Notes: Okay. I still don't own CSI, But I'll be sure to tell you if I ever do.
Sorry that it took awhile to update.
Chapter Two
Grissom's eyes were kind and thoughtful as he beckoned Sara to a chair directly beside his. Turning towards her, he smiled cheerfully. "What's on your mind, Sara?"
She looked up, thinking. "Griss.. Where are we going with this? We can't keep this up forever."
"What do you mean?" Asked Grissom, pursing his lips.
"You know what I mean. You heard Nick's comment. He's onto us, and I have no doubts that Catherine is too far behind him. Actually, it wouldn't surprise me at all if Greg kept a journal on my dates and sexual escapades."
Grissom chuckled inwardly, "Your sexual escapades?" Sara shot him a joking glare. "Look, what makes you think they'll find out? They haven't for the past few months."
"And that's the problem! Now I'm paranoid that everyone knows, and they're just not telling us."
"Unless you've told someone, I think we're safe. Right now we're the are-they-or-aren't-they couple."
"Griss, where are we right now?"
Bewildered, he answered, "Uh, my office?"
"Which is in..?"
"The crime lab?"
"Now we're getting somewhere. Who works in the crime lab?"
"Exactly! Don't you think someone's bound to piece it all together? The "work-related" phone calls that take place whenever one of us is on break, the quick glances in the hall, the late night experiments? We're surrounded by some of the best trained people in the country. If someone doesn't notice, I don't have much faith in the lab anymore." Sara laughed.
Grissom returned her laugh, and sighed. "I suppose we have to tell the team before they.. Well, before they decide to tell people. And if we keep denying our relationship.. You know that whoever finds out will either be hurt we didn't tell them, tell everyone they see, want to kill me over it, or do all of the above."
"Let me guess- Cath, Warrick, Nick, and Greggo?"
Grissom replied with a smirk. "I want to be able to openly be together with you too; it's a mutual feeling, believe me. I mean, I'm sure I could deal with any superiors that question the ethics of a supervisor/employee relationship. They wouldn't fire us over something like that, we're valued members of the lab. But when? Breakfast at the diner is.. Somewhat informal. While at work would be disastrous, and I don't want to start thinking about the results of me calling a meeting in my own home for something like this."
Pondering their options, Sara came up with an answer. "The New Years' Gala."