I apologize PROFOUSLY for lack of updates on this one. Errrrk. o-o;

My idea for this fic has sort of turned, but it still remains to mock other over used fics. I won't re-write or delete any chapters because I think some people enjoyed them, even if they were kind of weird.

I've realized that a lot of the 'trends' that sv and I thought of were rather similar, so I'll just use whatever pops up in my head.

THANK YOU for those loyal, non-killing reviewers/readers I still managed to keep. Meep.

(I also realize I've been neglecting Omi and Clay and all that, but this idea was too tempting to resist. Eventually, I promise.)


Chapter Four: Woe is Me

Trend Four: Just think emo, suicidalness, romance, raixkim, angstness, and vague description.

Summary: Rai is depressed can someone namely Kim help him before it's too late?!?!?!!111
Set post-whenraibetraysthetemple because that's where all the angst fics are set, dammit.


He waited until everything was silent before creeping out of his sorry excuse of a room and outside in the conveniently pouring rain.

He was chilled to the bone immediately, the rain seeping through his worn clothes and plastering his brown hair over his brilliant green eyes. The wind was fierce and sharp, cutting his numb cheek. If anything, it made him even more depressed. His own element turned against him. THE WORLD HATED HIM.

He was silent while he stood there, the rain mingling with his salty tears. He didn't know how long he stood there, torturing himself in the cold, dark, haunting, freezing, bitter, sad, depressing, melancholy, grey, gray, black, white, chilling, angstlike weather while he thought about his cold, dark, haunting, freezing, bitter, sad, depressing, melancholy, grey, gray, black, white, chilling, angstlike past.

Shortly after he had rejoined the temple, the others had given him the cold shoulder. Fierce glares, sarcastic comments, mistrust clouding in their non-green eyes. He had put up with ten whole minutes– it was his fault – but enough had been enough. They numbed him down to nothing, and he just needed to feel. Y'know, even though they didn't treat him like that in the show, and the show is canon, dammit.

He needed to feel wanted.

Shivering, he flicked open a penknife from nowhere and rolled his sleeves up. There were a million cuts on his arms which he kept hidden because he didn't want attention even though he had just stated in his mind he wanted attention at the first place. If she had given him some of her attention, maybe he could bear it. He loved her with all his heart yet she only had eyes for his betrayal.

He cut himself even more, blood trickling down his arm but for some reason he kept doing it. Maybe because he's a lunatic.

After a while he stopped, rubbing his thumb across the blade. He had left a note for them, laid on top of his pillow even though they probably wouldn't' even care. The brunette shivered and slowly flipped the blade so that it pointed to his heart. His lonely thudding, emo heart.

Dear Kimiko,

I've decided life is not worth living anymore. Don't blame yourself, but I just wanted to tell you know I loved you with all my pitiful heart. I love you Kimiko so much. Your eyes, your hair, your skin, your nose, your eyelashes, your hair, your teeth, the food in your teeth, that wart on your foot, every blood cell, your dandruff….

I've never felt the same about anyone else before. You are so beautiful. An angel.

Angst… crimson… love… blood…


Would they care if they left? Would they remember his name?


He whipped around, the nick of the blade catching on his clothes. But he only had eyes for her.

She was staring at him wide-eyed, blue eyes caught alight like fire. She was beautiful, as always, with her raven-black hair cascading down her shoulders like that, her slender frame and soulful eyes. So… angelic. His heart pounded against his chest. In her hand was the note he had left her. His ohso poetic note. "Rai, what are you doing?"

"What do you care?" He half yelled. He was sobbing hysterically now. "Just go away and let me commit my suicide in peace."

She was crying now too, and he felt so bad for hurting his one and only even though eh was only like… twelve. Or something. "Rai," she whispered, shaking and dropping his note. "The note was so romantic… why would I not care?"

"You hate me!" he sobbed, trembling. "Even though I loved you with all my heart, and there would be no one other than you, you failed to notice me. You hate me like all the others, after I came back. Do you know why I went to Wuya in the first place?"

Numbly, she shook her head.

"You," he whispered, falling to his knees. "I wanted to impress you so muc-"

She silenced him with a deep kiss, her arms snaking around his neck. He was shocked, and so am I – she hated him like fifteen minutes ago, and now she was making out with him? But he returned the kiss with as much passion, pouring his soul and heart…

When they pulled away they were out of breath. "Rai," she whispered. "I could never hate you. I love you." Y'know, even after all the bad treatment, love still prevails. Ne, so cheesy.

"I love you too," he whispered, repeating himself for the even though he had been declaring/confessing it a while ago. And smiled non-emoly when he kissed her again under the suddenly appearing sun and bright light blue sky even though this is set in night.