Title - Where Do We Go From Here?

Rating - T (at least for now, may eventually move to M).

Spoilers – Not really any that I could really think of. Just set after my own story. So, I guess there would be spoilers for In the Dark No One Can Hear You Scream. If you haven't finished it and don't want to be spoiled, don't read this yet.

Author's Note-This story is a follow up to In the Dark No One Can Hear You Scream. If you haven't read it, you will probably be confused at times in this story. I highly recommend reading it before you begin this one.

This will be different from my other story. It will focus more on the Booth/Brennan relationship and cases will be more of side notes. I hope this doesn't discourage anyone from reading it. It takes place a few days after the ending of the first one. Brennan has been released form the hospital AMA after agreeing to have someone stay with her. Booth and Brennan have arrived back in D.C.

Must add standard disclaimer about not owning the rights to Bones here. However, if you see any characters you don't recognize, it's a good possibility that they're mine and I guess you could say that I own them.


Chapter One

"Booth I can handle the bags myself. I'm not an invalid you know!"

"Bones there is no way I could ever think that. I would probably get my ass kicked if the thought ever did cross my mind."

"You better believe it!" She flashed him a charm smile of her own as she tried to pry the heavy suitcase out of Special Agent Seeley Booth's hands. He was having none of it though.

"The doctors at the hospital specifically said no heavy lifting. They weren't all that thrilled about releasing you so soon in the first place."

"I'll be fine Booth."

"You grab that small duffle over there and bring it inside. I'll get the others."

"That's your bag Booth."

"I know, I'm staying with you while you recover remember? How much damage did that bump on your head cause?" She smacked him on the arm playfully.

"My head is fine. It was just a little bump and a slight concussion."

"Yeah one that caused you to be unconscious for two days."

She gave in taking his smaller bag and marched off to the front door of her apartment, defeated, at least for the moment. As she dropped his bag inside the door, she looked around and appreciated how good it was to be home. Especially after being in the hospital for a few days.

And that was after working an undercover case in South Carolina that almost got her killed. She and Booth had been assigned to go undercover as a newlywed couple on their honeymoon in order to catch a serial killer nicknamed the Night Stalker named after the way his victims were abducted. All had not gone according to plan. It turned out that the killer was actually a high ranking South Carolina FBI agent whom had been under investigation by Internal Affairs. Neither Brennan nor booth knew anything about that when they had taken the case. She had wound up abducted and then nearly raped and killed before Booth had rescued her. Just in time she thought to herself. Her protector had come through once again. If Booth hadn't been there, she would most likely be dead now. She shuddered at the memory.

Booth stood in the doorway with a few of Brennan's heavier suitcases in tow. He watched as she stood there motionless, her back to him. Then he saw her shudder. As he set the bags down, he saw her body stiffen up in fear.

He immediately went to her and wrapped his arms around her waist. "It's okay" he whispered soothingly into her ear. "Just me."

She hated that she was still jumpy after what had happened. The doctors at the hospital had tried to tell her about post traumatic stress disorder and that there was possibility that she had it. She didn't believe them of course. That was psychology and she definitely did not buy into that. Temperance tried to dismiss the thought as Booth began to nuzzle her neck. He was a nice distraction from the heavier thoughts on her mind. She brought her hand up and ran it through his hair.

She still couldn't believe that her and Booth were a couple now. Temperance guessed that it was all the emotions running high on the case and their close proximity that had finally brought them together. Angela had always said it was bound to happen one day, Brennan just had never really believed her.

"Come on, admit it. Won't it be kinda fun to be roomies still?" She turned around in his arms, facing him. Then leaned in and gave him a slow, sensual kiss.

"I guess there could be some benefits to that" she said after breaking off the kiss. Booth smiled at her and kissed her again. They lingered there for a moment before he broke it off this time.

"Just promise me you won't try and cook." That earned him another smack on the arm from Brennan before he could back away.

"My cooking was not all that bad!"

"Bones, do I need to remind you of the cereal incident? Or what about the time that you almost burned the condo down?"

"That could have happened to anyone! You even said yourself that anyone can cook."

"I was wrong." She took one of the cushions from her couch that she was standing next to and threw it at him. He saw it coming this time and managed to avoid the wrath of Dr. Temperance Brennan.

"I'm going to finish getting the bags. You stay here and for once, listen to what the doctors and myself have to say." He yelled this to her as he began the trip back down to the SUV to get the rest of their belongings.

She gave in defeated again and sat down on her couch. It was definitely going to be interesting living with Booth.

That's all for now! How was the first chapter? It's a little lighter and shorter than some of the next chapters will be as we get more into the story. But, I thought some fluff may be a good way to get things rolling and to catch up and introduce the story to any new readers. Please review and let me know what you thought. Any thoughts or suggestions are welcome.
