Summary: Kira a Doctor at an Asylum for the suicidaly insane has just begun to realize that his feelings towards Athrun Zala may go far beyond the doctor patient relationship.

Parings: Kira/Athrun, Murrue/Mwu

Ages: Kira 26, Athrun 25, Mwu 34, Murrue 33

Warnings: Yaoi! So if you do not like man/man please discontinue reading this, also suicidal thoughts!

The Doctor Patient Relationship:

:----:Chapter Five: A Lunch Date:----:

Athrun woke up yawning as the sun poured through the window. He couldn't believe that what happened yesterday was really true. Athrun Zala…or Alex Dino as he was now to be known had a grin from ear to ear plastered on his face as he opened the door to his bedroom and walked towards the kitchen. He saw that a cup of coffee was waiting for him, so he of course took it and drank it, surprised it was still hot. "So you're finally up?" asked Kira as he startled Athrun who almost spilt the coffee all down his clothes. "Well once you get cleaned up we're going to the mall" Athrun just gave Kira a quizzical look as Kira shrugged. "My sister wanted us to meet her there for lunch, she's bringing one of her co-workers or something" Athrun could only nod as he headed off towards the shower. Kira just opened up the paper when his cell phone went off, so of course, like normal, he answered it. "Hello, Dr. Yamato speaking"

"Oh hey kid," said Mwu as Kira turned the page of the paper. "I was just wondering what you were up too, and how is Ath…I uhhhh mean Alex doing" Kira couldn't help but smile and turned in his chair to face the bathroom.

"Alex is doing fine," said Kira as he heard Mwu sigh in relief on the other side. "I have faith in him Mwu, try to trust me ok?" Kira smirked as he heard Mwu chuckle on the other side of the line.

"Sorry kid, just finding it funny that your plan is actually working," said Mwu.

"Sorry Mwu got to go, someone's on the other line, talk to you soon," said Kira hanging up on the doctor. No one was really on the other line, but frankly Kira didn't feel like talking. As Kira began to feel guilty about faking Mwu out, it was like fate as Athrun walked out of the shower looking pretty great if Kira did say so himself. Athrun began to blush a little noticing his doctors gaze upon him. "Ummm Kira?" asked Athrun snapping the doctor from his trance like state. "I'm ready to go when you are…"

"Oh…Uhhhh yeah, let's go," Kira replied grabbing his keys. It only took under five minutes when finally Alex Dino, or Athrun Zala was going out into public again. He hadn't seen a store, let alone a mall in 12 years so it wasn't his fault that he was scoping out the world like a kid who had just entered the biggest candy store ever. Seeing how happy Athrun was made Kira smile both on the inside and the outside. Why was it that the happiness of this man was so important to the doctor? Well that was obvious, ever since Kira had stumbled upon the Kaguya Asylum For the Mentally Unstable he knew his feelings for the blue haired man beside him were unethical, both because he was the doctor and doctor patient relationships were forbidden, but also, they were both guys. Kira brushed this from his mind as he began to park his car. In only a few minutes they had finally reached the restaurant where Kira was supposed to meet Cagalli. "Ok Alex, I know it's only been one night, since…well you know 'got here' but my sister is brining her secretary"

"Don't worry Kira," said Athrun who was a little scared but went through with it anyway. As soon as their feet touched the tile floor of the restaurant Kira could here his sister call his name. so the brunette doctor grabbed his blue haired patient pulling him through the hoards of people until they reached Cagalli. Kira's jaw soon hit the floor as he noticed just who was Cagalli's new secretary.

"Hello Kira Yamato," said Flay Allster former girlfriend to our favorite psychiatrist. Kira just replied with a whispered 'hi' pulling Athrun next to him in the booth.

"Alex this is Flay Allster," said Cagalli as Athrun shook Flay's hand getting himself an evil glare from the red head. Athrun pulled his hand away as if he had been burned by her touch and turned his head hoping to not make eye contact with her for the rest of this lunch.

"If you'll excuse us, me and Cagalli need to talk," said Kira grabbing his sister's wrist and pulling her to the other side of the restaurant. "Why is she here Cagalli?" asked Kira with a stern voice.

"Calm down, she just wanted to see you, and besides she is my secretary," Cagalli cried back. "Besides what happened to you two in the past, is well…in the past"

"You know how I feel about her," cried Kira every few seconds turning to view his patient and ex fiancé hoping Athrun was doing ok. "Besides don't you think you put Alex in a bad position?" He said as Cagalli sighed.

"There you go again," she replied crossing her arms over her chest. "You always brush your problems off on someone else"

"You know what Cagalli, you're really starting to piss…me…off," said Kira. However as this was going on Flay and Athrun were having difficulties of their own.

"So what's your relationship to Kira…ummm Alex?" asked Flay, her voice filled with false happiness, which Athrun noticed straight away.

"We're old friends," replied Athrun, surprised at how strong his voice sounded. Flay looked towards Kira to make sure he wasn't watching them as she glared at a surprised Athrun.

"Stay away from Kira," said Flay, this time her voice was filled with jealousy. "He's mine not yours" Athrun was taken a back, what exactly was up with this chick? "And if you don't listen to me, I will make your life miserable!"

"Me and Kira are just friends," Athrun tried to tell her, but he turned his gaze to the ground, however he looked up sharply was Flay began to laugh.

"I knew it," she said. "Kira dumps me for a guy…Did you know that me and that bastard were once engaged, but then now that I think about it who would want to get back together with that faggot…"


Flay placed a and on her face that had a temporary mark of a hand, a hand matching that if Athrun Zala. "Don't EVER talk about Kira like that, 'cause I promise I will make your life miserable…" Athrun growled as Flay shut her mouth.

"Ok we're back," said Kira noticing the awkward silence between Athrun and Flay. "Is everything ok here?" Flay got an evil idea as she smirked and fake tears began to fall from her eyes.

"K-Kira, He s-slapped me," sobbed Flay as Kira's and Cagalli's eyes grew wide. Kira looked dumbfounded at Athrun as Athrun stood from the table.

"She deserved it," whispered Athrun as he began to speed walk away from the restaurant as Kira followed him. Cagalli just sat down and began rubbing her temples.

"Well that was interesting," she said. Kira just walked after Athrun, finally catching up and grabbing his forearm.

"What are you doing?" asked Kira his voice stern. "You know, you only have one chance or else you get put back in a cell. Is that what you really want?" He growled as Athrun shook his head. "Then why did you hit her?" Athrun just mumbled out words that were incoherent to the doctor. "What was that?"

"She was making fun of you, saying you were a faggot and what was I supposed to do, sit there and watch her insult the only person in the world I lo-…Well I just wasn't going to let her talk about you like that!" Kira just smirked and got closer to Athrun.

"What were you going to say Athrun?" he asked as Athrun blushed like and turned away. "You were about to say 'I love you' weren't you?"

"I…well…I," stuttered Athrun as he backed up as far as he could, hitting the wall behind him. What was going on here, here he was a twenty five year old man blushing like a fifteen year old schoolgirl.

"If it makes the situation any more convenient," said Kira closing any space they had left between them. "I love you too" Said Kira pressing his lips to Athrun's.


A/N: Ok First off –dodges all those mad fans- Im sooo very sorry for not updating, but I did have a super long chapter which ended up getting erased, and then I was frankly to lazy to update. But please still review, and all Flames will be used to roast marshmallows on this cold and rainy day.