Disclaimer- I do not own Kingdom Hearts,nor any of it's characters.

Warning- Yaoi content on the loose!And stupidity...VERY RANDOM!

I was bored out of my mind...So I decided to make dis thingy-mababer..Hope you like!

Welcome...to the mind of RIKU!Do do dooo doooo!DUMMM!




"Whats a condom?"

"...Well,Sora...It's a thingy for your dangly!"


"...But Remember,Sora...We don't haft to use 'those' things...Were gay for each other."

"Ya!Friends forever!"

Goh...he doesn't know anything...

I can't even believe he'd ask me a condom question...Kairi owes me 10 bucks for that one...


I wonder is Mickey ever gets it on with Minnie...

Hot mice sex...


I wish Kairi's head can blow off like in that movie me and Sora watched...

We didn't get to watch much since we had a make-out session on the couch...

A hot one...

With tongs and shit...


"Kairi sucks...like...balls..."

"She is such a wore with that mini-skit on..."

"But I can't complain..."

"ummm,Riku?...What are you talking about?"

"Be quiet,Sora!"

"But I'm Kairi..."


Yesterday...I say Tidus writing an e-mail to Wakka...

It said...'C'mon...You know you want it,baby...Don't fight the urge...in your pants...COME TO ME!'

I was all like...WTF?


Wakka in a bikini.


I should teach Sora the meaning of kinky...

Like...sex toys...that type of kinky...?

I could like...make him all kinkyfied...or...tied up...or...hand-cuffed...?


"I need to bang something...like Sora..."


"Kairi...Shut the fuck up!"

"I'm Sora..."



Selphie is annoying...She says if she were a man...she'd have a hard-on for me...

Again...I was all like...WTF?


Me,Sora and Kairi were playing 'Truth-Or-Dare' the other day...

That damn Kairi made me and Sora sing 'Rape Me' by 'Nirvana'...while shaking are butts

"Rape me...Rape me my friend...Rape me...Rape me again..."

Then I got to kiss Sora...

Kairi doesn't know were gay yet...

He's such a dumb red-head...


Sora asked me to let him ride the up-and-down in-and-out thing again...

"Sora...not in public..."



So I gave him 50 cents to ride on the pony...


"Do you ever wonder what happened to me...While I was lost in the darkness?"

"I could tell you..."

"Ohhhh!Tell me Riku!Tell me!"

"Ok...But you haft to do that thing with your keyblade again!"

"What are you talking about?...I'm Leon..."

"Fuck...Now it's the name game..."


How did Leon get on our island...

No one knows...

Like when Kairi might get gang raped again...Nobody knows...


"Haha...I was blind and you weren't!"

"Your a dumbass..."

"No!Your just jealous of my angsty-ness!"


"Ha...Thats what I though...Now...Sleep with me!"


"Hahahaha,good Tidus..."


Sora's hott when he's in a swim-suit...

He's even hotter when he's naked...

Naked and wet...

Oh great...now I have a hard-on...

"Sora come here!Come play that thouching game again!"


Ok! I hope you enjoyed the weirdness.Sorry if it was short...But I just want to see how it goes with the people...so...Give ratings!