His mother and Mrs. Potter were in the kitchen making something that didn't seem all that great and he grimaced when he made the mistake of peeking into the boiling pot on the stove. He sat down at the table and propped his head up on his hand.
"Are finished settling in, Sykes?" Mrs. Potter asked him smiling. He rolled his eyes and shrugged his shoulders. He was determined to fight his mother's decision as long as possible.
"Come on, Sykes. Cheer up, please." his mother said looking over at him with a slighly glare in her eyes. He rolled his eyes again and leaned back in the chair.
"Do you like quidditch, Sykes?" Mrs. Potter asked trying to lighten the mood. He shrugged his shoulders again.
"He loves it. He's one of the top players at Drumstrung, aren't you?" his mother answered for him.
"I guess." he mumbled almost to soft for them to hear. There was an awkward silence for a little while until the twins came through the back door.
"What's your dog's name?" the boy asked Sykes. Suddenly he remembered about Bruno.
"Oh Shit!" he yelped standing up and running out of the house.
"Bartlebie Sykes Granger!" Hermione yelled, suddenly horrified by her son's obscene language; she was ignored.
"Don't worry, Hermione. Every child slips up every now and then." Ginny told her. She nodded and returned back to chopping the vegetables.
Sykes bolted toward the car where his dog laid under the car trying to stay out of the heat. The animal lifted its head at the approach of its master.
"I'm sorry, boy. You must be so hungry and thirsty. Come on." Sykes said kneeling down and patting the large dog on the head. Bruno tried to lick his face and then he followed after his master like the good dog he was.
"He come inside if you like, Sykes." Mrs. Potter called through the window. Sykes nodded and almost smiled. She just went up a few notches on his approvel scale. He opened the door and led his dog into the house by his collar.
I know this chapter is short. But this was all I could think of. I decided to continue the stories with the most reviews.