Chapter 4:

Ahiru opened her eyes and found herself in a prairie, she smiled at the sun's warmth and laughed giddily as she began to run. She had arms and legs; she was human! Now she could be with her old friends. She heard laughter and turned to see Pique, Lily, Mytho, Rue, and...Fakir!

Energy spread through her as she began to run, but she fell to the ground as she slammed right onto a invisible wall. She got up and tried to walk towards he friends but she couldn't she became frantic at the thought of not being with her friends and Fakir.

She began to bang on the wall with tear threatening to come out of her eyes, 'Why!', "Why!"

She heard a soft chuckled and turned around, but everything behind her was black. She saw nothing. At that moment she felt alone. Alone. She hated being alone, when she was at the pond always waiting for Fakir, not being human and not being able to talk to him.

She heard it again and peered in to the dark, and a white foot stepped out and a young man dressed in white came out smiling at her, with a bit of cynic character to it. "How does it feel, being alone. You were fated for this anyways. Just look out there they don't even remember you."

Ahiru looked at this man with slight horror, how can he say that, "T-That's not true."

The young man smiled, "Really? Well it doesn't matter, everything you know is a lie. How do you know that their friendship with you even existed, you are a duck anyways. Or are you?"

Ahiru stared at the man not knowing what to say, what could she say, he was confusing her.

"What if I told you you had human parents?"

"Y-Your lying! I'm a duck!" Ahiru gasped, that's right she is a duck. She need to live the life of a duck and keep Fakir's promise. She looked at all her friends, 'He doesn't even now how I feel about him.'

She heard the footsteps of the unknown person come closer, and looked at him in fear as she began to run, she didn't want to get caught.

She screamed when he appeared in front of her and placed a finger on her head, "Don't worry it wont hurt, physically anyways."

Faint memories clouded her head, picture of a mother, father and baby. Smile laughing crying, a mothers screams.

Tear poured down Ahiru's face, "Stop! Stop!-"

"Stop!" Ahiru sat up with sweat on her face. She began breathing hard with her dream running through her mind over and over again.

"No way." She places a hand on her mouth, but realizes she has a hand, she gasps and quickly stumbles of the bed.

At the moment the door opens, "Ahiru?"

Ahiru looks up, "Fakir….um hi?"

"What are you doing on the floor get off." Fakir walks over to her and helps her up. Ahiru stand up and looks at Fakir's face, she stares, and slowly places a hand on his face.

Fakir blushes, "Ahiru."

"Fakir!" Ahiru hugs him tightly, "Its really is you." Tears comes out of her eyes and she quickly wipes them.

"Of course its me, stupid." He walks over to the door, "Are you hungry, slept all through the night."

Ahiru blushes in embarrassment when her stomach being to grumbles, "Yes please, for the food." She follows him out the door but pauses and back tracks, she looks at a mirror and stares.

Fakir notices her change of behavior and looks at Ahiru curiously, "Ahiru."

She points, "Is that me?"

Fakir looks at the mirror and looks at her stupidly, "Of course its you, what of -" It was then that he realized that she hadn't seen herself in a while and that he hadn't seen her either….She looked older. Prettier.

She turned to face him and pointed at her chest, and looked at these, they're way bigger than that last time I had a body.

Fakir blushes cherry red and hits her across the head, "Idiot! don't point at those things like that in front of me."

"That hurt." Ahriu begins to rub her head. An images flashes through Ahiru's mind; a picture of a young women with pink hair and a young man with blues eyes.

Ahiru's eyes widen and gasps. She places both of her hand over her mouth.

"Ahiru?" Fakir gives Ahiru a look of concern.

Ahiru looks up a Fakir, and realizes that she worried him, "It's nothing Fakir," She grins at him, "Lets go eat."


Cough…cough…don't hate me…anyhow I didn't think I'd get this many reviews…sorry that is really late, but I hope you like it..