I do not own Yugioh or any of it's associated characters, nor do I own Beauty and the Beast in any way. I make no profit from this story.


Once upon a time, on a cold winter's night, an old beggar woman stumbles up to a prince's castle. She desperately begs the prince for shelter, and offers a single red rose in return. Being selfish and heartless, the prince turns the old woman away simply because she is ugly.

She warns him gravely that true beauty is found within the heart, and not in one's appearance. The prince refuses her dire request once more, ignoring her words, and she reveals herself to be a powerfull enchantress. As punishment for his cruelty and heartlessness, she turns the handsome prince into an ugly beast, and unleashes a terrible spell on the castle and it's inhabitants. The servants turned into ordinary household items, while the castle itself wass turned into a dark, forbidding place. Even the angel statues became raging gargoyles carved from stone.

She tells the beast that the only way to break the spell is to learn to love another, and to receive that love, before the last petal of the enchanted rose falls. The delicate flower will slowly wither untill his twenty-first birthday, and if he does not find love by the fall of the last petal, he will remain the Beast...


Please go to the next chapter! I took alot of time on that one, unlike the introduction. The quality of the introduction is not a reflection of that of the rest of the story.

Please review!