Youichi: Struck by the Dreaded Cupid-o?
launched / by
Dianao5 on the / 30th day of June (WizdomGoddess'
Disclaimer: Gakuen Alice doesn't belong to me. It is owned by the great mangaka Higuchi Tachibane. I own nothing except the plot so steal it and die.
A/N: Almost a month of not updating is bad -- Mianhamnida, everybody! This chapter had been sitting in my hard drive for weeks and I even forgot about it a bit. Ngek. I revised it a little and read through it. It's okay. I think. YOU be the judge! R&R, alright? Alright!
Chapter Tul: One Cool Customer 1명의 평온한 고객
The sun tinted the sky various shades orange and blue, showing of its last colors for the day. Sakura trees swayed and stray cherry blossoms swirled around, mixing with the calm breeze.
Natsume and Mikan were waiting for Youichi under, where else, Natsume's favorite tree.
The cherry blossoms in the air swept past them swiftly, making Mikan close her eyes for a moment. When she opened them, she saw Natsume's hair, entangled with the petals. She released her hair from their pigtails and shook it off.
...and what she didn't know, Natsume was watching her all the while, his breath catching in his throat as he watched her russet locks sway in the wind.
She looks better with her hair down... he found himself thinking.
He was so distracted that he didn't notice her standing right in front of him. He was unable to move as her slender fingers gently brushed away stray cherry blossoms from his dark hair.
"Got it." She whispered, holding a petal between her fingers. She smiled at him and he was about to say something when...
...when Youichi came out of nowhere and started tugging on Natsume's shorts.
Kokoroyomi just happened to be sitting on a bench near the threesome. He smiled, a sparkle in his eye. Natsume caught sight of him and groaned inwardly, guessing that he caught every little thing he was thinking. Youichi noticed this and turned slowly towards Koko-chan.
Err... Koko-chan sweatdropped at his unnerving gaze.
Youichi scowled.
"I'm not telling on you, Natsume!" Koko-chan shouted, smartly dashing away from the scene.
Mikan looked at the two, a confused look on her face. "Huh? What was that all about?" She looked at them curiously but Natsume just shook his head. "It was nothing."
Youichi came over and hugged Mikan's leg. He looked up to her and whimpered, looking adorable, "I want to go to Central Town! Can we? Can we?"
They were about to leave when the little girl passed by, on her way to her dormitory. Mikan brightened up and called the girl over to them. The girl timidly approached and stared at her shoes, looking shy. Mikan knelt down and put a hand on her shoulder. "What's your name?"
She looked up from her shoes and said in a barely audible voice, "Omatsuri Aya."
Mikan grinned and squealed, "Omatsuri Aya! What a cute name! Right, Natsume? You-chan?"
The two boys nodded but didn't offer anything else. Mikan shrugged and turned back to the little girl. "It was nice meeting you, Aya-chan!" she said, cheerfully.
Aya nodded and turned around to walk to her dormitory. Mikan watched her until she was out of sight. She turned to Youichi and smiled. "She's nice, You-chan!" He nodded back, looking solemn.
That's weird... Mikan thought. She shrugged. I guess You-chan is one cool customer.
Central Town
You-chan skipped happily, his head swiveling left to right, in awe at the various performers at the street. He walked between Mikan and Natsume, clutching their hands tightly in his. You-chan's mouth formed an 'o' as he watched a burly man "swallow" torch after torch of fire. He snuck a peek at his 'parents' and saw them staring, spellbound at the show. He slyly let go of their hands and sneakily entwined them with each other.
They responded by holding it tightly, thinking it was still You-chan's hand. He he he…
The show was coming to an end and the crowd cheered and whistled their appreciation as the performers took their last bows.
Mikan cheered along with them but Natsume didn't say anything but it was obvious he enjoyed it. ((smirk, smirk))
Natsume felt something weird in the air and turned to look at his left hand. Mikan did the same with her right.
W-What the #$! were their similar thoughts. They let go quickly, as if scalded by hot water. Mikan turned bright red and Natsume looked away, his bangs hiding his expression.
There's something sinister lurking in the shadows
Snap! Snap! Hotaru had taken pictures of the couple, sneakily. She turned to Ruka and Yuu-chan, dollar, err, rabbit signs dancing in her eyes. (What do rabbit signs look like?)
Yuu-chan laughed nervously at Hotaru's weird aura. He turned to look at Ruka, who was staring at something else, determinedly.
Hmmm? Fascinating.
A/N: So how was it? Like? No like? Then review! Gamsahamnida!