Disclaimer: Do I really have to repeat this? I, personally, find repetition quite boring, which would be why I would NEVER dream of owning any of this (except for the idea, of course!).
Remus opened his eyes, slightly resembling an owl, only to find his friend Sirius Black leaning over him with a goofy grin on his face.
"Aaahhh!" he cried, immediately tumbling off his bed.
"Sshh, Moony. We don't want to wake Wormtail up. C'mon, let's go."
Without another word, Sirius pulled Remus to his feet and dragged him to the famed Hogwarts kitchens.
"Why are we coming here? Sane people are usually asleep at two in the morning, Padfoot!" Remus exclaimed, mourning over his loss of sleep. "Of course, with your mentality, you would be an exception," he mumbled under his breath.
Sirius replied with a simple, "Because I wanna see if Prongs is here."
Remus, now fully awake, stared at Sirius, clearly at a loss for words.
They had finally arrived at the entrance to the kitchens, and without hesitation, Sirius tickled the pear, thus gaining both him and his werewolf friend entry into the rather reclusive place. As always, Sirius immediately sat himself down and began gulping down substantial amounts of food, causing Remus to wonder about his stomach capacity.
"Remus, man, you don't want to be caught staring at me like that. People can get the wrong idea, you know?" Sirius told his friend, winking suggestively.
In response, Remus cast him an aghast look while smacking him upside the head.
"You maniac! Shut up! Is James somewhere in here?"
As if on cue, James and Lily suddenly appeared round the corner, locked in what looked to be a very passionate and fiery… embrace.
Sirius and Remus stared at the couple, before dropping the half-eaten cupcake (in Sirius's case) and hightailing it out of the kitchens. Once they reached the Gryffindor common room, they bid each other goodnight and lay in their beds for several minutes, too horrified at what they had seen to discuss it.
As they thought back to the earlier scene, Remus could only sigh in relief that what he had seen was solely James and Lily's rather emotional display of affections, and nothing more. Sirius, on the other hand, was rather glad that he had managed to shove some cupcakes into his many pockets when Remus wasn't looking. Now, he was surely going to have sweet dreams!
Guys, that was a one-shot. It'd be nice if you reviewed all the same, though…