I know I should be working on my other fics but this one came out of nowhere and hit me! I swear!

That and I couldn't resist the idea of group participation!

This is the edited version, the unedited version and poll are at my yahoo group site

http/ groups. yahoo. com/ group/ ladywolfTerri/

just take away the spaces!

Disclaimer: I don't own, cause if I did then it wouldn't be safe for kids!..XD



"No way!"

The blonde was steadfast in his decision.

"Come on, Naruto! Give it a try, I mean do you want to die a virgin?"

"Kiba, I'm only 19, hardly about to die a virgin."

The brunette smirked smugly.

"With the way you have been going, it's more than likely."

"So I don't want to jump every girl I see."

"Dude, even the girls I've set you up with, the guaranteed lays, you have so struck out! Just give this idea some thought!"

"No! It sounds like something you watched in one of your screwed up porns!"

One of the group was watching clouds, for all appearances bored of the whole thing while another paid more attention to his bag of potato chips.

"Just give up, Naruto, it's too troublesome and you know Kiba won't stop until you agree."

Blue eyes turned an incredulous look onto the new speaker.

"I am not going to allow myself to be tied down and blindfolded to let some stranger do whatever they want to me!"

And the argument went on, sometimes gathering odd looks, but mostly staying between the friends involved.


Naruto paced his small flat in his boxers, occasionally glancing at his bed as if he expected it to attack him or something.

"Why am I doing this again!"

"Because you realized I'm right and you need to get laid!"

Startled blue eyes turned to the three boys now entering the apartment.

"No, I think I just got tired of fighting about it. So what's in the box, dog breath?"

"Some restraints and such."

Naruto couldn't help but look nervous again.

"So even if I'm not into this person, I can't back out?"

"Dude, you won't even know what they look like, you can imagine it's anyone you want."

He watched his dark haired friend attach the restraints to the four corners of his metal headboard and footboard while another raided his fridge.

"You got anything good to eat?"

His attention was now elsewhere, which was actually a good thing.

"Stay out of my fridge! I can't go shopping for another couple days." The blonde rummaged through a cabinet before producing a bag of chips, handing them over. "Here, you can eat these while here."

"Alright, dude, time to saddle up!"

"Kiba, I don't think this is such a good idea, I mean do you really expect me to trust someone to come into my house and do whatever they want with me?"

"Shika picked 'em."

Blue eyes glanced over at the person who, for all intents and purposes, looked to be asleep on his couch.


"Yeah, I wouldn't lie about that, he shot down all my choices."

It was hesitant, but Naruto climbed onto his bed, covering his midriff with a sheet before pulling off his boxers and laying down, trying not to twitch as the restraints were tightened around his ankles.

"What are these?"

"Special kind of silk rope, won't leave rope burns." He moved up to the wrists, making certain each was very secure. "Also the more you pull the tighter they get, so no escaping from them."

"What! Untie me!"

"No way, dude, it's almost time for your date."

The world went black as a blindfold was placed over startled blue eyes, the tan body tensing up on the bed.

"Don't worry, Naruto, he won't be late and he won't hurt you."

"HE! Shikamaru, what do you mean he!"

"Oh, yeah, did I forget to tell you?" Naruto's head automatically turned towards where he heard Kiba's voice. "We figured since you couldn't get it up with any of the girls, it was time you tried something else."

"So you set me up to be raped by some guy! What the hell!"

"Tsk, so troublesome. Look, Naruto, I picked him, he won't hurt you and if he does anything you don't like, just tell us tomorrow and he will pay, alright?"

The promise did little to mollify the captive on the bed, but then there wasn't much he could say, being tied down and blindfolded.


Time would have seemed to have stopped for the blonde, if he didn't have the clock ticking away the seconds in his kitchen. He had never noticed how loud it was before, but then, presently he had nothing else to do but listen.

His front door opening caused him to jump on the bed, or as much as he could.


There wasn't an answer but he could hear someone slide the bolt into place and remove their shoes.

"Hello? Look, I think this was a really bad idea, so how about untying me and we call it good? Hey, are you there? I know I heard you come in."

Great, so either he had some creepy guy in his place or he was hearing things.

The sheet slowly being pulled from his body told him that the first was the obvious truth and this was really starting to creep him out!

"I told you, this was a bad idea, now stop fooling around and untie me!"

He heard the footsteps retreating and breathed a small sigh of relief, until he heard the mystery person messing with his stereo, a hard beat suddenly pounding from the speakers. That would take care of anyone hearing him scream. This was getting worse by the second, and now with the blaring music he couldn't even follow where the guy was!

Of all the dumb ideas that he had let Kiba goad him into, this took the trophy for the worst!

He jumped, trying to shift away when he felt the other climbing onto his bed, a rather pitiful and useless attempt at escape, which was further hindered by the warm, soft skin of another straddling his hips.


Warm, soft skin… that meant this guy was already naked! And on him!


Kiba was going to die tomorrow, that was all there was to it.

"Umm, hey, I already said this is a no-go…"

Anything else the blonde had to say was cut off by soft lips pressed tightly to his own, a nip granting a tongue access to explore and plunder his mouth.

Naruto was willing to give, this guy kissed damned good! So good in fact that it took little coaxing for his own tongue to join in the dance, eagerly rubbing against the intruder and trying to taste the mystery male as well.

His senses were flooded, the taste was addicting! He had never tasted anything so addicting, not overly sweet but mellow, like an orange with the slightest hint of… a mocha? He guessed that his partner must have been drinking one on the way over.

The musky smell of sandalwood mixed with vanilla was leaving him dizzy, but in a wonderful way.

When his mouth was finally released, it left him gasping for air, and blushing at the stirring he felt in lower regions.

Dog breath would never let him live this down if he was right!

Anymore thoughts that would have been coming were wiped clean as that hot mouth found one of his nipples, sucking and teasing it mercilessly before moving to the next.


His hips bucked up instinctively, pressing his hardening shaft against the fully hard, burning hot one above him, gaining a moan from the mystery man as well as a grind in return.

That hot, moist mouth was exploring him thoroughly, soft hands drifting over tan flesh to leave gooseflesh.


editted for viewer safety... unedited version on my group page.



He felt stupid after saying that, but it seemed to be the only thing his fogged brain could come up with and the soft sound of a deep chuckle was nice on his ears.

Naruto wanted to see, he wanted to know more about the person who just gave him so much pleasure, more than their smell, their taste, the feel of their hands, but it was obvious that his wish wouldn't be granted when the breathing beside his ear evened out.


Loud banging on his door caused Naruto to sit bolt upright in the bed, cursing loudly at the pain that suddenly shot up his back.

"Dude, you still alive?"

"Dog Breath?"

"Hey! See, you lived through it, now please tell me you're not still a virgin."

Cerulean eyes tried for their best glare.

"I think you guys made pretty sure that wasn't going to happen."

"Yes! My boy has become a man!"

Naruto could only shake his head as he watched his friend do a victory dance while Choji once again raided his snack cabinet. It wasn't until his eyes landed on the body stretched on his couch that a thought hit him.



Said person didn't even bother to open his eyes.

"So who was it?"

"Who was what?"

Great, and the lazy genus wanted to play mind games, just what he needed.

"The guy that was here last night, you picked him, right?"

"Oh, I can't tell you."

"What! I had sex with him, I should at least get a name!"

"No, he doesn't want you to know."

Naruto turned pleading eyes on Kiba.

"Don't look at me, man, he wouldn't tell us either."

The blonde was grateful for the two pain killers and glass of water he found on his night stand.

"Well, where did you find him?"

"I didn't find him, he found me."

Now the brunette had the attention of all three males.

"Dude, you didn't tell me he approached you."

"Tch, how troublesome. Yes, after we all split up he approached me, said something about him being the only one with the right to claim Naruto's virginity. All possessive and crap."

Now Naruto looked absolutely shocked.

"Wait, I have some stalker and you handed me over to him like that! I thought you actually had looked for someone!"

"That would have been too troublesome, it all worked out fine so what's the problem?"

"The problem is you handed me over to some loony to do whatever he wanted!"

Dark eyes rolled before closing again.

"He wanted to take your virginity, it seems he did and you had no complaints, so what does it matter if he doesn't want anyone to know who it was?"

Kiba had to join in.

"So, like this guy is some closet gay who has been stalking Blondie? Freaky!"

Naruto fell back on his bed, burying his face with a sigh. He already knew it would be impossible to get said information out of Shikamaru.


The following morning his first class of the day was interrupted by a delivery person, though his college professor wasn't nearly so happy when she found out the rather large and obviously expensive dozen roses were not for her.

The blonde's jaw dropped when he was pointed out, several of the other students giggling when the massive arrangement was placed on his desk.

Reading the card only served to cause his face to become the reddest of colors.

"Thanks for last night, you were as perfect as I knew you would be."

Okay, yeah, he had definitely been screwed senseless by a stalker.

"Mr. Uzumaki, may I continue class now?"

Somehow his blush did manage to grow before he set the flowers beside his desk.

"Y-yes ma'am."


"Wow, Blondie, you must have been one hell of a lay! A crystal vase even."

If his roses hadn't been in the way, a pillow had Kiba's name on it. Well, maybe Naruto could hit him in a minute.

"Too troublesome…"

"Oi, Shikamaru! Are you sure you won't tell me who it was?"

One eye opened to regard the blonde.

"Not going to happen, Naruto."

"But what if I want to see him again?"

Kiba busted up laughing while falling into a chair.

"Damn! Get you screwed once and you're addicted!"

"Stuff it, Dog Breath. Well?"

Slender fingers rubbed at temples, as if trying to stave off a headache.

"Fine, you want to see him again, write a letter and I'll pass it on. Feel like I'm back in high school or something, much too troublesome."


That night Naruto thought carefully about his plan.

Was this really so smart, he wanted to know who his stalker was, but was letting him screw him senseless again really the best way to go about it?

Any sane person would have tried to find out who the stalker was some other way, but then, Naruto isn't any sane person.

It was with a blush that he handed Shikamaru a seal envelope before the lazy boy went to his first class of the day, planning to meet back up at lunch.


"Well, did you deliver it?"

The lanky boy sighed before taking his seat, Kiba and Choji staring curiously between the two.



"So troublesome."

Shikamaru dug a seal envelope out of his pocket, sliding it across the fast food table where Naruto snatched it up, ripping open the envelope to read the letter within.

'My little blonde, I'm glad to hear you enjoyed our time so much and I must confess, I can't wait to explore your body again. Do you have any idea how delightfully you whimper and mewl while I'm inside you? Tonight is fine, same situation as before, tied and blindfolded.'

The three other boys watched as their blonde friend turned an impressive shade of red.

"Kiba, can I borrow your stuff again?"

Said boy choked on his fries.


Please don't forget to review and inspire!.. and remember your vote counts on who the mystery guy is!