Disclaimer: All characters, places and objects belong to Tamora Pierce. Everything else is mine!

Chapter 10

Ilane of Mindelan smiled down the long table at her family. Baron Piers sat at the other end of the table, and in between sat all their children but their youngest, Keladry. It was the midday meal of Midwinter's End and everyone was enjoying themselves. The three eldest, Anders, Inness and Adelia were all married with children.

Anders and his wife, Lady Coralie, had two children. They were Lachran, who was home from the palace training as a fourth-year page, and Jascanna, who was ten and commonly known as Jascy. Inness had three daughters in ten-year-old Lyrah, seven-year-old Myrindah and three-year-old Natasia. Adelia had a baby boy, Aydren. Conal and Oranie were both betrothed and awaiting marriages in the coming months.

'If only Keladry was here,' thought Ilane 'Then my entire family would be here for Midwinter's End.' Her thoughts were interrupted by the appearance of a family maid by her side. With a nod from her, the maid proceeded to give her a letter addressed to the family. 'It arrived not five minutes ago, my Lady.'

Ilane turned the letter over to see a familiar seal. A grey owl over two crossed glaives, with a double or distaff border. It was the seal of the Lady Knight, Keladry of Mindelan.

With a smile Ilane called for hush at the lively table, broke the seal and began to read out the letter, dated Freya's Day, just four days earlier.

Dearest Family,

I have been given two weeks leave and will leave Corus for Mindelan tomorrow. We should be there in three days. Yesterday night Lord Raoul of Goldenlake and Malorie's Peak, Knight Commander of The King's Own, announced his retirement. He announced me as his joint successor, to take up the post in the New Year. Also, the King has awarded me a belated purse for my Scanran soujourn last year and also the Yamani Imperial order in the Emperor's stead. I would like to give the money to Jascanna so that she may have plenty of pretty dresses at the convent next year.

Lady Coralie sniffed and turned to Oranie, sitting next to her. Whispering a little too loudly, she said 'I don't care how many purses or accolades that girl gets, I stand by what I said when she was just ten years old. Keladry is built along the lines of a cow. She might bring gold home, but she will never bring home a man.'

Ilane coughed delicately, having heard every word, and continued with a small smile on her face.

I hope this is not too short notice for the staff, Mama, but I will be bringing Sergeant Domitan of Masbolle to Mindelan with me.

With love to all,


Lady Knight Commander Keladry of Mindelan and the Yamani Imperial Order

The table erupted.

'Domitan of Masbolle!' Adelia exclaimed as Inness's wife fainted with shock 'Only the most eligible bachelor in court!'

Oranie smiled, happy for her younger sister 'I've heard that all the ladies are after him, and Kel's bringing him home! That's wonderful!'

Lady Coralie just scowled as Ilane informed her 'I think there is a few more years' worth of linens that require mending, Coralie. It seems some people never learn their lessons. You can start after lunch, when Keladry and Domitan of Masbolle arrive.'

Jascanna smiled as she told her Grandmother 'I think it's wonderful, I can't wait to meet Keladry's, uh, friend.'

Jascy turned to her father, Anders, and became very serious. 'But Father, I don't think I can accept Keladry's money, it wouldn't be right.' Jascy took a deep breath, and said carefully. 'You see, with your permission it is my intention to go to the palace next year, not the convent.'

Lady Coralie, Jascanna's mother, followed Inness's wife by fainting with shock. Anders smiled at his daughter, and told her 'As long as you are sure Jascy, then I shall write to the training master tomorrow.'

Jascy smiled and ran around the table to give her father a hug. Then she ran out onto the ramparts, where she spied two horses in the distance. One was a strawberry roan. It was Lady Knight Keladry!

Kel and Dom rode around a bend in the road, and came face to face with the Mindelan castle.

'Home,' grinned Kel, turning in the saddle towards Dom 'Race you to the gates?'

Dom smiled, delighted in Kel's delight. 'I think I might give it a try. But not before I get a good luck kiss first.'

Kel was only too happy to oblige.


Sorry everyone, but I've come to the end of Midwinter Luck. But don't despair! Check out my new story, Jascy. Thanks to everyone who has reviewed over the last few months, you guys are awesome!