kagome grabbed her bow and pointed an arrow towards her head, but quickly lowered it. She knew it was a bad thing to do. Murder is a crime. I don't want to ruin my life now. She dropped her bow and arrow and continued to watch.
"You didn't let me finish. I do love you, but only as a sister, or even a friend." Kagome looked at Inuyasha. "The only person I truly love, is the person that sticks up for me. The one that wants to be near me. The person that helps me out whenever I am in trouble. That person… is Kagome." Kagome gasped, and smiled. She wanted to step out behind the tree, but saw something shiny in Kikyou's hand. What is that?
"How can you love a copy of me when you can have the real thing?" Kikyou backed away from Inuyasha. Her Miko powers began to grow, and Kagome stepped out from behind the tree. Kikyou peered over in her direction, but Kagome quickly went back behind the tree. I am such a coward. Why am I hiding?
"Because you are the one that is dead, and not her. She is one of the few people that accepted me, loved me, even hated me. Humans are just that emotional. But what I really love about her, is she is carefree. No anger or hatred lurks her way. I don't know if she would agree with me, or disagree, but that's what I love about her. That and her power is just remarkable." Kagome began to cry. Inuyasha smelt the scent of salt and looked behind. "Who's there?" Inuyasha began walking towards the tree where Kagome was. I am so dead! I shouldn't be here!
She waited… and waited… and waited… but he never came. She looked out into the field and saw Inuyasha slumped over, and saw Kikyou's Kitana covered in blood. Kagome gasped, grabbed her weapons, and ran out into the field.
"Inuyasha!" Kagome knelt down and saw his chest with an open gash. She didn't want him to die. Not yet. She wanted to believe he was going to live. But with that kind of injury, it was unlikely.
"Kag…ome…" He could hardly breath, and could hardly speak.
"Don't talk. Your wound is severe. We need to get some medicine and--" She looked up and saw an arrow pointed to her head. Kagome gasped, and Kikyou smirked. Inuyasha knew Kikyou wanted Kagome dead.
"So, wench, have any last words before I kill you?" Kikyou gripped the arrow more.
"Inuyasha, I need to tell you… I love you too. I heard everything you said. I'm sorry I can't help you now!" She embraced him, and didn't care about the blood. She just wanted to be near him and just be with him. He held her back and kissed the top of her head.
"Thank you, Kagome. Thank you." He coughed up blood and held his gash. Kagome looked at the gash and saw it getting worse. Kikyou still held onto her arrow and looked at Kagome.
"Wench, prepare for the netherworld, for you are going in it." Kikyou let go of the arrow, and Kagome closed her eyes, waiting for the inevitable.
She waited and waited. Nothing came. She opened her eyes and saw Inuyasha standing with an arrow in his back. He fell over onto his stomach, and began to wither away. He didn't want to die near the one he hated, and didn't want to leave behind the one he loved. He looked into Kagome's eyes and saw her crying.
She pulled the arrow out and flipped him on his back. She couldn't believe it. After all of what they have been through, he had to die from Kikyou. She looked at all of the blood around them, and looked back into his eyes.
"Kagome, don't… be sad…" She shook her head.
"I don't want you to go yet. Don't leave me." She closed her eyes and tears began to stream down her face. She opened them and leaned down. She kissed him.
She wanted to feel the warmth he had, and feel the love he had for her. He kissed her back, and wanted the moment to last.
But he couldn't hold on anymore. He backed away and whispered into her ear,
"I love you." He stopped breathing. He died in the arms of Kagome. Kikyou began to laugh and Kagome looked up at her. She grabbed her bow, and gripped an arrow. She aimed it right at Kikyou.
"You heartless person! How could you laugh at this! How could you let the man you once loved die? How is that even humane!" Kagome gripped the arrow with anger and kept aiming at her.
"You have no one else to go to, so I might as well kill the person you love so you can die alone. Even if I did love him in the past, I feel no remorse for his death. Who will you go to, now that your loved one is dead?"
That true. Sango and Miroku are gone. They went to her village and are now living together. Shippo went with them. I am pretty sure they don't want another person. But she has no right to kill Inuyasha! She let go of the arrow, and it hit Kikyou's heart. Kikyou gasped and knelt down in pain. Her soul collectors began to die from Kagome's Miko powers. Kikyou felt her soul going away. It was entering Kagome's body.
"You... You can't kill me! I refuse to die from you! You don't deserve to live! I should live!" Kagome shook her head.
"Kikyou, it is your time to go. You corrupted this land far enough." Kikyou closed her eyes and fell onto the ground. She stopped breathing. Her ashes blew into the wind.
Kagome turned around and saw Inuyasha's lifeless body. How will I bury you? I don't want you to bury you. Not yet. Not ever. She began to lift him, and carried him to the tree where they first met.
She laid him down, and began digging a hole. I wish I could go back home. But now that the well is sealed up, I can't. She kept digging and digging.
Once she got done, she noticed it was night. She looked at Inuyasha, and saw his face lighted, from the moon. She felt tears coming, but she held them back. She didn't want to have anymore pain, but it kept coming back.
She carried Inuyasha's body into the grave. She didn't want it to end this way, but it had to. She grabbed the shovel, bent over to kiss him one last time, and began dumping the dirt onto him. Goodbye… Inuyasha… You will always remain in my heart. She cried into the dirt, and kept dumping it onto his body.
She patted down the dirt to make it smooth, and placed flowers onto his grave. She cried into the dirt again. She didn't think it was possible for him to die before her. She couldn't believe it. He's gone… I can't reach him anymore… I can't hear him… I can't feel him… Why? Why did you have to go Inuyasha? Why…
She heard something rustling in the bushes behind her, and she looked behind. She looked at her weapon, but thought it was just useless to use it. She wanted to die to be with him. She kept scanning the area, but couldn't see anything.
"Is anyone there? Do you want to kill me?" She began to cry onto the grave again. He stepped out of the shadows and saw her.
Thank you for reading the first chapter! I hope you review, and I will try to update really soon!