I do not own, and probably never will own SEGA, or any characters that they make. This is purely for the fun and love of writing for the enjoyment of my readers, and, above all,those who are nice enough to review. Thank you for reading.
This Chapter is clean, but this story may go in to bounds, and cross ceartain lines that you may not wish to. Some material WILL offend some viewers/readers. Read at your own risk. This warning is for all viewers and is recomended that you DO NOT link past this Warning page.
Is It Just Business?
It was rainy this morning. I was just getting up from my sleep, but even in my dreams, I do not stop working. I am nothing more than a tool, I had to face that and I did. A mere puppet that the military controls, pulling me by my puppet strings, forcing me to kill off whomever they did not approve of. Yeah, I am a hit man. I wish I could say that I am safe in my dreams, but I'm not. I stretched out as I sat up, my spines were messy, much like they always are. People run from me, they know the end is near by my spines; the red screams blood and the black beckons death. I, myself, am too scared to look in the mirror at times.
I turned my feet off the edge of the bed and looked out of my window to the rainy day I heard earlier. Drizzle, that was all to be heard in the diminutive apartment, nothing more. I got up quickly, standing straight up. I walked over to the bathroom, which was surprisingly large for the petite apartment. I turned on the sink and brushed my teeth. It was not very exciting, just another chore for the day.
I felt cold as I looked up into my own clouded red eyes. I looked like death. Hell I had his job so I might as well. I took a quick shower and came back out soaked, my fur, dripping wet. The white truffle on my chest usually fluffed out but now clung tightly against my chest. I walked into my apartment now that I was dry.
I never turned on any of the lights. I never really needed them and the light hurt my eyes, because I worked in the dark, lived in the dark, was the dark. I am the reason kids sleep with the lights on, with the doors open a crack. I am all of the threats of the night. I do not sleep for days, sometimes weeks. I work too hard, I work too long, I am too good at what I do. I should be dead, but I am not though I beckon death with every fiber of my being. He taunts me and refuses to come, and sometimes, I hear the wind whisper, "Hang on a little longer, it is worth the wait."
And so I do. I wait, I keep waiting, I cannot stand waiting.
I walked out of my apartment. My hand moved to turn off lights that were never on. A coat hung in my hand, though I was wearing no other clothes. I am thin and my face looks as if I have not eaten for days. This is a good thing, because I do not appear threatening, until after you are dead.
The office I work at is a secret. Ironically enough, it is the largest building in the city and is next to the courthouse. But it is a secret because, no one ever enters or leaves the building, at least, not what from the people can see. I went into the subway but instead of taking the main car, I took a left and headed for the elite car. It was a phony, because halfway through the next destination, it would disconnect and go into a hole that led under The Firm.
I sat down, and all of my coworkers moved away from me. It was around this time I noticed an unfamiliar face, some blue kid. He looked to be the age I am, or rather, the age I was created at. Being perpetually the same age is an advantage, but you can never seem to fit in very well. The kid came and sat beside me, obviously happy to see an empty seat. He sat down and smiled at me. He was a hedgehog all right, and had a laptop on his pile of books, which he was holding. His spines were messy but not as much as mine. His smile was kind of cute. Wait, did I just . . . no, I must still be tired from that 3-week mission on Tesarugo.
"Hello there." His voice was cool, collected, confident. His eyes were an emerald green , and he was not wearing any clothes either. He must have gotten special permission to do so, but that would only mean that . . .
"What do you want?" I replied, wanting to know.
"Well," He began, a bit timid, "I wished to ask if you knew the person I would be working with."
"What is his name?" I replied, feeling my stomach churn at the most likely answer.
"Oh,well...um, I heard that I was going to be working as an assassin, an apprentice to . . . " His voice trailed off, but I knew why. He started digging through papers, searching for something.
"Shadow?" I asked him, praying he would say no.
"Oh, well yes . . . but how do you know?" he replied to me. He was holding up an assignment paper.
"I figured they would do this to me, " I whispered to myself, holding my head.
"Are you okay, you look like you have taken something . . . illegal, can I offer you an aspirin?" The hedgehog held out a bottle from his pocket. I just looked at the kid, staring him up and down. Why would they do this to me? The last time I had a partner he died just trying to keep up with me. Maybe they thought that another hedgehog could do better. I took the bottle and poured out two of its contents. I threw them in my mouth and swallowed.
"Thank you."
"You're welcome," he replied, almost too happy.
"By the way, I'm Shadow, and you are . . . ?" I asked him, not looking up.
"Oh, really? I was expecting someone stronger.," he replied.
"They always do . . . "
"Anyway, my name is Sonic," he stuck out his hand kindly, apparently not hearing my semi-sarcastic response. I could not believe myself as I stuck out my hand and shook his hand. It was at this moment that the bus came to a stop and everyone in the elite car got off.
I assisted Sonic in carrying everything up to what was now our office. "Now, I will take the time to explain a few things," I began to Sonic after setting things in my office. "First, where do you live?"
"In an apartment downtown . . . " he replied, being cut off by me.
"Sell the place. My boss is going to force you to move in with me. Second, anything I tell you to do on any mission, you do, unless the man across the hall tells you otherwise. We are going to be required to do everything together, with only a few minor exceptions. Those are the rules he will give you, and here is my only one, do not go through my things." He could only hear the menacing tone underlining everything I said.
"Um, I do not think that will be a problem." He shivered a bit when he responded.
"Good let's go." I got up and went across the hall, and he followed. After being in there for about two hours, hearing a longer more legalized version of what I told him, he signed business contracts and we left. I started to head to the elevator and he asked, "Where are we going?"
"Right you are new to this. You see this?" I asked to him while holding up the contract he just signed.
"Good then read every third letter." He read it out loud saying, skipping every to read only certain letters."Go to Central Hall. Your target is Mojha Taro. He will arrive at three thirty."
"That is why he gave me the contract, everything he gives me is a mission." He then ran back to my office and grabbed his laptop and came back, and to be honest, he moved fast enough that I did not notice. I laughed quietly to myself after seeing his backpack suddenly appear and his laptop disappear.
"Maybe, you won't be so bad after all."