Just Playin a Game

Summary: Vince thinks Triple H should up his sex appeal by getting a female valet.

A week later outside the Connecticut Airport

Brazil was nervously standing outside the airport with her luggage in tow. Triple H had called after the plane landed and said he would be picking her up to take her to his place. Brazil was still in shock that she actually got the job, she would never in a million years think she would ever be a star and now it was happening right before her eyes, for the past few days she kept pinching herself to make sure she wasn't dreaming.

Unexpectedly a red Hummer pulled up in front of her, she was floored by how big it was.

"Wow." Was her response, the car was shut off and Triple H stepped out from the driver's side. He was dressed in baggy jeans and a white wife beater.

"Hey Brazil." He greeted upon walking up to her.

"Hi Triple H." She greeted back, he laughed.

"You can just call me Hunter if you want." He said.

"Oh, alright." She said somewhat embarrassed.

"Let me get your bags." Hunter gathered up the five suitcases and took them to the trunk, afterwards they both hopped into his car and were off.

"I can't believe you have a hummer." She said making him laugh once again.

"Is this your first time being in one?" He asked.

"This is my first time seeing one. My friend told me about these kinds of cars, but I've never actually got to see them."

"Well get used to it because you'll be in this car a lot." He said. "So anyway, here's what's going down. I'm taking you back to my house so you can unpack, you'll be staying with me."

"What about Stephanie?"

"She's in another state with the Smackdown! brand. She's staying at our other house."

Brazil's jaw opened slightly. He has more than one house. "Oh, okay then."

"Once you're done we have to head down to the arena so we can go over what you'll be doing, have you memorized your stuff?"

"Yeah, it's all clear in my head."

"Good, that means it'll go by faster. After that, if you want I can introduce you to some of the wrestlers, or you can go back home to get some rest, I know it was a long flight."

"I think I'll take the second option."

He smiled, "Alright."

Sometime later at the arena

"That's perfect." Hunter said with a smile. Brazil dropped the sledgehammer she was holding and bent down to catch her breath.

"Finally." She said. She rose back to her full height and flipped her hair over her shoulder.

Damn she has beautiful hair. "Tired much?" He joked.

"Yeah, running through that crowd is gonna be a workout." She said as the two rolled out of the ring.

"Well we'll worry about that later. But you did good today, I think you're gonna be great on your debut."


"Really." He watched as she smiled big. With that smile she could bring me to my knees in a second.

"Thanks for helping me with this, Hunter."

"No prob."

"So what's on the schedule tomorrow?" She asked.

"Well, we're going down to the gym. So we can get you in good shape." He turned to her and watched as her eyebrows rose. "Uh, I-I mean n-not that you don't look great already."

Brazil giggled. "I'm just messin with you hunter, relax." She said before walking ahead of him to the auditorium.

The Game let out a sigh of relief.

The next day at the gym

Triple H watched from a distance as Brazil was bench pressing a surprising amount of weight for her size. He stared as her chest rose up and down slowly.

"Those are at least 38 Double D's." Hunter thought. After a good 5 minutes brazil set the weight down and sat up, she pulled her hair out of the ponytail and ruffled it a bit. "I can watch her for hours."

"How's your work-out goin?" Brazil asked as she walked up to him.

"Huh, oh, it's goin alright. I'm actually done for today, you wanna go?"

She glanced behind her for a second, "Could we please stay for 15 more minutes, I have to run on the treadmill."

"Uh, sure. Go head." He said. She smiled before jogging over to the tread, as she left John Cena walked up to him.

"How's it goin Hunter?" He said with a smile.

Triple H and John had never been what you would call "close friends". Other than times they would say "hey" when they saw each other or when they would have chats with other friends, they never really hung-out. But because they were technically feuding with each other, it brung them just a tiny bit closer to one another.

"Nothin much, how about you?"

"You know me, everyday I'm hustlin." John replied with a chuckle, the game couldn't help but to chuckle as well. "Yo, who's the hottie with the red hair?" He asked seeing Brazil running on the tread.

"Her name is Brazil Miller." Hunter answered somewhat jealous that john was scooping her out. That's my job.

"Brazil, exotic, I like it. And I really like her." The Champ said, a smirk appearing on his handsome face.

"She's my new valet."

"That's the girl that's gonna be bashing my head in after next week?" John said shocked.

"Yup." Hunter replied. Fortunately

"Lucky bastard." John mumbled under his breath. The Game heard the comment and smiled. "She got a man?"

"Dude we're just starting to get to know each other. I'm not gonna ask her if she's taken." He said. Though if she said no, that would make me ecstatic.

"Fine, I'll see you later." John waved good-bye and walked away. Just as he did, Brazil walked up to him.

"Alright, I'm ready to go." She said.

"But it's only been 6 minutes." He said looking down at his watch.

"I know, but I promised my friend Amber I would call her and my phone is at the house."

"Oh well ok, let's go." Triple H got up from his seat and the two headed towards the door, on the way out they ran into Cena.

"Hey." He greeted placing on his famous smile.

"Hi." Brazil greeted back showing of her beautiful smile.

"What is this wigga up to?" Triple H thought.

Hmm, purple eyes. There's something you don't see everyday. John thought. "I don't believe we've been introduced, I'm John Cena." He extended his hand.

"Brazil Miller, pleasure to meet you." She said.

Oh the pleasures all mine, baby. He looked her up and down, nothing but a tight tank top and shorts covered her curvaceous figure. All mine.

"Okay then." Hunter said breaking up the scene that was becoming way to comfortable. "Now that you two have met, brazil I'm sure your friend is waiting for your call."

"Oh you're right." She glanced at him then turned to John. "Nice meeting you." She quickly walked ahead of the two men.

The Game kept the smile on his face until she was out of ear-shot and sight. He then frowned and turned to john. "Whatever you're thinking about doing, I'd advise you rethink it."

"All is fair in love and war." John said. He walked past him and purposely bumped into his shoulder. Triple H took a deep breath trying to keep his cool. "See you around...Paul."

Hunter glared at the young superstar, Cena shrugged with a smile before heading back into the gym.