Disclaimer: I do not own or claim Sailormoon but I thank the creator who made these wonderful characters.
--Spring 1998: Juuban Park--
"World Shaking!"
"Deep Submerge!"
The youma jumped as it evaded the attacks. Fighting in the rain was not giving a great advantage for the senshi of the sky and the sea. It made them hardly concentrate with all the sounds and falling particles.
"Damn! I missed it!"
"Uranus! It above you!"
"I know", Uranus jumped and hit it with her fist straight to the monster's face. It stumbled down to the ground, however, quickly; it went back to attack's stance with its hand turned into a sword and flied once again, counterattacking. Uranus would attack back but the rain was hardening her movement. As the monster reached her, Neptune appeared before her and received the attack instead of her.
"Neptune! Why you- Bastard!" The blond hold Neptune with one arm while her other arm rose, "WORLD SHAKING!"
The monster caught openly the attack as it squeezed defiantly into the ground, buried. Uranus landed safely with Neptune in her embrace.
"Baka! What are you doing?" She shouted to her partner with worried eyes, "If it wasn't because of the rain, the cut would be deeper enough to kill you!"
"Sorry… It just a… reflex… I think…"
"Neptune… You remember our promise right?" The aqua haired women turned silent, unable to respond, "If something were to happen to either of us, we would not be caught by our emotions to save the other. Whoever-"
"I know, Uranus-"
"You should!" Uranus stood and left Neptune, "You should, Neptune", her transformation disappeared.
"You should know better! The weight and pain of our mission and that is why we need that promise! It was unfair for you to-" the short blond realized she had been shouting to the other woman, followed anger in her tortured heart. The night became silent, only the sound of falling rain and the wetness of their cloth woke them up from reality.
As Haruka turned around to face the sitting figure, and suddenly, a sound could be heard. Within a second, a burst of blood colored the scene and someone fell to the ground.
--Juuban Hospital--
That night, Juuban Hospital was alarmed with a patient who was stabbed and needed surgery right away. The ambulance came and the nurses were running around, brought the rolling bed to car. They moved the patient onto it and brought to the emergency surgery. A friend of the patient who found her friend lay in the rain that night with a pool of blood. She said that she went to buy some drinks for both of them and returned to find her friend in such condition. That was she said. That was Kaioh Michiru told to everybody, and they believed it, so as the police.
"Thank you, Kaioh-san. We will inform you if we find any suspect"
No need to… "Thank you very much for your work"
"We are very sorry for Tenoh-san", the police gave their sympathy to the Aqua haired woman and then left.
Michiru sat on the bench, alone, waiting the door of the Emergency Surgery to open. She looked weary and tired from her tears. She had been crying for hours since the fighting ended. The vision from hours before was still clear on her mind…
As Haruka turned around to face the sitting figure, and suddenly, a sound could be heard. Within a second, a burst of blood colored the scene and someone fell to the ground.
"HARUKA!" Neptune saw her partner with teary eyes who was falling in slow motion with the blood all over her. The monster mounted from the ground, and then it was moving toward Neptune as it was raising its bloody hand-sword, "DEEP SUBMERGE!"
The monster screamed in pain, however, Neptune did not stop attacking. Her heart was in a pain, she was furious, seen her partner, the one she truly loves, wounded. In that moment, the monster destroyed into dust within the angered sea's roar.
"Haruka!" Neptune ran to the fallen woman and bent over as she put her in her embrace, "Haruka! Haruka! Speak to me… Are you ok? Oh my God!"
"Mi-Michi…" Barely to open her eyes, Haruka was coughing and Michiru felt a warm liquid upon her face which was not from the cold rain. It was blood.
"Shh… Don't talk, Haruka… I will call ambulance so don't worry-"
"Michi… Remember our promise right? If I-"
"NO! YOU ARE NOT! Stop it, Haruka! I will not-"
"NO! We must fulfill our mission… We-" Haruka was coughing again ad this time, more blood that she choked.
"Haruka, please… You-"
"Michi… We all know… From the day we chose this way, the day I picked up this pen. An avoidable fate…"
"You will be alright, Haruka… You will, so hang on there!"
Haruka wished that she could but… "Michi… I-I'm sorry… I-I… I…" She could not find any energy to do so. Her word stopped as her hand dropped to the ground lifelessly.
"Haruka? Haruka?" She put her hand on Haruka's face and moved them, slapped them, "HARUKA!"
End of Flashback
Michiru cried again, remembering the event. Then the door suddenly opened, revealing some doctor and nurses who walked beside the rolling bed.
"Are you Tenoh-san's family?" the doctor came to Michiru as he removed his head's cover.
"No… I am her friend… her family is in overseas… Doctor, is she alright?"
"I am sorry, the information is confidential. Except for her family, I can't-"
"Please, tell me! Please… If- If something happen, I… I…" Michiru could not hold her tears. She was too desperate, feeling guilty of what had happened.
The doctor sighed and looked at his report's paper, "She is in coma", the doctor's word craved deep inside the aqua haired woman. "The stabbing on her left chest has wounded her lung however it didn't follow through to her heart which is good news. The operation went well but the cause of the wound is devastating her lungs."
"Will she be alright?"
"I can really say nothing. What we can do now is inserting the chest tube to lessen the pressure in her lungs and she will be carefully monitored" The doctor's words silenced her. Haruka's life in between live and death, and there was nothing she can do. "Is she… someone important to you?"
"Huh?" She didn't expect the doctor to say something to her but his question awoke her from her deep thought.
"No, it just, you care about her that much. I think, Tenoh-san will be able to recover as long as there is someone like you who stands by her side", he smiled to Michiru, "I must leave now".
"Thank you, doctor"
He left, leaving the woman alone in the corridor of the dark hospital.
--30th Century: Crystal Tokyo--
Sailor Pluto stood in front of the gate of time, as always, guarding it. As she looked through the fog of time, she stunned with what she had just saw, "I sense something terrible would happen in the timeline… something unexpected… to happen…"
--Fall 1997: Juuban Hospital--
The sun shined through the transparent window. Michiru sat on the chair beside Haruka's bed. She had been looking after her partner for a month since the accident with lacking in sleep. Haruka's mom was also there but not staying as long as her. Her body was tired but her heart would never let it be. Even the doctor and Haruka's family suggested her to take a rest but she refused. She had been escaping from school and any other activities since that incident, and it made her own family worried.
"Michiru-chan, I think you better go home and rest, you look really tired…"
"I am ok, Tenoh-san"
"How many times I have told you! Call me Megumi"
"Ah, sorry, Megumi-san", they stayed quite for a while before Michiru spoke again, "Megumi-san?"
"I am sorry…"
"Don't worry about it… You already call me, Megumi, don't apologize that much-"
"No… I mean about Haruka… I am sorry that I couldn't take care of her, I-"
"Don't need to… Everything just happened, we can't change what has happened even we wish to"
"But, because of me, she-"
"No, she is not… Think about it, I bet when she woke up, she wouldn't say that… right?"
Michiru stayed quite again. Even what Megumi said was true but she just could not forgive herself. "I… I will go to toilet for a while…"
Before Michiru reached the door, Megumi called her, "Michiru-chan, I am glad Haruka met you"
Without words, she just went out and ran away from the room. She cried as she was running.
Doctor: "No, it just, you care about her that much. I think, Tenoh-san will be able to recover as long as there is someone like you who stands by her side", he smiled to Michiru
Megumi-san: "Michiru-chan, I am glad Haruka met you"
End of Flashback
'No! It was because of me that Haruka is hurted. Because of me, she is fighting the monster. Because of me, she is choosing this path as a senshi'. Then, she ended up on the ceiling of the hospital. She could feel the breeze of the wind. She missed them as it reminded her of her partner. Haruka…
"Nice breeze…"
Michiru turned back and saw a woman in long dark-green haired woman. She had a dark skin and bright red eyes. Somehow, Michiru felt she had met this woman before… "Yeah, it is"
"Why are you crying?"
"You look sad; there must be something happen… Is it one of you friend?"
"I said NOTHING! What do you know?!"
"I know… I-"
"NO! You don't! Because of me she is in the path than she shouldn't be! And now, she ends in coma for a month! I shouldn't come to her even I know that she is the one… she should be living in normal life! I love her and I don't want her to be in pain… I wish that she never become a senshi!"
"Is that what you wish?"
"Then you will have it"
"In truth, at this moment, you will jump from this ceiling and dead because of you regretted of being the one who made Uranus in this state and your death will cause changing in the future of Crystal Tokyo. I will not let this to happen so I interfere with the timeline a bit."
"What are you talking about? How do you know about Uranus?"
"There is no time to talk", then the wind blew robustly and the woman clothes changed into a senshi uniform with a long rod with shape of key on her hand, "O, all mighty Chronos, give me the power change the time!"
The wind started to blew even harder as if there was a typhoon. Michiru struggled to open her eyes, to see what happen. "Who are you?"
"When the time comes, you will know the answer" then everything went black.
"Michiru!" A girl with a dark skin with short reddish-brown hair was yelling at her friend. Both of them wore the same sailor uniform in white and light blue combination.
"Ah? Sorry, what?"
"Where you drifting off, huh? Anyway, you will come to the competition right?"
"Of course, Elsa, I promised to support you, right because I can't make it last time"
"Right! Because I am going to be the winner! I am going to beat Japan's middle school number one runner"
Michiru giggled, "Ok, you sure have confident. Who is this 'Number One' anyway?"
"Her name is Tenoh Haruka"
Author's note:
Hai! Hope you like this one… If there are some grammatical errors, please forgive me. Huahahahaha… Please review (give some of your thought)!