Akuma:I dunno why I did this got that? I'm just currently bored to death...if you don't like it, it's fine with me.

Disclaimer:Not mine. If it is, it'll be chaotic.


Black Cat's Journal

Hey there,

Hi. I'm your owner, Hyuuga Natsume. yep! You got that right! I am the famous BLACK CAT! Fear me! The greatest and kindest person! Nah! Just kidding. Hey! I heard that! You thought, in that brain of yours, which is not exsisting, me? The great Natsume? A diary? Heck! The word diary and Natsume cannot be found in the same sentence unless it says "Natsume set the diary on fire." or something like that. Yep! Here I am, writing on 'you' and to what it seems like, even talking to you. An object that'll never answer back to what I'm blabbing about.

Ok. Let me just remind you that we talked about cannot go out from your pages and if it does, I will see to it that you'll be spending your time with Mr. bear or better yet, spendyourtimewith Mikan. That'll surely mess you up. That'll teach you a lesson you piece of shi- Wait! No way! I ain't gonna give you to Mikan! If she reads your contents, That'll be the end of my 'I'm Cool. I'm Calm. I'm Hyuuga Natsume.' image.

I know. I know. You're 'wandering'. Why don't I just tell my friends about my problems. Do I have friends? Oh yeah! I have one. His name is Ruka Nogi.Hah! See! I do have a friend! In your face! Ok. Stop your whinning. Sheesh! You're like that girl, Mikan! Remember. I have a butterknife on the table.Why I have a butter knife?None of your beezwax!

Oh yeah! I remember you now! You were my mom's gift for my 5th birthday but I never used you. Now, I am. Why? Co'z I said so. No complaining. To tell you the truth, when I first laid my eyes on you, I tried to chop you with the knife on the kitchen sink. My mom saw my face when I saw you and asked me if I liked it and me, being her son, said yes. That was, in fact, a very good lie co'z she immediately believed me. She's like Mikan. She's kind, sweet and pretty- Wait! Did I just said that Mikan is kind, sweet and pretty? grunt Where the heck did that come from! Sheesh! Ok. Ok. The main reason why I'm writting/talking to you right now is pretty simple.

I'm bored.

Bored to death...ok maybe not 'to death' but I'm bored.




Got that? Good.

So are you ready to hear loads of blabbering? You're not! Argh! I have the butter knife! Mwahahahahahahahaha!

Ok. So let me talk about Ruka. Yep! Ruka is indeed my bestfriend. He's the onlyonegot that's closest to my family. Yeah...he's a nice guy but kinda freaky when it comes to his "animal friends". Yep! He has an "Animal Pheromone". Just like Narumi's but works on animals only. Since Mikan came to this school and befriended him, I instantly noticed his attraction towards the girl. The way he smiles at her, his actions and everytime he sees her, he's blushing. Sometimes I want to rip his head whenever he's with Mikan but no can do. He IS my bestfriend after all. I don't want it to be WAS. You get my point? Yes you do.

There's one guy at school who I realy hate. His name is Andou Tsubasa. He's always so close with Mikan and I couldn't- Whoa! Wait a sec. Where did that come from? Sheesh! I need a hobby. Well Mikan's always all over that guy and whenever I see then together my blood bloils. Yep! I'm like a volcano when I see them together. BOOM!

Fine. I'll tell you the truth but if you laugh at me, I'll get the butter knife. I...well you see...um...I lo...lo...lo- Don't tell me to spit it out you intimate object! I'm the one with the butter knife here! As I was saying...I lo...uh...lo...ve...FINE! I LOVE MIKAN OKAY! Grrr...if this get's out, I swear you're dead.

Stupid?I know. Not my fault if I "fell in love" with her. Hey! Don't call it puppy love! Sheesh!That sounds so gay! Grr...you can laugh at me all you want but I ain't caring. I thought about this of course. What do you think of me? You think I'll just accept this? Of course not. At first, I'm denying it but now, I guess I finally accepted the fact that I am in love, deeply in love, with her. Yeah...it's mushy don't ya think? I do.

Right now...I finally realized that I can't have her. Why? Because of Ruka. I think she likes her. She always smiles at him. I mean she smiled at everyone but she only smiles at me 'sometimes'. I've accepted the fact that I'll never be loved by Mikan. I really did. But don't you think that it hurts? You don't? Oh heck! What can I expect from a diary. Of course you don't feel anything. sigh

Ruka told me one time that I'm a very good looking guy and I can have any girl I like but I just snorted. Now. I realized that maybe he's right but how sardonic is it that the one girl you loved and wanted loves someone else...



I loveher at the same time I hate her


She made me fall in love with her and she doesn't even notice.

I want to tell her but I can't

I'm afraid. Fine! You can mock me all you want and I'm just saying that I'm human and I can't help it if sometimes I'm afraid. You want to know what "Natsume Hyuuga" fears? It's easy really. Rejection. How painful is it to be rejected by someone you love? I don't want to know. It will only add up to the pain I'm currently feeling. Yep! My life is a Drama Show. Heck! I'm all messed up now.

Hey. Are you crying? Sheesh! What a baby? Why are you crying? Fine! You don't want to anwer? FINE! Well they say all's well that ends well. I don't believe that crap. Why I said that? I have no Idea.

It's getting late and I'm tired so good night. What? I don't get a "Good night to you too"? Hmph! Fine. Whatever.

The one with the butter knife and your owner,

Huuga Natsume, BLACK CAT


I've prepared your burial so make sure that this doesn't get out. Got that? No? Why you little! You wanna piece of me! flames You'll shut up? Yes? Good.


I know. I know. It's totally freaky. I get it. About his mother, I really dunno about her and I just made that up.

People. No flames please. Get it? Got that? Good. Have a nice day.

Akuma lurks around