A/N: Takes place after the events of the story Bound, in which Miroku and Sango deepen their relationship. Was written as a gift to Druihd because she's one of my favorite fanartists and she did this amazing pic of Miroku tied up to a post that really inspired my playful muse – and because I met her in person at a con and she is so sweet! Apologies for messing with the reality of how ancient Japanese monk's robes were fashioned. I took some creative liberties on that score for expediency in writing.

Links: Bound (NC-17) may be accessed at: http/ Site: http/druihd. Site (for Druihd's pic of the bound up monk): http/alterfano.

Disclaimer: I do not own or profit from these characters. They are the property of R. Takahashi.

Bound – Again

It was late morning when the villager found the group of demon-hunting travelers in search of Naraku. Breathlessly, he told them of a frightening demon terrorizing his village during the dark hours of the night. The victims never uttered a cry of pain but were found reduced to a pile of bones by morning. He begged for the band to help eradicate the beast. The hanyou was nervous about taking time away from their search for Naraku, whereas the houshi saw a new opportunity. The group stood in the middle of the road to discuss their options.

"We don't have time for this," InuYasha said predictably.

"Of course, we must find Naraku," Miroku said reasonably. "But we also have an obligation to assist those in need of our help along the way." He glanced at Sango to see her looking at him with mischief in her eyes. She was thinking along the same lines as he and it warmed his heart. "InuYasha, there is no need for you to bother with this errand, why don't Sango and I take care of this demon tonight? We'll take Kilala and rejoin you in the morning." Sango blushed and looked pleased.

"Fine." InuYasha said, giving Miroku an annoyed look and turned away muttering something about him being a 'softie' in need of a warm meal. Miroku didn't need to correct him on this point, as they all knew that a warm meal and a soft bed were more important to Miroku than many things – and tonight it made for a great cover story.

They followed the villager over a hill to a small collection of huts nestled into a valley. The man led them to the village headman who welcomed them. Over a simple but pleasant dinner, the houshi and demonslayer were told that the headman had arranged for two rooms to be available for them at the Inn that night, and an amused look passed between them at this news. When they asked about the demon, many of the women blushed and looked furtively at Miroku. Sango gave him a strange look to which he merely replied with an exaggerated shrug and a very innocent expression. One of the women then crept up to Sango and whispered something in her ear. Sango blushed.

"I think I know how to defeat this demon, houshi-sama," she said. He knew her too well not to hear the amusement in her voice, though she was trying to hide it.

"Would you like to share this information with me, Sango?" He asked, not understanding the women's reluctance to speak out loud.

"Yes, of course." She looked at the women who all blushed the deepest shade of rose. "After our meal, I think. That would be the best time for us to strategize."

Puzzled, Miroku ate the remainder of his meal in silence and watched his bride converse in hushed tones with the village women. They hadn't told the villagers that they were bound to each other, having found that it was easier on Sango if others did not know. The few humans they'd encountered since their marriage suddenly found Sango's strength of personality disconcerting as they did not believe it showed the proper deference to her husband. After discussing it, the four of them had decided that as long as they traveled in pursuit of Naraku, they would simply not mention to the humans they ran across that the slayer and the houshi were bound in marriage. Kagome thought it all very romantic. Miroku thought it was a pain.

After their meal, they were shown to the Inn and into their two rooms. For appearance sake, they each went to their own room. Miroku heard her moving about next door and became intrigued with the sounds of her movements. He explored the worn screen separating them for a hole. Delighted to find one, he peeped through to watch Sango strip out of her kimono, revealing the tight slayer's armor he so loved to watch her fight in. Somehow, she knew what he was up to.

"Enjoying the view, Miroku?" She asked quietly so that outside ears would be less likely to hear her familiar address, which she only used in private.

"Very much, my love," he said in a conspiratorial whisper. "When are you going to let me in on the secret of how to trap this demon? I'd prefer not to spend the whole night demonslaying."

"You have other plans, do you?" Sango was near the screen now and he couldn't see her.

"Yes, love," he let the intent in his voice speak for him rather than add more words to explain the obvious.

"I need to go speak with the women again," he saw her legs come in front of the hole in the screen, watched her knees bend and her body sink to the ground in front of him until he was looking at one of her beautiful dark eyes. "Stay here and I'll come back to tell you what I learn."

"Why can't I come with you?" He was used to being the one in their group to negotiate with their human clients, but they rarely encountered a village where the women seemed to be doing the negotiating. A thought struck him. "Hey! You're not worried about me with the women are you? I told you those habits left the night we were bound." And damn it! I've been good ever since!

Her eye crinkled in a smile and she blinked. "Of course not, dear. I'll explain when I return." Then she was gone and his only company was Kilala curled in the corner, asleep in her room.

Miroku decided to make the best of the situation and explored his simple room for a good spot to meditate, scanning the solid wooden posts and the thin but opaque screens that spanned between them. On the far wall, he found a particularly thick beam that stretched from floor to ceiling, solidly doing its part to hold the building aloft. He patted it and noticed a heavy iron ring buried deep into the wood. Yanking on it to find it held fast, the monk had a flash of a fantasy he'd long harbored, to make use of such a secure anchor to ensure he couldn't escape the beautiful women that would be driving him mad… As his fingers traced the cool metal, he had to admit that that fantasy had never been close to coming true, but now there was Sango… He yanked on the metal again, testing its potential to withstand the strength of a houshi… or a demonslayer. She'll never go for it, he thought wistfully, but enjoyed the thought anyway.

After a few more moments of pleasant daydreaming, Miroku settled himself against the beam to meditate. Demonslaying was harder work than it appeared and he often didn't have the luxury of centering himself thoroughly before a fight. Nor was he often in such a quiet and comfortable place to do it. He removed his outer robe and folded it carefully underneath him, rolling a bit of it to wedge under his rear, tilting his hips into a comfortable position for his back. He settled his legs into the almost-crossed position that suited his meditations best, closed his eyes and began to breathe deeply, calming his mind, emptying it of distraction.

After some time, he was in a blissfully peaceful state when he heard noises in the corridor outside. Having reached the state in his meditation where outside noise was only a disturbance if he allowed it be, he ignored the noises until he recognized the laughter of young women. This sound he allowed in willingly, so enjoying the presence of the female gender – and the sound of laughter – he reminded himself.

His eyes flew open at another sound, the screen to his room being opened. In the doorway he saw three beautiful young women as they bowed politely.

"Houshi-sama," one said quietly, "may we come in to speak with you?"

"Uh-" Miroku felt a little flustered, but not wanting to be rude, he got over it. "Of course." As they stepped over the entrance, entering the room, he felt a little blush spread up his neck. They were truly beautiful. "Tell me please, how I can help you."

"We are afraid of the demon that comes in the night," they bowed again and he couldn't help but notice that they were all wonderfully endowed. "We are glad you are here to slay it and wish to give you good luck and ask for a blessing."

"Why thank you," his flush started to recede until they stepped further into the room, uninvited, and began approaching him with very desirous looks in their eyes. He felt the beam press a little harder against his spine as he unconsciously tried to back away from their advance. "Um. You can give me good luck from there, can't you?" He didn't like the semi-panicked sound in his voice. It didn't fit his image of himself in the presence of women. On the other hand, despite a lifetime of trying, he'd never managed to get such lovely women to approach him with such sultry looks, as these beauties were doing with absolutely no provocation. He began to feel more uncomfortable as they came to kneel by his knees, two bowing to the mat next to his hands resting on his knees and one – the most beautiful one he noticed – bowing directly in front of him, her hair brushing the toes of his foot as it lay in front of his opened hips. The flush in his chest was back and now it was creeping up his cheeks.

It occurred to him that if Sango came in right now, his situation could look really bad.

"Ladies," he cleared his throat, reminding himself that this was all very innocent, so far, an annoying little voice in his head reminded him, "I am in the process of meditating to prepare for slaying the demon. I will give you my blessing and then I must ask you to leave."

"Yes, houshi-sama." The beautiful one in the middle said into the mat. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath to form the prayer he would use for their blessing. He heard a whoosh of fabric and the metallic clank of chains. Opening his eyes just as the women each wrapped a metal band around his wrists, he grunted as the beautiful woman in the middle yanked the chains up, standing over him and pressing herself against his face while he felt the chains secured to the wall on that iron ring.

"What is this about?" his voice was muffled against the fabric of her kimono as her thighs pressed against his face. He yanked his hands and found that the ring was plenty strong to content with the strength of a houshi. She pushed herself off the wall and he could breathe again. The three of them bowed before him again. "Please forgive us, houshi-sama. We must do this to ensure the demon comes tonight."

"What are you talking about?" Miroku's heart was beating loudly in his chest, and it picked up speed as the women all rose to their knees and began undoing the ties on his inner robes. "What are you doing?" His voice was high and reedy. Sango will never believe me now!

"This is the most assured way to lure the demon, houshi-sama," the beautiful one said as she unfastened the last tie which opened his sleeves to fall off his shoulders, exposing his bare chest to the women. They all looked at him with appreciation, their eyes roving his muscled arms and abdomen. He thought he saw desire in their eyes and he closed his eyes tight to ensure he did not look too closely at them and accidentally initiate a responding arousal in himself. This was fulfilling a fantasy of his, after all, and he couldn't be expected to be completely immune to the situation. He felt his blush deepen and then he thought of Sango, which was successful in sending an ice cold shower running through him. Please don't let her see this.

He felt the presence of the women recede and opened an eye to see them bowing by the doorway once again. "Goodbye, houshi-sama," the beautiful one said. "Good luck and thank you for the blessing." They left quietly, the titter of their laughter receding down the hallway.

Now what do I do? If Sango walks in on me like this, I don't know if telling the truth will do me any good.

He heard another sound in the hallway and looked up as the screen began to pull back, hoping for, and dreading, the fact that it might be Sango. It wasn't Sango. At first he was relieved, until he saw that the woman standing in the doorway was ten times more beautiful than the ones who had just left. She was richly dressed – and alone. She did not ask permission to enter the room, but did so. She did not bow, but moved straight to him and knelt before him. He saw hungry eyes roving over his naked torso and felt again the flush of embarrassment – and something more.

"Lady," his voice was a little high again and he made an effort to deepen it, "may I presume that you are the demon who has been tormenting this village?"

"You may only do what I allow you to do." She didn't even bother looking at his face in favor of continuing her visual tour of the ridges and ripples of his skin. Her words sent a little thrill through him even as he tried very hard to ignore it. This was exactly his fantasy – except for the part where the beautiful woman in question was a demon intent on devouring more than my manhood. His eye twitched at the thought and then couldn't help but think, I see that becoming bound to Sango hasn't changed my luck with women. Then he remembered to say a little prayer of thanks that this was the case, but a small sigh of disappointment escaped him anyway.

"I don't take order from demons," he said, trying to think about how he might get on top of this situation, "and my wife may return at any moment." The demon lifted her sparkling turquoise eyes to him finally, and he felt his blood begin to rush, warmth spreading down his body as he began to slip into a spell. Shutting his eyes tightly against her stare, he said, "do you plan to kill me?" There was a long pause, during which he was very tempted to peek.

"Eventually…" her voice was low and suggestive. His heart began to beat hard against his ribcage. Sango! Where are you? At this point he didn't care if she came in and thought whatever she wanted to. The idea of realizing one of his fondest dreams at the hands of a demon who celebrated by eviscerating him was sapping all the potential joy from the situation.

Even with his eyes closed, he felt the demon woman lean in closer to him, her breath softly brushing his neck as her hands, which were very soft he noticed, began to skim over him. He realized that if Sango didn't come rescue him, he was going to have to figure a way out of this himself. He couldn't rely on his ofudas, which were buried in the robes under his butt, or his staff, which was leaning up against the far wall. He might have a chance of sucking her up into his wind tunnel if he could unseal his hand, but the hard metal clamps were wrapped around his beads. And even if he did manage to get his wind tunnel open, he might accidentally suck himself up as well, which wasn't much good either.

Just as he felt the demon woman's hand slide down the ridged cleft in his chest moving further over his stomach, he heard a loud noise and opened both eyes to see Sango standing at the door, hiraikotsu in hand, her face set in a mask of determined anger.

"Sango!" His relief was evident to him and he hoped she could tell. "This is the demon!" She continued to look sternly at the demon woman who had turned to face her.

"He's mine!" The demon snarled.

"No, he's not." Miroku felt a little thrill at the depth of her possessiveness. "He's mine and you touched him! That means you die!"

The demon rose to attack and hiraikotsu swung around, never even leaving Sango's hand, and sliced right through the thing that had moments before been preying on him. It flew into two pieces as it hit the wall on the far side of the room.

"Nice timing," he said as his bride approached, standing over him with that same stern expression on her face. "Uh," he lifted his shackled hands a bit over his head, "you may be wondering why I'm trussed up like this." The blush was back on his cheeks as she squatted down by him, balancing on the toes of her boots, with a hand on his knee. He noticed again how well her tight black armor clung to her every curve.

"Having a good time with the ladies?" She sounded as suspicious as maybe she had a right to be.

"No! They tricked me and intruded during my meditation," he swallowed. "They said they wanted a blessing and then attacked me and bound me up like this." Her eyes were boring into his, looking for some sign of deceit. "It was horrible." She didn't budge so he played his last card. "All I could think of was how I wished they were you."

"Really?" Her voice softened a bit as her eyebrows rose and a playful expression stole over her features. He breathed more easily. "So you like being strung up like this, do you?"

"Well, my arms are getting a little tired," he said truthfully, "but I might be able to ignore them for a while, if I had a good reason." He looked at her with all the excitement he had begun to feel earlier and was pleased to see it mirrored back to him in her eyes.

There was a noise at the door and she stood to greet the women who huddled there, curiously poking their noses into the room.

"The houshi is a little traumatized by the evening's activities," she said to them. Yeah, I'm not used to being bait, he thought to himself. "I need to purify the room. Please stay away until I come to you." There were general sounds of agreement and at least one of them peeped around Sango's shoulder to look at him, bringing another blush to his cheeks.

Sango shut the screen and returned to his side. She stood over him, her hand on her sword, looking down at him thoughtfully.

"What?" he said, beginning to worry a little, "I told you they attacked me. You believe me don't you?"

"Of course I believe you," she smiled at him, but her smile wasn't warm, it had a devious tilt to it. "I put them up to it." His face fell and his jaw dropped. "And I watched through that little hole you found over there just to make sure."

Miroku thought desperately back on the evening trying to remember anything she might have seen that he was going to have to explain. He couldn't think of anything, but the look in her eye made him feel unsure.

"You did very well, husband," she moved her hand to her belt, untying it and moving to hang it, with her sword, on a hook against the wall.

"Good." He said under his breath, relieved.

"I'll let you purify this later," Sango moved to throw a blanket over the demon remains in the corner.

"Later?" Miroku felt a little hopefully. Sango came to stand over him again, her black armor shining in the lamplight.

"Later." She said as she dropped back into the squat to face him.

"How much later?" He asked, hopeful again.

"They didn't give me the key." She said as she reached a finger over to trace the path the demon had found, getting farther than it had gotten. "So I think it will be very late indeed."

"Good," he said breathlessly, as his fantasy began to come true.

The End